#330. Breaking Down My Daily Work Routine

Sales Secrets show

Summary: On this episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast, Brandon shares what his daily routine is. He wakes up early around 4:30 AM, then he gets down to writing his goals and even new books, ads, or scripts for an hour. This is followed by another hour of reading, then an hour of working out. He takes a quick shower and is on calls from 8:30 AM to 11 AM, and the rest of the time of the day in meetings for strategy, execution, and hiring interviews. By 5 PM, Brandon writes down his goals again. He tries to get another hour of exercise in too. By evening Brandon works for another 2 to 3 hours from 6 PM to 9 PM. Then from 9 or 10 PM, he tries to watch a show or read a book to get ready for bed.