#323. How To Set Yourself Apart with Learning - Jill Konrath

Sales Secrets show

Summary: This week's President's Club episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast features Jill Konrath. For her, the secret sauce to sales success is constant learning. She talks about how people can forget just how fun it is to learn new things for the first time. Being in constant learning mode also gives you the edge of being more flexible to the changing market, pushing you ahead of everyone else. Getting complacent and putting all your eggs in one basket can wipe you out in short order. In comparison, constantly growing and trying new things all the time makes you desirable to your prospects. They would not only want to work with you, but they would genuinely want to talk with you and know what you think about their own concerns. For starters, it is best to start learning about your customers. These people are the ones with issues that you are supposed to be solving, so knowing who they are, what they really care about, and how you can help them best is good business for you.