Sales Secrets show

Sales Secrets

Summary: Brandon Bornancin is a serial salesperson, entrepreneur, and Founder & CEO of Seamless.AI. Twice a week, Brandon interviews the world’s biggest and brightest business experts including Kevin Harrington, Jordan Belfort, Ryan Serhant, Bob Burg, Jill Konrath, Anthony Iannarino, and many more -- to uncover actionable strategies, tips, and insights that you can use to generate more revenue and accelerate your business. Ready to learn exclusive secrets from top sales, business, and entrepreneurs from around the world? Then Sales Secrets From The Top 1% is the place to find them.

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 #311. AE Secrets - The Most Important Investment In Sales - Arezo Javidi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:47

Welcome to another SDR Secrets episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. Today, Arezo Javidi shares that investing in yourself and in your craft is the best investment you can make. With a motto of getting better 1% each and every day, Arezo believes that growth drives you forward even if you have reached comfortable levels in your career. She shares some life hacks for coffee drinkers to spice up your daily routine. Her top sales secret is to improve your work ethic to the best it can possibly be. For top tier salespeople, there is nothing that can compare to doing the actual work which requires discipline, effort, and a daily decision to realize your true potential.

 #310. SDR Secrets - Building Positive Rapport Working From Home - Kayla Hitchcock | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:15

Welcome to another SDR Secrets episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. Today, Kayla Hitchcock explains that asking questions and engaging with everyone you work with reveals gems of knowledge that you can use in your own work too. Furthermore, fostering good rapport is, without a doubt, one of the best ways you can push your career forward. Creating a positive work environment for you and the people around you will put you front and center when the conversation on promotion finally comes around. When working from home, it is also crucial to set parameters for yourself and set a schedule. This makes you a reliable team member that your teammates will definitely take notice of.

 #309. Dream House And $100,000+ Using Seamless.AI - Amy Nguyen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:30

This week's President's Club episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast features Amy Nguyen, Senior Marketing Consultant at MultiView. Before migrating to Seamless, she had to use an offline database that was not updated in real time. This meant that many of the contacts that she would pull were actually outdated and caused embarrassment as a new rep making calls to offices. Since adopting Seamless, the company has made $140,000 and is on track to crush last year's numbers by double or triple! As a fresh grad out of college with no sales experience, Amy proudly announces that she is also on track to put a downpayment on a house by this year as a result of the business pouring in today.

 #308. Marylou Tyler - Step By Step Enterprise Selling Strategy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:03

Welcome back to another show of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In today’s episode, Marylou Tyler's Ask Me Anything answers questions on selling SAAS to enterprise. She advises to start top then work your way down if you do not know which roles do what in the company. If you want to find and build a business case to eventually present to the decision-maker, Marylou advises to go to direct influencers and indirect influencers and map around there first. If you feel like the decision is stalling, it is likely that middle management are holding you back.

 #307. Shari Levitin - The Scared Brain VS The Smart Brain In Sales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:01

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In today’s Entrepreneur Secrets, Shari Levitin how happiness fuels productivity, not the other way around. She talks about the three parts of the brain and how to maximize use of your smart brain for sales. And since you cannot use two parts of the brain at once, such as your reptilian brain where the fight or flight response is located, you must move to your smart brain to ensure you are using that part of the brain to sell effectively. To get to the neocortex, you have to pass through the happy place, the midbrain. That's why you must first build rapport first before talking about your product, because there is no direct access to the smart brain from the reptilian brain!

 #306. Viveka Von Rosen - Become A Resource For Your Client | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:03

Today's Sales Secrets Podcast brings you Marketing Secrets. In this episode, Viveka Von Rosen shares how sales teams can use their voice within the company to get the resources they need to sell effectively to clients. Salespeople must think of their personal brand which is supported by the framework of the company that they represent. Think like a marketer that provides resources to clients, and that resource is you!

 #305. Lauren Bailey - #1 Reason Companies Combat Spending Money On | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:24

In today’s Management Secrets of the Sales Secrets Podcast, Lauren Bailey explains that the number 1 reason companies give to refrain from spending on training is that sales teams will forget them all anyway. However, this is the wrong frame of thinking as training doesn't ever really end. It's not a one-time event. Companies need to understand that, although bad training has stained the reputation of its usefulness, development needs to be a line item as well.

 #304. Meridith Elliott Powell - Take The Thinking Out Of The Follow Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:53

On today's AE Secrets of the The Sales Secrets Podcast, Meridith Elliot Powell shares how she builds her follow up strategy. She sits down with her top 100 prospects every December, some of whom are existing customers. But these 100 prospects will be her focus for the upcoming year. During December, she writes down the 12 to 24 nurturing sequence that she'll use with each prospect.

 #303. Shari Levitin - The 3 levels Of Questions You NEED To Ask In B2b Or B2c Sales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:07

Welcome to another SDR Secrets episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. Today, Shari Levitin shares the 3 levels of questions you should ask in a B2B or B2C sale. She calls them the skin, bone, and heart questions. Skin questions uncover facts, but they don't reveal the motivations behind buying. Bone questions refer to the problems your client is having, such as increased productivity and retention. Good rapport, good questioning reveals heart questions, like why building a billion dollar company is important to your client.

 #302. A $100,000 Birthday Phone Call with LJ Hall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:05

This week's President's Club episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast features LJ Hall, CEO and National Sales Director for Freight Karma. Being in B2B sales, she shares that finding the decision-maker by building, buying, and claiming lists was a grueling and expensive task. She would easily invest over $1000 per month just to come up with these lists. After dismal results, she was actually preparing to cash in the business until getting in touch with Seamless.AI. By sheer providence, after using Seamless, she got a call back on her birthday for a deal that now affords her lifestyle!

 #302. Tonni Bennett - Advancing Your Promotion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:43

Welcome back to another show of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In today’s Ask Me Anything, Tonni Bennett advises sales reps, especially women, to dream bigger than where they are and ask for more. She shares that asking follow up questions, like feedback on points for improvement, provides you a framework to either adapt to the role you want or prove that you already possess the necessary skills for the promotion.

 #303. Heather Monahan - Don't Take Being Blown Off In Prospecting And Sales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:09

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In today’s Entrepreneur Secrets, Heather Monahan shares that you should always qualify contacts on the first call. This saves you so much time and effort when decision time comes and helps get around being blown off. The trick is to make sure you guarantee you are speaking to the ultimate decision-maker very early on!

 #302. Distributive Content Strategy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:35

Today's Sales Secrets Podcast brings you Marketing Secrets. In this episode, the secret to success is to document everything you do. One example is to take photos and videos of your interviews which you can then slice up into micro clips. These assets can then be used as distributive content throughout your various social media channels to showcase your expertise.

 #301. Tonni Bennett - How Do You Measure Coachability As A Manager | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:08

In today’s Management Secrets of the Sales Secrets Podcast, Tonni Bennett shares tips determining somebody's coachability. She draws concepts on a board and has a discussion on what it means and its impact on the business. Then, on their next meeting, she flips the tables and asks the SDR to explain it back to her. She would provide feedback on what the SDR did well and the points to improve upon, then ask them to redo the presentation to see how well they absorbed the feedback.

 #300. Tami Mcqueen - Expert Strategy For Framing Your Questions In Sales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:13

On today's AE Secrets of the The Sales Secrets Podcast, Tami McQueen shares her insights on how to ask questions. Asking with the intent to understand, rather than the intent to respond, provides you the information on what your clients want to achieve. This puts you in a position to sell them solutions to their current pain points —instead of you simply selling what your product does!


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