Sales Secrets show

Sales Secrets

Summary: Brandon Bornancin is a serial salesperson, entrepreneur, and Founder & CEO of Seamless.AI. Twice a week, Brandon interviews the world’s biggest and brightest business experts including Kevin Harrington, Jordan Belfort, Ryan Serhant, Bob Burg, Jill Konrath, Anthony Iannarino, and many more -- to uncover actionable strategies, tips, and insights that you can use to generate more revenue and accelerate your business. Ready to learn exclusive secrets from top sales, business, and entrepreneurs from around the world? Then Sales Secrets From The Top 1% is the place to find them.

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 #341. Sales is a Game, Here's How to WIN! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:37

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In today’s Entrepreneur Secrets, embrace being a student of the game. Be obsessed with improving your game in sales discovery, pitching, closing, following up, training, listening, and any other secret you can find from anyone. The goal is to find more deals, pitch them, close them, and grow more customers that are already in your network. Sales is a game and you are the athlete. So think like an athlete, operate like one, and execute like the pro you are too!

 #340. Why Being Doubted is the Most Valuable Resource You May Have! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:48

Today's Sales Secrets Podcast brings you Marketing Secrets. Today, Brandon explains why being doubted is actually the biggest advantage you have in the world. The people who underestimate don't expect anything from you, giving you the perfect opportunity to prove everyone wrong. So take your coaching seriously. You are being given the tools you need to succeed, so it is in your best interest to listen well and apply the lessons you learn. Hard work is essential. Remember, hard work blows talent out of water when talent doesn't work hard.

 #339. The Most Important Prospecting Tool YOU NEED for 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:32

In today’s Management Secrets of the Sales Secrets Podcast, Jesse Vohwinkel, Sales Director at shares the most important prospecting tool you can use today. For 2022, he recommends a tool that can research context in real time. Static databases cannot keep up with the constant changes fast enough, so he recommends using a tool that can provide direct contact information as they change. The tool that can provide this level of insight is none other than Seamless, which does a live search every single time you search!

 #338. The Truth about Luck in Sales & Entrepreneurship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:22

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. Shari Levitin joins today's show to teach how to prevent defaulting to what's easy and simple in sales. She advises to keep in pace with evolving technologies, such as OneMob and LinkedIn. In LinkedIn alone, she got 70% of all their new business simply by being present and posting videos regularly every Monday morning!

 #337. Simple Follow Up Formula, Add Value To Close Deals Faster | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:47

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. Brandon shares a simple formula to follow up successfully. Remember, prospects haven't bought yet because either they don't believe it'll work for them or they're still insecure about something. Ask if they still need more information or what the uncertainty really is and then crush it with that information. Overcoming this means you address the issue and your product will now no longer make this an issue.

 #336. Learn To Listen Before Pitching - Hannah Beadling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:13

On this episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast, Hannah Beadling joins the show to advise others to reach out to someone in a position that they want to be in and ask them how they did it. Her top sales secret for success is to listen to whoever you're trying to sell to because they are giving you all the information you need to tailor your pitch. Be on the lookout for information like who their target market is, how many people they're selling to, how many people are in their sales team. Find out as much as you can about their business first then create a relationship, because selling becomes easier when you get them talking first.

 #335. 4 Key Mindset Traits Of Successful Entrepreneurs - Brandon Bornancin & Carol Lopez | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:20

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In today’s Entrepreneur Secrets, Carol Lopez joins the show to grind out the top 4 traits of a successful entrepreneur's mindset. The first is to be positive. Use every success and failure as a learning opportunity and being positive lets you avoid playing the victim game. Second, be coachable. How can I learn from as many coaches as possible to get me where I want to go? Third, hard work. There's no doubt about it, hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. And last, you have to simply be willing to do whatever it takes (WIT). If you have to do extra work, put in extra hours, learn a completely new skill, then just do it.

 #334. TOP 2 Ways To Get Started Posting On LinkedIn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:01

Today's Sales Secrets Podcast brings you Marketing Secrets. Today, Brandon answers a question on how best to get started in posting LinkedIn content when you are just starting out. He advises a twofold process: first, write about what you're passionate about, what you're studying, what you're following, and second, just document and share. The second strategy means documenting the experiences you go through in your career and what you learned along the way. For example, new SDRs can introduce themselves and what they do and just share about the craziest inbound calls you've had ever. You could also host a poll on sharing pricing, yes or no, but document the things that you learn and go through.

 #333. How To Talk About Your Failures In A Job Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:29

In today’s Management Secrets of the Sales Secrets Podcast, Brandon delves deep into one of the most important interview questions—tell me about a time that you failed and how did you deal with it? There are 3 typical answers: no answer (there have never been any failures), here's my failure but there are no learnings and no accountability, and lastly, here's my failure, here's what I learned, and what am I going to do better about it. When you're hiring anyone in your company, always look for applicant number 3.

 #332. Shari Levitin - How To Get Out Of Default Mode In Sales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:12

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. Shari Levitin joins today's show to teach how to prevent defaulting to what's easy and simple in sales. She advises to keep in pace with evolving technologies, such as OneMob and LinkedIn. In LinkedIn alone, she got 70% of all their new business simply by being present and posting videos regularly every Monday morning!

 #331. Kevin Dorsey - Why You DON'T Have To Love The Product You Sell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:56

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. Today, Kevin Dorsey joins the show to explain why you don't have to love your product to kill it in sales. As long as the product doesn't go against your core values, it's very easy to sell across industries if you know how people work. Kevin loves selling and it's this drive that keeps him motivated no matter the product he sells. If Kevin had to hire someone between a top performer at one company for five years and someone who's been a top performer for two years in three companies, he'd pick the latter because of the adaptability they show.

 #330. Breaking Down My Daily Work Routine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:01

On this episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast, Brandon shares what his daily routine is. He wakes up early around 4:30 AM, then he gets down to writing his goals and even new books, ads, or scripts for an hour. This is followed by another hour of reading, then an hour of working out. He takes a quick shower and is on calls from 8:30 AM to 11 AM, and the rest of the time of the day in meetings for strategy, execution, and hiring interviews. By 5 PM, Brandon writes down his goals again. He tries to get another hour of exercise in too. By evening Brandon works for another 2 to 3 hours from 6 PM to 9 PM. Then from 9 or 10 PM, he tries to watch a show or read a book to get ready for bed.

 #329. My Mentorship Strategy For Improvement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:58

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In today’s Ask Me Anything, Brandon answers why he didn't focus on just one expert, saying that you want to learn everything you can from as many experts as possible. Brandon goes wide to learn from many fields, but once he gains notable value from an author, then he also goes deep into learning all their wisdom. He has built a robust relationship with these sales leaders to keep learning from them every single day.

 #328. How To Build Strong Relationships For Success with Amelia Taylor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:40

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In today’s Entrepreneur Secrets, Amelia Taylor shares her winning strategy on building strong connections with your clients and relating with them. She starts by giving advice on getting rid of limiting beliefs, having a goal, and writing it down. She explains that anything that is in the way of your growth must be removed. On creating relationships that matter, Amelia suggests that you find the champions within the companies you are prospecting and go after them, but in a personalized way. She reminds everyone to always bring value to the conversation!

 #327. How To Add Value To Your Q4 Pitch from AJ Miller | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:29

Today's Sales Secrets Podcast brings you Marketing Secrets from AJ Miller. Today, he shares his pitch during Q4, a period when many companies are not looking to learn a new platform. AJ understands that clients are looking to end the year strong, so he would pitch the product as a tool to end the year even stronger. The realizations of cost savings and increased productivity from Seamless make the decision a no-brainer after that.


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