#320. How To Find Your Sales Mentor - Sally Duby

Sales Secrets show

Summary: Today's Sales Secrets Podcast brings you Marketing Secrets. In this episode, Sally Duby emphasizes the advantages of having a mentor. She advises others to find someone in your organization who you can ask questions and learn from. In her own rich experience, she even thinks that finding a sales mentor earlier on in her career could have ushered in more successes for her. This is in comparison to spending so much time figuring things out what success even really meant for her. It is preferable to find a mentor within your company and this advice is also applicable to SDRs. She advises those looking for a mentor to start with the highest performers, approach them, and possibly even listen in on their calls and their other routines. Finding an external mentor can also provide extremely good input depending on your stage of growth. Having an outside perspective provides fresh insights on how you can do things even better than how you do today.