Brian J. Pombo Live show

Brian J. Pombo Live

Summary: Brian J. Pombo’s daily, off-the-cuff tips to make your business bigger and your life better.

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 Stand Out With Your Words | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:53 Stand out with your words. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you every day from Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re going to tell you more about how you can stand out, how your company can stand out, how you can stand out, not just up against your competition, but within the minds of your most ideal customers that are out there. Also how to stand out, really in your entire industry. How can you be a leader of your industry? How can you really stand out in those ways? And one way to do it is with your words. So how do you go about doing that so that a lot of your communication is going to happen by words, you know, it’s gonna at least start with words. So this video has its own title, it has hashtags and a description and everything else that goes along with it. That those are all words. And those words matter, the order of those words matter. So studying a little bit of copywriting will help out a lot. What’s copywriting? Copywriting is basically the art and science of communicating via advertising. So any form of copywriting that we’re discussing is the idea of trying to get somebody to do something. You’re trying to tell somebody they need to buy this or they need to look into this or they need to, you know, apply for this or that. That’s what copywriting is. The more you can learn about copywriting, the better. There’s some great books out there. I know I have a few books on copywriting. Let me see if I have any that are clearly visible. David Ogilvy was a amazing advertiser and a copywriter. He had a lot of great books. We’ll go into those in the future, but this is a great one. Here’s a real simple one, really small and it’s not one of those that you need to read front to back. This is, Words That Sell. What this is, is it is a simple, almost the thesaurus for copywriters, for anybody that’s looking to make something a little bit more interesting. You can flip through these pages and get to the area. Here’s something on moneymaking and they’ve got a bunch of phrases that you would use in moneymaking top dollar, top salary, profit from turn your blank into gold. Hot sellers. It just talks about all the different things having to do with money making. Let’s get to another page here that might be a little bit different when you’re talking about something being comfortable. Here’s all the different descriptive words and phrases that you may not have thought of. A cottony, fuzzy, furry, restful, placid, hospitable, toasty, warm, cool as a summer breeze. These are all phrases that are used over and over and advertising and there’s a reason why. It’s because they bring up pictures, they bring up feelings and all you have to do is go through it and see what fits into what you’re doing. Maybe it will help you come up with ideas way to get past writer’s block and so forth. Not only for like titles of videos, but like I said, that’s, that’s like the smallest format. A title in a video,

 How to Use All You Got | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:13 How do you use all you got. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you from Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re going to be talking about how to use all you got if you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive in charge of a business and this is an idea that I think it’s going to grab you if you pay attention to this concept. I’ll give you the example. This package came to me today. This is an package. It’s yellow all the way around. It’s got the smiley face on the tape. That’s where I’m innocent of Amazon or at least what they’re doing today. Then this showed up, Liberty Mutual Insurance, these stupid commercials with the guy and the a Ostrich and the, and it’s like a cop car, except with the Liberty Mutual on the side, yellow. We customize your insurance so that you only pay for what you need. Okay. The whole thing’s branded to Liberty Insurance, even the bottom of the box, top of the box, you open it up and on the tab it says scan to get started on a customized Liberty Mutual Insurance. Quote number one, open Amazon app number two, tap on camera icon number three, go to camera number four, center smile code and tap start. I went and did this on my smart phone just out of curiosity and that’s what they’re banking on and it says right here, Amazon is not affiliated with Liberty Mutual Insurance. Meaning they don’t own Liberty Mutual Insurance, but I mean they’re partnered up with them. If you go here, it takes you on the Amazon app to a commercial paid commercial right there on Amazon to get a quote. How do they do this? How do they go about capturing this? Amazon saw that they can advertise themselves on the outside of their boxes and anybody that gets Amazon boxes on a regular basis notices that they put little ads on the outside. Oftentimes it’s for TV shows on their Amazon Prime Network or things of that sort. Now they can charge other people money to put ads on their boxes because they know. Think of all the people that are going to the person delivering it is going to see it. If it’s sitting there at your office or at your home or in front of your house, everyone’s going to see it. It is a portable billboard. It’s brilliant. Really they’re taking something that a lot of people completely take for granted. A cardboard box. So many companies deliver it and there’s nothing on the outside except for a little bit of, you know, fold here type of type of messaging on the outside. No one takes real use of subtle things like this, but that’s what it’s all about. Resourcefulness. What are the pieces of your business that you could be using? Where do the pieces that you could be selling to somebody else? What are the pieces that you can be taking apart and offering in in other ways that you’ve never done before? It’s all about resourcefulness. If you want to find out how you can make your business more resourceful, then you need to hire someone that has a background in it,

 Ideal Client: More Than One? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:34 Ideal Client: Do you need more than one? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live, filmed and sent out to live every day from Grants Pass Oregon here in the headquarters. Today we’re talking again about customer centricity that we talked about yesterday. We were discussing how if you really want to focus and find the best people and be able to do really last long with your customers, you gotta be customer centric. You have to think of them first. You have to consider where they’re coming from, especially your ideal customers. Your ideal clients, however you refer to them, the people that pay you the money, you know, in the end, who are they? Sometimes when sitting down with new clients will start talking about the ideal customer and they’ll get bogged down because they think that you only need one type of ideal customer. Most businesses, if you’ve been around for a while, if you’ve been able to keep things going as a business, you may just have more than one ideal customer. You may have an ideal customer profile of one type and then you’ll have another type and possibly another type. Especially if you offer more than one type of product or service you, some of them may play towards certain audiences versus others and that’s okay to have more than one ideal audience. But the best thing to do if at all possible is to take your marketing and advertising and focus them on one market at a time. That way you can control some of it when it comes to advertise, especially if you’re doing online advertising, you can target it directly to them. You can have it show only to them and you know you’ll save money and be able to see the effectiveness of that ad. That’s one of the huge portions. The huge ideas behind direct response advertising is being able to really focus in on an ideal market, on an ideal group of people. Then see whether your ad actually had an effect or not or any form of marketing that you’re using. So the reason why this came up is I was having a conversation with a couple of partners that I have and we were putting together a new presentation that’s going to be going out there and we notice that we have more than one audience that we’re going to be speaking to. And most of the time I would say, Hey, focus on just one if you can, but in this specific, there was no way to get around it. You’re going to be talking to multiple different types of people all at the same time. So how do we incorporate all those pieces in without having it hurt? One or the other. And one way of doing that, this is a specific little tip that if you are trying to reach an ideal audience on a regular basis, and this was something that my partner brought up. He said, even if you just have dog whistle concepts within this presentation and the whole point was is that if one audience knows what you’re talking about and the other audience doesn’t, as long as you don’t overly focus on it, it doesn’t matter. You just want to say it in a way that hits that audience the way it needs to and then you continue going on reaching the other audience. This is just one example of how you would go about doing that if you’re handling two audiences at a time,

 Your Company is Stuck, Because Your A Selfish Jerk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:14 Your company is stuck because you’re a selfish jerk. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to be discussing how selfishness might be getting in the way of you growing your company from where it’s at right now. Even if you’re still in a growth mode, sometimes you can’t quite grow faster or you might be going a little bit backwards or you might be kind of stuck one way or the other. If you’re wanting to grow faster. One of the big pieces might be you and it might be in an area that you’re not quite aware is there. Now this comes back to attitude. I was having this discussion with some very young business owners. This was a couple out of Canada and I was working with them on their business and talking to them about some of the things that might hold them back. And I don’t know if this is holding them back or not, but a lot of it comes down to. First one on one posture, a term that’s used quite often. I’m not talking about how they hold themselves, physically, but how they hold themselves basically their energy in front of others and that posture, that attitude can really make a huge difference. It depends and you could see it manifest itself in the wrong way. When a person comes off too needy, when a person comes off too excited, when a person comes off like they’re trying to make a sale type of deal, and we’ve all been in front of those people who are just trying a bit too hard to get on our good side. Or to get us to purchase something or to try something out or whatever it is, selfishness is what is what we’re feeling. When you’re feeling that from someone else, you’re feeling someone who’s thinking about themselves, someone who’s trying to hit the bottom line, they’re trying to get the next number and you’re just another one in the long line up. Take that aside and think about the situations that you have with people that you enjoy being around the most. I guarantee the people you enjoy being around the most are the least selfish. These are the people that spend more time talking about you more time, wondering where you’re looking at going and then possibly helping you to get there through their products and services, but it’s based on you, not on them. It’s less selfish. Now that’s a one on one situation, but you can also see this happening in a large scale with most companies. When they really start moving along, eventually selfishness creeps in. It creeps into the pure bureaucracy of the company and they start focusing more on more on what the company’s needs are and where the company wants to go and less and less on anyone that could possibly be considered a customer. Even someone that’s not a traditional customer. Sometimes your vendors, sometimes your partners, if you’re not focused on them and where they’re going, that could be slowing you down because all it takes is a little bit of extra time and a little bit of extra effort to consider their point of view and all of a sudden everything changes because the attitude changes. People get a different vibe off of you and your company and your co...

 Successful Business or Happy Family? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:44 Successful business or happy family? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you everyday live from Grants Pass Oregon or wherever we happen to be today. I’d like to talk about a little bit about success and a little thing called, How To Get Rich. This is a book by Felix Dennis, publisher of multiple magazines back when he was still walking the earth. He died in 2014 from, I believe, throat cancer, but while he was around, he published Maxim magazine, published……sorry for my finger going across the screen there, published many, many computer magazines. Felix Dennis’s, How To Get Rich, this is a great read. I know it’s a real wild title, but it’s more than just about getting rich. But the, the thing that he brings up in here that’s very controversial and got him a lot of attention when he put this book out was that to get rich, to really get wealthy the way that he describes wealth, you probably can’t have a very happy family life at the same time. And he’s very confident and open about that and so I had to bring it to you. I have to ask you, what do you think? Do you think it’s possible? Have you been able to have a successful business? Have you been able to achieve what you consider to be a relative amount of wealth or riches and been able to keep your family together? Did you have a family or are you single? If you’re single, do you attribute a lot of being single to being a huge part of what’s made you successful? Or if you are single and think you’d be more successful if you were married or had a happy family that was all together. Or had kids and then maybe you’re married and don’t have kids. These are all just questions. I’m really curious to find out from you whether that’s true or not in your life. Now for me, I’ve met people who have wives and lifestyles that I would be a okay with. I mean I’m very happy with the life that I’ve, that I’ve come to, you know, manifest. Very happy with where I’m at, but I’m always looking to go to the next level and try something new and go a little bit beyond. I’m not looking to necessarily become absolutely filthy rich, but there’s other things I’d like to experience in life and there’s people I know that appear to have that fruit on the tree and they have successful happy families. I absolutely believe it’s possible now maybe not to the levels that he’s talking about. Maybe getting to a certain extent you have to completely toss aside a lot of the concepts of a happy well adjusted family. Maybe you have to be completely absent for too long in order to really achieve enormous sums of money. But then I ask you whether you think that’s what real success is or is real success being able to really……well, I’ll give you my definition. My definition of success comes down to really finding your purpose for life and being able to fulfill it to the best of your ability. I think that’s what success is. If you could define it as such, or you could even say success doesn’t even exist.

 How Can Celebrities Sell Your Stuff? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:49 So how can celebrities help you sell your stuff? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you every day from Grants Pass Oregon. Nearly every day, unless I’m somewhere else. Today we’re going to talk about celebrities and how they can help you sell your products, your services. And we’re going to use the example that we mentioned yesterday from the book by now by Rick Cesari and Ron Lynch. Ron Lynch is not the actor and voice-over person, comedian. It’s a different Ron Lynch. This is the same chapter, the biggest knockout in history that we talked about yesterday and it concerns George Foreman, George Foreman and George Foreman’s Grill and the fact that they were able to sell this for the first time over infomercials. Even though it was an old type of product, even though it had been out on the market before and everything else, it had never been produced as a health product and presented by a well known celebrity by well-known, likable celebrity. He mentions it here about why George Foreman was such an important part of that situation. It says successful celebrity branding transfers the value of the person to the product he or she endorses. See, it’s about the transfer of trust. That’s a huge thing. Let me continue. He says, because Foreman was considered a solid citizen who was known to enjoy his food and packed a punch of personality. He made a perfect spokesman for a kitchen must have. His age and past experience as a finely tuned athlete, helped to make him ideal to endorse the special innovations of solvents that reducing grill. Salton was the company that created the George Foreman Grill. It’s that transfer. It’s what people relate back to that person, either in the moment or through past engagement with them. It’s what they relate back to them that can transfer over to a product or service that they’re endorsing. You can think about as in any type of celebrity endorsement, if you keep your eyes open when you’re watching TV or watching YouTube or watching anything that has commercials, celebrity endorsements are huge nowadays. You have to ask yourself, who are they appealing to when this person is endorsing? Who are they impaling to when that person’s endorsing, what does that saying? Put yourself in the shoes of the person that’s interested in what’s being sold and does it do the job? It’s a very interesting concept. You have to think about the nature of celebrity. What is celebrity? Celebrity is a person that’s really well known. That’s really what makes a celebrity. Is there anything else that you could use to define a celebrity? Yeah, they may be well known for something specific. So they may be an athlete, a former athlete, they may be a movie movie star of some sort or a television star, but they all have the same thing in common. Celebrity means known and what do we talk about when we’re talking about getting your business going and really getting attention. It’s about being known, liked and trusted.

 Are You Selling Urgency? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:59 Are you selling urgency? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live from Grants Pass Oregon. Tonight we’re going to be talking about the concept of urgency and first I’m going to be discussing go to if you’re looking to get from where you are to reach your dream business potential You can go and check out the link in the description. It’s completely free, no heavy sales pitch or anything. Just a chance for me to possibly be able to interview you. Learn a little bit about who you are. That’s So today we’re going to talk about this book. This is one from a couple of years back. This is By Now by Rick Cesari and Ron Lynch with Tom Kelly. And Rick Cesari, I’m not sure if he still runs, Cesari Direct, but that was his company at least at the time. I know he still does a lot of work online that you can go and do a search and find out about him. This is a fellow that the whole concept is Buy Now. So it’s creative marketing that gets customers to respond to you and your product. And what he’s doing is he’s going through and telling stories of all of the infomercials that he’s worked on because he did a whole lot of infomercial work on television, especially when it was really hot in the 90’s and 2000’s and talks about a lot of great examples. The one main example I wanted to bring up with you tonight is the fact is the one for the George Foreman Grill and who doesn’t remember the George Foreman Grill. You could still find them being sold in the stores, but at one time they were sold via infomercial and it was all about George Foreman. George Foreman was this former boxer. He had just recently done well at that time, but he was older, for a champion for a heavyweight champion. He definitely was older in age and a lot of people remembered him from his past because when he was younger he was the Olympic champion. He had this whole long past and so he had a real connection. There was a celebrity into that. We’re going to talk about that tomorrow about how celebrity can affect your advertising and even if you’re a smaller advertiser, even if you think you can’t afford celebrities using the elements of celebrity in your advertising can make a big difference or your marketing. So George Foreman Grill, it was named after him. Where did it come from? Well, he makes reference to this in here where he discusses the different types of items that were brought to them by this company. Salton is the ones that came up with the George Foreman Grill. It had existed for a long time. It was not a new concept. It was basically a waffle iron that was on a little bit of a slant and it wasn’t sold as any type of healthy grill or anything of that sort. It was sold as a taco maker, so you put like ground beef in it and prepare all the inside of your taco in this thing and it would allowed you to be able to drain the grease out easily. But that was kind of a secondary feature just because it’s a typical thing that you do when making ground beef tacos is you have to drain out the grease before you,

 Business Owners: Are You A Mess? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:18 Are you a mess? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to be discussing the concept that a lot of business owners get hit with and that’s the idea that they are an extreme mess of a person on all levels. We’ll get into that in a second. First I wanted to remind you about If you’re a business owner or an executive and you happen to be in the self reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self-reliant, go to link is in the description and you can find out more about it there. There’s a quick video to watch. It’s all about a dream business transformation. Completely free. Go check it out. So I was accused by my wife of all people and some other people that I work with during the day of basically being an unorganized mess. This is something that has haunted me my entire life. And no matter how hard I try not to be, it seems that if I don’t have something that is habitual, if it’s not a constant, it will get dropped along the way. If it’s something that I don’t enjoy doing and it’s something that doesn’t fit into what I’m really good at. I wish there was a way around this. I’ve looked over and over again. I’ve read time management books, I’ve read books about organizing. I’ve tried all the different methods, very few fit and have been able to allow me to do what I need to do as a business owner and an executive at my company. Then I came across Kathy Kolbe. Now I don’t get paid by, Kolbe, the organization or the lady. But Kathy Kolbe started exploring deeper the concept of conation. We’ve discussed this on earlier talks here, on the podcast and the video chats. Conation has to do how you function as a person in terms of when you are in action mode. So whether you are working or doing schoolwork, when you are in the mode of action, you’re a different area of your brain lights up and his act is active and it’s separate from personality, which is more an affective. Meaning it has to do with how you deal with people and how you handle emotions and so forth. That’s the effect of end of your personality and it’s different from the cognitive part of your brain which handles just the regular day to day thinking and memory and things of that sort knowledge. This is the conative part of the brain. It’s a specific area and what it deals with is you, when you are in action mode, when you are willing things to occur. She found four separate areas that people tend to be high or low in across the board. Some people are a lot higher in one and some people are a lot lower, but it seems to all kind of fit together. So that’s, this is one of her books, Conative Connection. This is a good primer to kind of explain this and the reason why I bring this up is because most entrepreneurs tend to have a large amount of quick start. Now it’s not true across the board, but it is very common for the, especially the the visionary person in the company to have a lot of quick start and what quick start. It basically means that you have the instinct to set things in...

 Entering the Conversation In Your Customer’s Head | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:23 Entering the conversation in your customer’s head. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live, filmed live every day from Grants Pass Oregon. We’re here today at headquarters. Today’s episode is brought to you by We’ll talk a little more about as we get going. I wanted to refer to the concept. It’s an old quote talking about entering the conversation in your customer’s own head. And I believe the quote was from John Collier though I’m not certain on that. Don’t quote me. He’s an old marketing genius and copywriter and he discussed a lot of these concepts and the whole idea behind entering the conversation in your customer’s head. It is that we’re all having these concepts and ideas and conversations in our head on an ongoing basis about things we care about, about problems that are on our mind about emotions. These things are always going on and if you have the ability to kind of insert yourself into a conversation that’s already happening, then you have the ability to communicate directly with your customer and be able to help direct them to a solution, hopefully your products and services. Now, yesterday we talked about the Mandela Effect. The reason why I’m bringing it up again is because of the effect that that video had, particularly over on YouTube. I had some very positive and negative reactions to that video. So we had people that probably found us through the hashtag for Mandela Effect. And came and watched the video where I’m discussing how then the Mandela Effect can be tied back to mass suggestibility. The idea that when you have a lot of people all saying that one thing is in common, that there’s a huge push from people on the inside to go along with that and to even create memories that don’t exist. Now, I didn’t realize this would cause a whole storm of comments coming back and people basically saying that I’m full of it. That there are actually things that happened one way and somehow through some quirk in histories through some powers that be that control things they’ve changed history and have been able to change but have not been able to change our memories. I’m not sure quite how this happens. I haven’t researched it fully or understand all the theories behind it, but there are a group of people who strongly believe that the Mandela Effect is the sign of something, some greater force at hand. Some evidence of some tampering with this. I’m not here to argue whether that’s true or not, all I was doing was taking the concept and tying it back to mass suggestibility because mass suggestibility does exist. All you have to do is look at Nazi Germany. All you have to do is look at extreme radical Islamism in the middle East. All you have to do is take any situation where you had large amounts of people all going along with an idea that we can step back and look at as being absurd and as being all along with, it’s so easily. That’s it in the extreme mass suggestibility is happening via marketing all the time.

 Will They Believe You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:28 Will they believe you? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Here’s another thought provoking concept to hopefully help you and your business to stand out more from Grants Pass Oregon as usual. And we’re going to be talking about this man. Have you ever heard of this man? That’s what he goes by. This man. There’s a link in the description to a YouTube video that just came out, um, just came out a day or so ago and this is by Hello Greedo. He’s a common YouTube personality and he is talking about the Mandela Effect. And if you haven’t heard of the Mandela Effect, this has something to do with potential customers and clients, whether you knew it or not, the Mandela Effect is the concept. You’ve probably heard of it where, they talk about Nelson Mandela and how a lot of people believe that he died back in prison back in the 80s. But, he really didn’t and survived and got out of prison and became president and everything else over in South Africa. So there’s this whole long thing about Nelson Mandela and how there’s a very common theme that everyone ended up believing in and they’re not quite sure why. Same thing’s true with the Berenstain Bears, which a children’s book, a lot of people thought it was spelled one way. When it was spelled another whole bunch of things. Go watch the video. He goes through the concept of the Mandela Effect, but one of the most interesting parts of this video is he discusses the concept of this man. This was a website that somebody put up and they went and talked about and discussed how this man, people are seeing in their dreams that this particular face, people are seeing in their dreams and they’re not sure why, and they have all these testimonials of people saying that they’d seen this and all these stories and who’s it starts being covered on the news. People start talking about it. People start saying, yes, I dreamed of this man also, and it starts getting into the public consciousness. Not long after the fellow that came up with the website came out and showed that it was a publicity stunt and that he was trying to show the suggestibility of people. And the host of this video, Hello Greedo, he talks about how he thinks that this is what most Mandela Effect comes down to is just people being suggestible. And pretty soon people will convince themselves, even create memories that never even happened because other people also believed them. Because our brains are made to kind of go along with the crowd. It’s a strange phenomenon, but it’s all about suggestibility, that a concept can be suggested to you and pretty soon you’ll believe it straight down to the ground. You will believe it all the way. It happens in marketing over and over and over again. So why does something like this form and you’ve got to look at it. If it’s out there, if it’s getting to people, if someone saw this to begin with, if it got out there and it doesn’t matter if he got out through publicity, through a promotion or what have you, which is what happened here. It started getting caught up in the news and getting covered by different personalities. When you get your idea out there getting coverage,

 Do Your Ads Do These 3 Things? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:18 Do your ads do these three things? Before I get into what those three things are, I’d like to welcome you back to Brian J. Pombo Live. I’m Brian Pombo, every day we talk about another concept that’ll help you in your business to stand out in your marketplace and your industry and in the world in general. So today we’re talking about the three things that’ll make an ad any form of advertising. It doesn’t matter what it is, it doesn’t matter whether it’s in person, it doesn’t matter whether it’s alive, it doesn’t matter whether it is on paper, in print, doesn’t matter. 3 things in it and this is a concept that comes directly from a guy named Bill Glazer. I’m going to show you the book that it actually comes from so that you can go back and look this up yourself. It’s good stuff. As you can see behind me, we’re slowly putting together the main headquarters here at and this is my specific office. So I’m getting all my books and everything else out. There’s lots of fun coming across a lot of old stuff that I haven’t looked at for a long time. It’s helping me to be able to come up with concepts to be able to talk with you here on a daily basis. You can always come back here to Brian J Pombo to go to especially if you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services through your business that help people to become more self-reliant. Go to dream biz there’s a quick video there you can watch and gives you an idea of what the dream business transformation is all about. If you’re really looking to take your business to the next level, stand out beyond anyone else that’s out there. Be able to beat the competition no matter how big they are, no matter if they’re, you’ll want to go to you can find the link in the description if you happen to, forget the name, The three things that every ad should have. This is one of my favorite things to be able to talk about when dealing with advertising because it’s so simple. But these three things are so powerful. You can find this in the book, Outrageous Advertising that’s outrageously successful by Bill Glazer. This came out number of years back. Bill Glazer at the time was running the Glazer-Kennedy Inner Circle. He no longer owns and runs that company and now it is currently called the No BS. No BS marketing, Inner circle, I believe is what’s called. Go look that up. It’s a great, great group to belong to. But this book came out in, let’s see here. I should have had this ready to go. 2009. Everything in it is principle-based. This book will never get old, even though some of the specifics in terms of the forms of media and stuff are no longer set. Some of the types of media he talks about are not as in vogue now as they were when the book came out. But the principles are the three main things. Here’s what they are, the three main things that every ad should have and I want you to look out there. Watch video, watch commercials, watch a little pieces of advertise it that pop up on your so...

 What’s Your Call-to-Action? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:19 What is your call to action? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live here in Grants Pass Oregon. Coming to you from the headquarters for and tonight we’re going to be talking about what a Call to Action is and what they have to do with,.I”m going to start right out with my own Call to Action and that is to go to if you haven’t been there, go check it out. the link is in the description. If you just want to click on over, real easy to get to, quick video there to watch application to fill out. If you feel like it applies to you. Otherwise I’d sure love to hear what you think of it. So that’s a call to action. What is a call to action? A call to action is just how it sounds. It’s a call for your perspective customer, client, what have you to act. It’s a call for them to act, to do something very specific so that you can achieve the goal of your advertisement, of your marketing, of whatever you’re putting out there. The main goal is to get that the other people, the other person to do something. I don’t care if you’re even working for a charity and you’re trying to get someone to donate blood. It doesn’t matter what the action is. It doesn’t matter if money exchanges hands. It’s the same concept to get someone to do what you want them to do. One of the main things you have to do, is ask them to do what you want them to do and give them very clear instructions as to how to do it and to not complicate it and not try to offer too many different options for calls to action. One of the things that we’ve found over the years is that if you give too many options for a person to be able to do the action, you know, let’s say you’re selling a particular thing and the only way to sell it is to get them to purchase it directly from you. And so you could have them send you a letter in the mail. I mean you could have them go to a website, you could have them make a phone call to you. If those are the only three ways of doing it, I would suggest not offering each of those three ways. You think, well, if I offer three ways, I’ve got three chances of people doing something. No. In actuality, most people if you will give them too many offers, they will get confused and not take any. Whereas if you just offer one streamlined, and these are all things you can test in your advertising, so I don’t take anything I say for absolute fact, you should test it for you, your market and what you’re doing. But in general, give them one action per piece of advertising per marketing effort per time period or what have you. However you’re getting in touch with somebody. Tell them just to make a phone call. Tell them just to go to one website and do one thing when they get there. For example, I instruct people quite often on these videos to go to that’s our latest call to action and to fill out the application if they feel like it applies. That’s another Call to Action that tied with it, but it’s all around the same thing. So go there, watch the video, fill out the application. Those are the three things.

 The 1 Ad That Will Explode Your Business! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:20 The 1 Ad That Will Explode Your Business! Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon for Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live every week. No, everyday really. Every week, every day coming to you live and having recordings being spread out throughout the internet. So you could be watching this and one of many locations and we’re always talking about ways to help you and your business to stand out. So today we’re going to be talking about the one ad that can totally explode your business. And what do you think that is? What do you think the one ad would be? Where would it be? Well, before we get into that, let me just mention, is the home of the dream business transformation. Go check it out. There’s an eight and a half minute video. It’s free to watch. You don’t need to add your email address or anything else. It’s right there on the front page. go to the link in the description. So what is the one ad that’ll completely change things for you? It’s not what you think. The one ad that is going to completely explode your businesses is completely unpredictable. You cannot predict it. There’s no way. It’s a trick question. Honestly. The problem is is that most of us are always searching for that one ad that’s going to blow everything wide open and real advertising tends to not work that way. Now you will have points where you have an ad where you do some form of marketing and you’re putting out a message and all of a sudden that resonates. Hits at the right time, hits the right market and things go good, but it’s never going to completely explode your business forever. It will. You’ll have a height off of it and then it will level off and that’ll be that. Yeah you very rarely would you ever have anything that would make such a dynamic change that it would blow your business apart. It was so dynamic. It just, you don’t see that very often and it’s not something, it’s kind of like the whole concept of going viral. How do I make a viral video? Well, if everyone knew how to make a viral video, everyone would be teaching how to make viral videos and everyone would be making viral videos and we’d be inundated with viral videos. No videos go viral on their own. It’s unpredictable. It comes with the definition of what viral is. It’s that unpredictable thing. So if you’re looking for your ad to completely blow things apart, you’re looking at an advertising completely wrong. What you should be looking at is consistency. Consistently putting message out there to the same audience with a very clear cut, a string of events of things that you want them to do, a step-by-step, or at least do this right now, that whole call to action concept, which we’re going to talk about tomorrow, what call to action means. It’s the idea though of getting the person that’s viewing, hearing, reading what you’re putting out there, getting them to do a very specific step. That is how you should be getting engaging with your advertising. I was having a discussion earlier today with my friend Patrick, and we were discussing his business and how he was always looking...

 How Known Are You To Your Prospective Customers? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:16 How known are you to your perspective customers? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the office here at the headquarters in Grants Pass Oregon for another Brian J. Pombo Live. Today I want to talk about being known. It’s kind of a very basic idea, but it comes from the concept of being known, liked and trusted as being kind of the cornerstones of something you should focus on. If you’re really wanting to stand out within your marketplace, stand out within your industry, stand out, apart from your competition, known, liked and trusted. Those are the steps. It starts with being known. And so I wanted to talk about that with you today. I was having a discussion with somebody, a friend of mine that’s running for political office locally and this was yesterday I was having this talk with him. And we were actually listening to somebody else giving him advice who had ran for political office and everything that she had mentioned had to do with the concept of being known by the right people. Of course, that’s what it comes down to. But it occurred to me that it’s really across the board. It doesn’t matter whether you’re running for political office, it doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to get more customers for your business. It doesn’t matter whether your doing network marketing and you’re trying to get people involved in that. It doesn’t matter whether you run a nonprofit and you’re trying to get people to donate. It all comes down to being known, liked, and trusted, and the toughest thing for people to wrap their mind around is that first step of being known. But it is so important. Politics, it’s completely true of one of the things that people don’t take into account over the last major presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is that you had two people that were nominated by their parties very clearly. I mean obviously they had some credentials of some sort, but they were largely nominated because they had enormous name recognition. How often do you see two people up against each other who were very well known by the average person? Even people who have nothing to do with politics but their names preceded them. They are known to some extent they have that name recognition. I think a lot of what allowed Donald Trump to go from someone who had never held political office at all to being the president of the United States came from that name recognition that you just can throw away. Yeah, you could say that he was on TV and all these other things, but it was the fact that people knew his name that made him stand out. They knew his name and I bet possibly, maybe even more people knew his name then Hillary Clinton, and especially if you talk about the voters, the people that ended up voting across the board. Obviously you deal with the electoral college and all that, those details, but you can see how this was a way that he can, he could actually run, have all the blunders and everything, all the strange situations that came about during the election and still rise above it and when it’s that name recognition. The same thing’s true of a local political office, but the same thing is true of you.

 Wants vs Needs: Which Is More Important? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:13 Wants versus Needs: Which is More Important? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you today from Grants Pass Oregon and the blank office, which we’re still trying to put our mark on today. We’re talking about wants versus needs and specifically in terms of your customers. So we’re going to be talking about what, what you should be focusing on when you’re talking to them, their once or their needs? And let’s first start out by discussing your wants. Possibly you’re a business owner, possibly you might be wanting to take your business from where it’s at to really a higher level, to take it and really in the long run, let’s say in the next year, in the next five years, in the next 10 years, create a dream business scenario out of it. If that sounds like you, and if you happen to be in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products or services that help people to become more self reliant, those two items that you know, being that you’re a business owner or executive, you’ve got a business in the self-reliance field. If you meet those two qualifications go to Watch the video there. Tell me what you think if you like it, and if you think it applies to you and that you’d qualify for a free sit down with me talking just over the phone or over a video chat. Then go to Fill out that application after watching the video. link is in the description in case you forget. So Wants versus Needs, which is more important now before you think too hard about this, oftentimes if we’re just going to sit down and we’re saying, okay, I’ve got to deliver a product or a service to somebody, do I want to focus on their wants, what they want or something that they really need? Because if they need it, aren’t they gonna go after that before they go after their wants? Isn’t that going to mean more to them? If they need something, won’t they be returning over and over again if they need what I’m selling them? And the plain truth of the matter is, if you’re going to look across the board, it’s not true. In most cases, people are more interested in getting there wants then their needs. Now this is completely illogical, I understand, but you’ve got to remember most people are not logical creatures. Most people are run fully by their emotions. Now, you may not like that fact. I don’t like that fact. I don’t like dealing with people who are emotional messes. But to be honest, most people out there run by their emotions. They make emotional decisions and then they back it up with some form of logic. If you ask them why they did it, they’ll come up with a story. And oftentimes that story has some sense to it in some way. There’s a logic behind it, but they didn’t really make that decision for the reason that comes out of their mouth. More often than not, they make that decision based on a very basic, sometimes even primal want. They just want something. They want to be noticed. They want to be loved. They want to be wealthy. They want to be comfortable.


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