Sales Secrets show

Sales Secrets

Summary: Brandon Bornancin is a serial salesperson, entrepreneur, and Founder & CEO of Seamless.AI. Twice a week, Brandon interviews the world’s biggest and brightest business experts including Kevin Harrington, Jordan Belfort, Ryan Serhant, Bob Burg, Jill Konrath, Anthony Iannarino, and many more -- to uncover actionable strategies, tips, and insights that you can use to generate more revenue and accelerate your business. Ready to learn exclusive secrets from top sales, business, and entrepreneurs from around the world? Then Sales Secrets From The Top 1% is the place to find them.

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 #326. Compounding Interest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:15

In today’s Management Secrets of the Sales Secrets Podcast, Brandon explains the importance of knowing about compounding interest, the 8th wonder of the world. If you invest $100,000 and you get a 10% return, it doubles in 8 years' time. It will double again in 7 years and, this time around, it would have taken one year less to do it! By year 25, you've 10x'ed it and made over a million dollars. Have a long-term mindset, make as much as possible, invest the money, and enjoy financial freedom. You can invest in yourself, invest in the tech to make more money, or invest in markets and real estate.

 #325. My Story Of Coping With Loss As An Entrepreneur | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:50

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. Today's topic is about coping with loss of a loved one while juggling the responsibilities of being an entrepreneur. Today's guest shares the difficulties of his mother's Alzheimer's and how he channels this energy as his motivation to do well in business. He faces mortality head-on and goes all out in his ventures, squeezing out every bit of potential, because there are no guarantees about what tomorrow will bring.

 #324. Overcome Paralysis By Analysis In Sales & Marketing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:10

Welcome to another SDR Secrets episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. Paralysis by analysis can kill your growth in sales and marketing. Remember MVP, minimum viable product. In software development, just create the minimum that you can build and go sell it. In sales, minimum sales product or campaign. Figure out what the minimum sales campaign is, the minimum email list to contact, and launch to start driving results. Also, something exciting is coming to Seamless. The Post 30 Challenge is for anyone to post once a day for 30 days straight to grow their network, build long term relationships, and document and share their learnings.

 #323. How To Set Yourself Apart with Learning - Jill Konrath | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:43

This week's President's Club episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast features Jill Konrath. For her, the secret sauce to sales success is constant learning. She talks about how people can forget just how fun it is to learn new things for the first time. Being in constant learning mode also gives you the edge of being more flexible to the changing market, pushing you ahead of everyone else. Getting complacent and putting all your eggs in one basket can wipe you out in short order. In comparison, constantly growing and trying new things all the time makes you desirable to your prospects. They would not only want to work with you, but they would genuinely want to talk with you and know what you think about their own concerns. For starters, it is best to start learning about your customers. These people are the ones with issues that you are supposed to be solving, so knowing who they are, what they really care about, and how you can help them best is good business for you.

 #322. How to Become A Trusted Advisor in Sales - Scott Barker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:41

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In today’s Entrepreneur Secrets, Scott Barker gives his priceless advice on how to become your client's trusted advisor. Selling into marketing requires you to be the VP of marketing's new best friend. You're the new guy buying them their Monday coffee so that you can talk about their pains, challenges, and the things they care about. Meanwhile, selling into sales imagines you talking to your boss asking them about the biggest issue they are going through right now. You should also consume the content that your persona would be consuming, not what you want to consume, and from there make tweaks as you become an expert in these spaces. Immersing yourself in their world allows you to have better conversations with them as you have your sales conversations! Lastly, nice guys finish last is a fallacy. Have integrity with the way you do business and you will be top of mind as the expert in your field.

 #321. Mastering Tonality In Sales - Brandon Bornancin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:35

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In today’s Entrepreneur Secrets, Brandon highlights the significance of your tonality and confidence in closing sales calls. Since connection rates can be so low, when you do finally connect, it is imperative to bring energy and enthusiasm into the call. You must be able to communicate to your potential customers just how your product or service is going to change their lives. Remember that every call you connect to is your next best call. When you bring confidence to the table, you will attract the same positive and energetic vibe from your potential clients.

 #320. How To Find Your Sales Mentor - Sally Duby | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:51

Today's Sales Secrets Podcast brings you Marketing Secrets. In this episode, Sally Duby emphasizes the advantages of having a mentor. She advises others to find someone in your organization who you can ask questions and learn from. In her own rich experience, she even thinks that finding a sales mentor earlier on in her career could have ushered in more successes for her. This is in comparison to spending so much time figuring things out what success even really meant for her. It is preferable to find a mentor within your company and this advice is also applicable to SDRs. She advises those looking for a mentor to start with the highest performers, approach them, and possibly even listen in on their calls and their other routines. Finding an external mentor can also provide extremely good input depending on your stage of growth. Having an outside perspective provides fresh insights on how you can do things even better than how you do today.

 #319. Justin Welsh: 3 Key Factors To Determine A Good Hire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:05

In today’s Management Secrets of the Sales Secrets Podcast, Justin Welsh shares his 3 factors that determine a good hire. In your ideal candidate profile, figure out their personality traits, necessary soft and hard skills, ask them to provide a rating of the importance of these skills. The final grade often indicates if a candidate is indeed a good hire. Hard skills include the sales process to reach quotas and how to schedule a day/week/month/year to reach that goal. Soft skills include handling confrontation and pauses in the buying cycle.

 #318. Clean Your Pipeline To Close More Deals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:59

Welcome to another AE Secrets episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. Today, Brandon shares that at the beginning of every month and every quarter, make sure to build a list of your pipeline and update the close dates. Update the open opp tasks to make sure they have something for you to do and a to-do date. Also, any opportunities with no follow up tasks that you keep pushing, make sure to remove it from your pipeline. The more opportunities that have blown you off in the past remain in your pipeline, the more time you waste and get nothing done.

 #317. The Neuroscience In Sales, Fuel Your Productivity! - Shari Levitin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:01

Welcome to another SDR Secrets episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. Today, Shari Levitin explains that happiness fuels productivity, not the other way around. Happiness and optimism are practices that should be exercised daily. What this provides is scientifically-backed findings for more creativity and increased attraction of others to you because you access your higher brain as opposed to your reptilian brain. When you or your client is in fight or flight mode, essentially in the reptilian brain, there is no creativity. Creating rapport, making your client feel good, moves you through the midbrain so that you may access that creativity and create a meaningful connection.

 #316. Amy Franko - Building Resilience In Sales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:32

This week's President's Club episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast features Amy Franko. Entrepreneurs need to build resilience because the challenges to success are varied and come at unexpected times. This grit, this ability to pick yourself up when things are down is what will keep you moving forward. You know that there are better times in the future and the goal is to keep pushing on, one step at a time, to reach those moments. Busting your patterns is a practical way to achieve agility and therefore resilience. It can be very helpful to have a coach or mentor who will help reveal these patterns to you. For SDRs hit hard by the pandemic, Amy advises to take a long hard look at your pipeline. Examine the deals that are most likely to come in and those are to be delayed. Seeing these for what they are helps to make you creative and to decide which ones to pursue and which ones to drop.

 #315. Viveka Von Rosen- Content Strategy To Drive Sales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:15

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In today’s Entrepreneur Secrets, Viveka Von Rosen focuses on the buyer's journey. Sales professionals need to create their own content or ask for content for each level, awareness, consideration, purchase, and everything in between. The content has to attract the buyer. When the marketing and sales personas are different, companies cannot expect to reap positive results. In fact, 92% of buyers make the purchase because of the content that is consumed from the winning vendor. Content does not need to be created. It can be curated but it has to be shared where the buyers are located. This content must address pain points and show buyers how you solve it.

 #314. Kharisma Moraski - Will Vs. Skill, Empower Underperforming Employees Accountability | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:07

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In today’s Entrepreneur Secrets, Kharisma Moraski shares that focusing on your people and empowering them with the correct blueprints produces amazing results for your company. The blueprints refer to process-driven training like inside sales, quota-carrying teams, or SDR organizations. Leaders should measure how many active leads in sequence they need to be successful on a weekly basis then relay this information to sales teams. This gives them the framework for success, empowers them to achieve it, and gives leaders a pathway for effective coaching. Having a blueprint also separates will and skill issues. Leaders cannot help with will issues, but skill issues can be coached and trained.

 #313. Chelsea Pike - Honesty, Motivation, And Remote Work Life Hacks! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:59

Today's Sales Secrets Podcast brings you Marketing Secrets. In this episode, Chelsea Pike shares that being honest and genuine is her secret to success. People are often looking for a connection and, if they feel that you are being real with them, then they are more likely to follow along. Another secret is to always keep learning. Some of the best ways to improve your skills and knowledge is by learning from peers, training/webinars, and more on-the-job experience. While working from home, the best advice is to keep communicating since working remotely can make you feel isolated. The more you communicate with your teammates, the better your working relationship will be.

 #312. 4 Essentials For Successful Salespeople - Nicole Schaeffer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:32

In today’s Management Secrets of the Sales Secrets Podcast, Nicole Schaeffer follows her four essentials called GPAK: Genuine, Passionate, Actively listening, and Knowledgeable. GPAK helps create meaningful connections between sellers, clients, and teammates and makes you an authority in the product or service that you are selling. Nicole also explains that seeing an opportunity to get better is a moment you should seize every single time. To illustrate, she says that speaking your mind and proposing your ideas will not go unnoticed by management and your peers. Nicole also shares her top tip for working at home. In her experience, finding a dedicated work space to get your mind in the right mode for work helps you focus and be prepared to take on the day.


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