Brian J. Pombo Live show

Brian J. Pombo Live

Summary: Brian J. Pombo’s daily, off-the-cuff tips to make your business bigger and your life better.

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 What Does Standing Out Mean To You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:04 What does standing out mean to you? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon for another Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to be talking a little bit about standing out and what exactly does that mean? Is it something that you consider positive for your business? Would you like to stand out or would you like to stand out in comparison to your competitors? The answer, I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment. This is a sincere question of whether standing out is a positive or a negative. In your standpoint, are you more interested in just being quiet and doing your own thing and having your customers and that’s it. Or are you really looking to stand out in the marketplace or you’re looking to get out there and really be seen differently, seen as different than just a commodity? It’s an actual question. I’m not trying to be facetious. As we go along because this is a concept that was brought to me by my podcast and video producer, Sean E. Douglas. We were discussing this earlier today and he was remarking that, the book that I’m currently writing….I’m going to be publishing pretty soon here. And a lot of the topics that I deal with have to do with differentiation and standing out and being above the crowd and really making yourself and your business bigger in the eyes of your potential customers. So I figured as we were discussing it to find out what you think to see if that is something that you would find appealing. Is that something that you’re looking to do? Would you like to find out more about how to go about standing out? That’s the real question. In as an example of that, I have a website called It’s really more of a redirect that goes back to but go and check out There’s a video there, I plan to be keeping it up, but it’s available for now. you can find the link in the description. So standing out, USP is another concept that gets thrown out there. When you’re doing any type of studying of marketing, they talk about USP and most often it’s referred to as a unique selling proposition. Sometimes they call it a unique sales proposition. Sometimes there’s other acronyms that the Hughes to mean the same thing. And the whole idea is how do you stand out in uniqueness product, your service? How do you make it appear to be unique in comparison to all the other options available to the consumers out there? So standing out, good, bad. What are your thoughts? Leave me a comment. I love to be able to go back and forth about these things and be able to bring it up on another talk. So you have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

 Know What & When To Cut ✂️ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:27 Know What & When to Cut. Hi I’m Brian Pomvo welcome back to Brian J. Pablo Live coming at you today from Grants Pass Oregon out here on my back porch out in the night. I apologize for my unshaven appearance. You see, it appears my shaving cream…….I thought it was only my second to last can of shaving cream that I had, but it turns out it was my last can of shaving cream. I left in Morgantown, West Virginia, which I always end up leaving something when I traveled. But I thought I had another can somewhere at home. But since we’re moving everything, all the random things that are boxed up that you don’t know quite where they’re at. Well that’s one of them, can shaving cream. So we’ll get it tomorrow. Get a brand new one tomorrow and get shaven, but neither here nor there. You gotta know when to cut things short, what to cut and when to cut. Because it never ceases to amaze me that things always end up having to be cut, that you’re always going to have more planned than you actually get done. It’s just a fact of life. If you’re a doer, if you’re out doing stuff, you’re going to have more on your plate than you actually get accomplished because nothing happens in the amount of time you’ll want it to everything else. And that’s just…..I think there’s a temptation to feel guilty about that. But I think it’s important for you to know that we all go through it. If you’re an entrepreneur, if you’re a leader in your business, if you’re a leader of any sort, you’re going to have a lot on your plate and you’re never going to get everything accomplished. You gotta know when to cut and where to cut. Tonight is one of those nights. I’m not going to give you a laundry list of all the different things that had been going on in my life that make tonight tough to come up with something extremely useful for you. So this is just the concept of knowing when to cut. And tonight I’m cutting this one short. There’s going to be a nice quick video so it kind of falls in on itself in terms of being about what it’s being about. And, just go to if you haven’t been there yet, if you have been there, go back, go check it out. If you haven’t seen the video, make sure and watch it. the link is in the description tomorrow. Another enlightening thing, hopefully more enlightening even than tonight’s. And I’ll do my best to, to bring you a more shaven face. If not, it’ll be a little harrier. Have a good one. You have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

 Stuck? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:49 “You don’t have to get it right… you just have to get moving” -- Gary Halbert, Boron Letters Stuck? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live from grants pass Oregon today. And the real question is, are you stuck? Do you suffer from writer’s block? Do you get in these times where you just not sure what to do, where to go, how to do it? Quick little quote from Gary Halbert as a famous a copywriter marketer. This is from his book, The Boron Letters. It’s a good book. It’s worth reading, small book. These were letters sent from Boron prison where he was at, for some type of mail fraud or something like that…some deal. He talks about it, but these are letters to his son Bond Halbert. And in this particular point he says, “You don’t have to get it right,you just have to get moving.” And what he’s telling him about is how to get out there and just start writing and start getting good at writing. And it’s, but it’s a concept that applies to anything. Sometimes the best advice for getting started with something is just to get moving. Just get going. If you take the concept of writer’s block, let’s say you had a writer’s block, you’re not able to come up with anything, you’re not able to write that next article or what have you. The best thing to do is just start writing and it doesn’t matter if you start writing a song that you have in your head or nonsense words start writing in that process, in getting into emotion, it will turn into something. So here’s a great example. These videos, I’ve started doing these videos back in May of this year and the whole process with them, I wasn’t exactly sure where I wanted to go with it, but I had found through repetition that it helped to just get started to just get moving. And then I’d find my way through it. And I have. I’ve done pretty well with these, been pretty happy with them and I plan to do more with them. I’ve got more ideas, more directions to go with them and things to do with the material after it’s been recorded. So you could be watching this live, but you also may be listening to a recording. You may be listening to a podcast, you may be watching this years later. All of that is by design and all of that I may have come up with later. You know, different ways to be able to get this information out that you may be reading the transcript of this somewhere. These are all things that come about because I started putting things into motion. Whatever you’re looking to do, even if you’re not quite sure how to do it, put it into motion. Don’t worry about getting it right, start it. Doesn’t need to be public, but you need to start the process. Start going forward in the direction that you think is the right way and pay very close attention while you’re doing it to see if it’s going to continue being the right way and you’ll find your way through it. It’s the best advice out ther and it’s so simple that most people miss it. Most people will get caught up in this place of writer’s block. It’s not just about writing, it’s about everything.

 How To Handle Major Changes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:16 Hi this is Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live today. We’re coming from the Portland International Airport in Portland, Oregon, where I have a quick layover. So this is going to be our real quick message. This is going off the same concepts that we were talking about yesterday when we were talking about glitches in the matrix. Go back and watch that one if you haven’t seen it. And that’s the idea of what happens when something major comes up and it completely changes all your plans. For those of you who weren’t here, I fell in it. So that put me, put me on kind of a strange little trip for 24 hours and I ended up here and going through a whole bunch of different things today that I wouldn’t have gone through otherwise, which was cool. It’s all good. At least in a sense. And it reminded me of a story that, you can see out there that they’ve put out audios and stuff via social media from a guy named Alan Watts. Alan Watts died years and years ago, but his recordings, a kind of a philosopher type and he had this story called Maybe, you know, people refer to it as Maybe. And the whole story is a Chinese farmer has this horse runaway. And all his neighbors come by and they say, Oh my God, what a horrible news. Your horse ran away. I mean, that was your only horse. He says, Maybe. And the horse ends up coming back the next day and brings with it seven stallions. And the neighbors come by and they say, Oh my God, that’s so great. Not only did you gain a horse, you gained seven extra horses on top of that. He said, that’s amazing news. And he said, maybe. And the next day his son is trying to ride some of the stallions and trying to, you know, break one and gets thrown off, breaks his leg. Oh my gosh, horrible news about your son breaking his leg, that’s just so bad. And he says, well, maybe. And, and a week later, the military comes in and are looking to conscript any young people to go to war, young men and his son was the perfect age, but because of the broken leg, he wasn’t taken off to war. And this, that the friends came back, all the neighbors came back and said, oh my gosh, isn’t that great news? I mean, your son broke his leg. And that made that made it so that he didn’t have to go to war. That’s fabulous. And he said, well maybe. The whole concept of the story is that no matter what type of news we get, it’s like, it doesn’t mean it’s good. It could be either one, it’s all on how you look at it. And with time, the reasons why certain things happen a certain way, show why. If you’re willing to wait long enough and not overreact to the situation. So just a quick little note, something to keep in mind as you’re going through your day. If you happen to be a business owner or executive that’s in the self-reliance field, go to Go check it out. the link is in the description. There’s a video there. Well, have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

 A Glitch In The Matrix? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:08 A glitch in the matrix? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Every day we come to you with little tips and tricks of the trade, hopefully to help you and your business to grow. So today we’re in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Tomorrow I’ll be flying back home. And today, I’m spending the night at a nice cozy little hotel room. And I wanted to talk a little bit about a glitch in the matrix. This is a concept that stems from the movie the matrix. If you haven’t seen the movie, the matrix, what are you doing with your life? I’d go and watch the movie, the matrix. You’ve got to watch it at least once. Some people, may watch it more than once to get the gist of it, to realize that it’s, you know, it’s an analogy for other things and you can tie it to so many different things. One of the things that happens in this movie, I’m not gonna go through the whole plot. For those of you who haven’t seen it, go and watch it. But one of the things is they’re inside this simulation called the matrix and he sees a cat walk by twice in a row and he says, well, Deja Vu. And they said, what? What’d you say? He said, Deja Vu. I just saw that cat walked by twice in a row. And they said, Oh no, that’s a glitch in the matrix, if the matrix was a computer program or what have you. That’s the concept behind it is that whenever something happens that is, a concept of deja Vu is something, something feels like it happens twice. But the way I see it is whenever something happens in life that comes up as kind of like serendipity, that it comes up out of nowhere complete accident, there’s almost always a reason behind it. There’s always something that’s actually happening behind the scenes that you may not realize or there’s something really cool about to happen. So, I mean, one of the most famous examples, if you’ve ever heard anybody that was alive during September 11 2001 and they were supposed to get on one of the airplanes that crashed or they were supposed to be in one of the buildings that it crashed into and just some little mishap kept them from being there. These are, these are these type of things. You can’t explain them, but if you’re anything like me, you, you believe that things happen for a reason. The term serendipity is kind of, it’s corny because it says that the definition has to do with chance. But the way I see serendipity is it’s the good things that occur from not just chance, but from something a little deeper. So this happened to me. The whole reason why I’m bringing this up is that I was not meant to…..well….it depends on how you look at it. But the plan was not to be in this spot right now. The plan at this time, was to be up in the air going from one airport to another on my way home tonight, little did I know, I misread the itinerary as this big long story about how the itinerary service that I bought my tickets through, must be British or something and they switch around the numbers for the date. And so where the month goes, if you’re in America, where the month would normally go, the date was and where the day would normally go. The month was, and so I wasn’t paying attention to the month. The Monday would have been October. I mean it would’ve been November 10th from the way it read.

 Are They Ready For You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:53 Are they ready for you? Hi I’m Brian J. Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live today from Morgantown West Virginia of all places. Today I’m actually out by the pool. Excuse the echo, it’s an indoor pool. We’ve got a got a hot tub and pool here and I’m out here at 10 o’clock at night, a little past 10, 10 30, almost. Today we’re going to talk about whether people are ready for you or not. And when I’m talking about them, I am referring to your potential customers and clients and partners and whoever else, whoever your trying to get to do what you want them to do. I mean that’s really what it comes down to, whether it be marketing, communications, anything of that sort. It all comes down to you attempting to persuade someone else to do something that you think is in their best interest. And obviously since you’re doing it, it’s in your best interest. So most of the time we’re talking business, but it could be anything. It doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to get someone involved in a religion or what have you, it’s the same deal because you’re still dealing with people, making decisions, making choices and so on and so forth. So are they ready for you? The reason why I’m asking is because right now we’re at a point where, well, I’m working with a new partner here and new client and we were talking with a possible new client. And what we found is that while they tick a lot of the boxes, they’re probably not ready for our new offerings. Probably not, time will tell, but today they weren’t. Maybe tomorrow we’ll have to see, and you have to be okay with that regardless of who you are and what you do. You’ve got to be okay with them not being ready yet because most of the people that you talk to aren’t going to be ready. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a website and you’ve got people visiting and they don’t purchase anything or whether you work one on one with people or what have you. It’s the same deal over and over again. Sometimes you’re going to get people that aren’t ready, they aren’t picking up what you’re putting down. They aren’t buying what you’re selling, what have you, and you’ve got to be okay with that. Then have a plan for how to follow up with them over and over and over again. It doesn’t mean you just keep selling them. Or you keep pitching them the same way. It really comes down to finding out where they’re at, where you know they probably need to be in order to be in the looking zone. We’ve talked about the looking zone in the past, so go watch our older videos on that. Or, you know, just where exactly they need to be next in order for them to be an ideal client for you. Don’t force it. Don’t try and force people in because they’ll resent it. They’ll eventually flip on you if you force them and they’ll try and fight you and try and show how they were originally right in not wanting to be part of your deal. Take your time, talk to them and make sure that you get buyin from them and anyone else that’s involved in the process, whether that be a spouse,

 Got Health? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:43 Got health? I am Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live today. Coming to you from Morgantown, West Virginia. Quite an interesting area. I’ve never been to West Virginia before. Got to meet a lot of the locals. Lots of fun, very interesting area here on business and today I wanted to talk a little bit about personal health because these are things that I know I discuss a lot of the inside head games and everything that we play with ourselves. Then we play with our customer base and so forth. And this is one of those things where it’s very much the physical end of things. Are you staying healthy? Because if you’re not staying healthy, it doesn’t matter how great your businesses, it doesn’t matter how much money you’re pulling in. In the end, what matters is you being able to enjoy everything. Thank you Jessie. I see a lot of people watching today that Jesse is saying, welcome to the East coast. Happy to be here only for a short period of time, but I’m happy to be here. It’s nice weather. So back to the health topic though, you have to pay attention to your health. You really do. And oftentimes what we can overly focus on business and other things to distract ourselves from the main thing. The main thing is we got to stay healthy long enough to be able to enjoy ourselves and actually get something out of life and be able to give something back from what we’re doing. So, it’s a simple idea today, but it’s been going through my mind because I’ve been jumping flight to fly to flight and not getting much sleep and all of a sudden I actually have been keeping pretty healthy this last couple of years and eating better and exercising and everything. And as soon as I get out of that routine, as soon as I start messing with it, as soon as I’m not drinking enough water, simple things, not getting enough sleep, and all of a sudden I end up with a headache. I don’t get headaches very often. I just don’t. And when I have one, I know something’s off. It’s usually nutrition based. It’s the fact that I haven’t slept well or whatever. Sometimes it can be stress related, so you’ve got to pay attention to this stuff. Don’t ignore it. Just consider this a quick little warning to sit back and think about, okay, what can I be doing differently? What habits can I change? Go back and watch the videos I have on habit building. What habits can I change that’ll make it easier to have good health because there’s an easy way to do it and there’s a hard way to do it. And most of the time we’re always talking about the hard ways of doing it. And we think that because it’s hard, that means our health is going to be better. No, not really. It’s not gonna happen. It’s not going to happen that way. So you gotta, you gotta keep, keep things, keep all that in mind. Keep your health in good shape, pay attention to it. Don’t ignore it. Don’t put it off until after you know your business hits a hits the next million or what have you. Focus on it. Find a way to focus on it. Set some time aside and fix anything that’s broken because all it takes is a few years of doing something in the wrong way or a few months,

 The Secret of How to Sell Anything | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:02 “You can get anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want” -Zig Ziglar “The only way to influence someone is to find out what they want, and show them how to get it.” -Dale Carnegie “Find out what people want and help them get it!” -Harry Browne The secret of how to sell anything. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live today. Coming to you live from Seattle’s airport here on a very long layover going from here over to Detroit. And from Detroit to Pittsburgh and from Pittsburgh. I’ll be driving out to West Virginia. Meeting out with some clients out there. That’ll be fun. So today we’re going to be talking about the secret of how to sell anything. If you get to watched yesterday’s video, we were discussing Gary Bencivenga’s Marketing Bullets, a specific one called marketing bullet number 29. You’ll find more of those, I think it’s at and here he talks about the secret of how to sell anything. And this is important. Regardless, you’re going to be dealing with how to sell something and you’re eventually going to get to the point to where you’re wanting to sell more. We’re going to want to sell more to the same people. So how do you do that? And this simplicity of the answer. Don’t let it throw you off because there’s magic in the simplicity of this answer and you see it over and over and over again from anybody that’s done really well. It’s selling and if you take anybody that’s made a whole lot of money, it’s because they’ve taken advantage of this secret. So what is it? Well, I’ve got three different quotes. These are directly from Gary Bencivenga article. The first one is from Zig Ziglar. This might be one that you’ve heard before. I know I have. It says you can get anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want. All right, next one’s from Dale Carnegie directly out of how to win friends and influence people. And he says the only way to influence someone, is to findout what a person wants and show them how to get it. The third one is from Harry Brown. He had an unpublished book, which you can buy the ebook. I believe you can get it on I know I have it. I believe it’s called The Secret On How to Sell Anything to Anyone. Something of that sort. And he said that the, this is the main thing. Find out what people want and help them get it. That’s Harry Brown. Uh, you may know Harry Brown, he ran for president twice million ticket and had somebody, I think he had probably the highest votes of any other, any libertarian presidential candidate of all times. A very interesting guy, old salesman, a, he’s no longer around. He died in Oh six, I think. But each of those quotes say the same thing. You find enough help enough people get what they want. You’ll get what you want, find out what they want, help them how to get it. It’s the secret to selling anything. And now oftentimes we start out with a product or a service. We have something that we think people need what they want and show how that connects back to your product and service. Most problems that I find when I’m dealing with clients.

 2 Things You Need To Grow Your Successful Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:51 Two things you need to grow your successful business. Back to and Brian J. Pombo Live, which is brought to you by Go if you’re a business owner or executive that in a self-reliance based business, meaning that you sell products and services to people to help them become more self reliant. If you think that applies to you, go to go check out the video that we have there. It’s completely free and you can see if you qualify for a fee. Welcome back. We are here in Grants Pass Oregon and today we’re going to be talking about the two things you need to grow your successful business beyond where it currently is. Take it to the entirely new next level and these two things don’t come from me. They come from a guy named Gary Bencivenga. He is a famous world famous copywriter, he’s made a living at writing really good advertising copy, really amazing, sold millions and millions of millions worth of products through the years. I believe he’s, for the most part, retired now, but you could still find a lot of his material out there. One of the things he put out years ago was something called marketing bullets. And these are a number of articles that he wrote about specific marketing principles. And one of them we’re talking about today is bullet number 29. You can find them, they’re all for free out there or over on and I recommend reading everything that Gary Bencivenga has put out through the years. It’s amazing stuff. Really good. It all applies back to sales, but sales applies to anything have you do with business, which is why we’re talking about it here. Two things he mentions in this, in this specific article, this bullet number 29, and the two things we’re going to be talking about today is the two things that he sees are necessary for success of all copywriters. In reality, it’s necessary for success in anybody that’s growing a business. And even if you’ve had a successful business up until now, chances are if you’re not able to go any further, there’s these two things. One of these two things is getting in your way or both. And we’re going to just go touch on them real quick today. Tomorrow I want to talk about the rest of his article, which we’ll get more into that tomorrow. But first I want to go over these two things. The first thing you have to have, which is the first thing everyone always focuses on is the mastery of your craft. So whatever it is that you’re attempting to get out there to sell more of, maybe it’s a service, maybe it’s a product. Either way, if you’re looking again at out there, you’ve got to really be a master of whatever it is you’re trying to get out there. You have to really know what you’re doing, what you’re providing for the end customer and really know it as well as possible. And that’s something that really never ends. You’re always going to be learning more and more and more on how to go about doing that. That’s the first main thing. We almost always focus on that. But the second thing that oftentimes is missing are the list of complete su...

 Are Your Prospective Customers Raising Their Hand? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:37 Are your prospective customers raising their hands? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live today. Live from Tracy, California down here for my cousin’s wedding. Actually just went to it tonight and just got back. You could tell I’m a little worn out. My throat’s a little horse and a little tired from running around after my children, the family wedding. But it doesn’t mean we can’t hang out for just a quick minute here and wanting to tell y’all…..remind you, if you haven’t been with me here before about as a place to go, especially if you’re a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance space, meaning that you provide products and services to people to help them become more self reliant. If you are a decision maker in that field, go to go and watch the video. Let me know what you think. Fill out the application if you think it applies to you. And, I think you’ll be happy that you did. Love to find out whether you are or you aren’t. So today we’re talking about prospective customers. So you know, you have people out there that could quite possibly be your prospect. So what are you doing to get in touch with them ahead of time? How are you having them raise their hand, figuratively? How are you getting them to raise their hand and say, yes, I’m interested in what you’re offering before you ever get a chance to actually offer it to them? Can you get them to raise their hand? This concept, it’s been bandied about quite a bit. I think this, this specific idea I’ve heard the most from Dean Jackson, who we’ve talked about before. You can go and look his stuff up. He has a number of podcasts and so forth. Dean Jackson, a marketing guru who, comes from the real estate field to begin with, but his concepts work regardless of where you’re at. And it’s all about finding out who your ideal prospect is for your product or service. Getting them to raise their hand ahead of time, which is what we call lead generation. How do you get people to become leads? How do you generate leads? How do you get them to say, I may quite be, I might be interested in what you have going. So there’s a bunch of different ways we can go about looking at this. Let’s say you’re offering beehives that you have as a specific type of beehive and you’re trying to see people who would be interested in beehives. Well, this is the most common thing that you’re seeing online and you have seen for, for close to 20 years now, is that you’ll have somebody have a free report, something of that sort. And it will say, you know…..Top 10 Things that People Mess Up With When Deciding to Get a Beehive. I’m just making that up off the top of my head. You have some type of report, something free that someone can basically raise their hand. Say yeah, I’m interested in that. I want to know more about beehives. Well, who’s your prospective customers? The people that are going to be interested in beehives. And so even before you’ve offered them your product,

 Do Things Happen To You or For You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:37 Do things happen to you or for you? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today, coming to you live from Tracy, California outside. It’s quite windy. I apologize if you’re not able to hear me well, but I’m out on the back deck of my father’s house out here in Tracy, California. Let me see if I can show you a little bit of the view here or looking out. Looking out. Let’s see. Can you see, Oh well of course it would help if my finger were not over the lens. This is a Tracy, California at night. I see Joseph Costamagna is watching. Hey Joe hanging out here in Tracy. See if I can wipe off the lens. This is all live folks. This is all live. So that kind of gives you a perspective. So do things happen to you or for you? And this is from a quote that my friend Sean McNeil posted on Facebook than I really enjoy. Hey, how’s it going? Sean McNeil was saying that. Everything either happens to you or for you, says it all depends on your perspective and really everything always depends on your perspective. If you think about it, and that’s a perfect example and it’s an attitude adjustment and something to keep an eye on yourself is whether you think things happen to you or for you. You say, well, yeah, but that can’t be the only options. But really it is in a sense, it is because if things happen to you, you’re a victim and things just happen to you constantly and things are just always happening on top of you that the fates are out to get you. But if things are happening for you, you could say, well that’s pretty self-centered. What do you mean things happen for you? But I think it pays to be a little bit self-centered. You have to see the world from yourself out, because that’s who you are. You have to see how things are coming together for you. And not that everything happens just for you, but from your perspective, you have to see it as they’re happening for you. You have to have a little bit of that concept of destiny that I like to talk about and you can watch some of my other videos regarding destiny. I think if you don’t, you’re always going to feel like things are happening to you. You’re still secretly believe in destiny, but you believe that it’s all out to get you. You believe you’re faded to something bad. That’s just no way to live. You gotta be able to see the good things. You’ve gotta be able to see the shiny things and be able to see the good things that are happening for you because they’re everywhere. Whether you’re taking advantage of them or not, you’ve got opportunity everywhere. You’ve got the ability to do so many things and you could see that other people may not have those same things. When I talk about white privilege and stuff like this, I think we’re all privileged in our own way. And even the most worst case scenario, worst case situations that occur can be a privilege, can be useful, we could use to our advantage. Viktor Frankl, the guy that wrote ahh……what’s the name of his famous book? A Man’s Search for Meaning. This was a guy that survived the concentration camps and he started takin...

 Entrepreneurial Loneliness? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:39 Entrepreneurial loneliness. Do you suffer from it? Brian Pombo coming to you from California on the I-5 freeway driving down to go to a wedding. My cousin’s wedding, sorry for the shaky camera work and if there’s any extra noise in the background, I appologize. I’m sorry it’s so dark, but it’s apropos to our subject matter today. Real quick, I’m going to give a quick plug to, If you’re a business owner or executive that’s in the self-reliance field. To learn more go check it out. Let me know about the video. I’ve got an eight and a half minute video there you will watch for free. Go watch it, tell me what you think. Entrepreneurial loneliness I think is a very common combination that people deal with. If you’re an entrepreneur, if you’re doing anything on your own and you’re one of the people that’s in charge, it’s real easy to get kind of glow about it because there’s not really anyone to talk to and there’s just points at which you’re going through something you can’t talk to anyone else. Not necessarily that you’re depressed, but I think anybody that either owns a business or is running a business that you get to a point where there’s nobody to talk to. The best cure I’ve found for this is finding a sounding board, finding a sounding board, finding somebody who has enough intelligence and possibly that you’re experiencing, owning a business, running a business, someone who can kind of put themselves in your shoes to a certain extent and understand what you’re going through. Understand the questions that you’re asking over where to go next. Even just being able to put your ideas out there. We’ve discussed earlier about self milking cow that Dean Jackson talks about. Go watch my video on the self milking cow. It’s the same concept. Just have somebody, it’s worth your money too. This will really help alleviate the entrepreneurial loneliness that we all go through because it allows you to get your ideas out of your head and just being able to hear your own words makes such a huge difference. If you think about the times that you’ve really been able to crystallize a concept, oftentimes it’s when you’ve been able to lay it out for somebody else, not necessarily that what they come back with from you or to you. Have a great one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

 What Can Doctors Teach Us About Customer Service? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:15 What can doctors teach us about customer service? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live, sent out every day live from Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re back in the blank office, the new headquarters for Brian J. Pombo Live. And you could see behind me, this is some of the bookshelves we haven’t put together yet. So we still got it in pieces. I’m in my baseball cap and tee shirt because Wednesday’s are my day at home with the family. So just doing odd jobs and looking after the kids. And I wanted to talk about a conversation that I had earlier with with my good friend Jesse. I know he watches, so he’ll get to hear this. He’ll remember the conversation because we were talking about who’s the one profession that nearly everybody trusts without even thinking about it. We’ll do what they tell us to do though they don’t have the power of law behind them. They just hold rain over everybody. And there’s a whole bunch of reasons for that. I’m not going to get deeply into all of them, but there’s one specific thing that they do that changes everything. Of course, I’m talking about doctors, it’s in the title, right? We’re talking about doctors. Doctors will tell us to do whatever to fix whatever problem we come to them with and most people are going to go along with it. As long as it doesn’t seem too difficult, too painful, we’re all gonna go along with it. Oftentimes, unless you’re really a Renegade and like to fight with your doctor or like to try alternative medicine, stuff like that. But in general, most people, most of the time we’ll take whatever pill their doctor tells them to. We’ll do whatever procedure their doctor tells them to, as long as they can prevent pain in. For the most case, we don’t go to the doctors to prevent disease. We just don’t. It’s not something we go and do and this is why doctors have more pull over us than does a nutritionist or a fitness coach in general. Most of us are going to listen to the doctor a lot more than we will any of those other people. We may take their advice, we may ask them what they think about this and that, but it’s not necessarily something that we’re going to follow through with with a doctor. There’s an authority figure there that you feel like you have to follow along with that you got to go along with. And there’s the incentive of having a pain or an issue that you know needs to be fixed. How’s this draw back into business? How’s this go back into everything that we talk about on a daily basis? Well, it all comes back to your business with a concept called prescriptive selling. I don’t remember who came up with it. I don’t know who first talked about it, but you hear it talked about here and there. And that’s the idea before you sell a product or service to your customers, having a way for them to go step by step to tell you what their problem is, to tell you what their issues are that your product or service solves. This creates trust because they don’t feel like you’re just selling them blankly. Something that you think they should want based on their demographic, based on their position, based on their career, your solving a problem that they came to you with thi...

 Do You Put Off Fixing You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:22 That’s the question today. Do you put off fixing you? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you by Coming to you from Grants Pass Oregon. If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and you are really looking to take your business to another level and not quite sure how to do it, you’re where you’re at but you want to take it to the next level and you want somebody to be able to talk around your ideas, go to Link is in the description. There’s a video there you can watch to see if the dream biz chat would work for you. Now today we’re going to talk about putting off fixing yourself. I think a lot of us procrastinate on that we’re like, “Oh, I’ll deal with that later.” But a specific thing in general that I came across today with an associate of mine and it’s a grudge. If you have a grudge with somebody, if you’ve got a pent up resentment towards someone, especially if you need to work with this person long-term, you’ve got to get it off your plate, you’ve got to get it out of the way. So a friend of mine came to me and was telling me about this grudge that he had with somebody and he wanted to talk about it a little bit and I said, well in the end you need to talk with that person. You need to get over it. You either need to find a way to drop it yourself or you’ve got to confront it with that person and tell them what’s going on and either find a way around it or get out of the situation where you have to work with this person. You got to make sure that you’ve got something good going. He wanted to put it off. He said, “Yeah, you know, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.” And I said, well, if you’re telling me all these other things that came about because of it, because one thing leads to another, leads to another to where you can’t stand being in the same room with a person, where you can’t stand listening to them talk, it get to the point where they can……. I know men specifically get to the point where they could have so much rage towards somebody they feel like punching them in the face and it’s not healthy. These are things you’ve got to get over. It’s necessary sometimes to have to go so far in one direction that you realize you’ve got to stop and go, okay, wait a second. What’s going on? This comes back to a point that I like to go back to over and over again about being a reality grounded. It’s important to be reality grounded. Whenever you find, “the ground of your being” form of emotional earthquake, you have to keep in mind that something’s wrong. You got to fix it and you’ve got to fix it as soon as you can. As soon as you are able to see that something’s wrong, take advantage of that inspiration and fix it. Don’t let it go. You let it go. It will only faster. It will only get worse. It will morph into something else and most of the time if you’ve got a problem with somebody, it’s going to come about….even if that person passes away before you’re able to solve it, it’ll come up in the next version of that person.

 How Do You Focus? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:50 How do you focus? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live from Grants Pass Oregon today. Let’s talk a little bit about focus and how you personally focus on things. There’s two great sins to focusing. The first sin is in not focusing enough and being too broad minded. Oftentimes those of us who are guilty of this the most, we’re too big pictured. We’re always looking at the big picture of things and have a tough time seeing the details. And then the second sin would be over focusing and getting so detailed that the old line, you miss the forest through the trees. So you over-focus you get accused of being overly detailed. You may have little habits that are a little bit OCD, little obsessive compulsive, and that comes from being too detailed, too focused. So which is better? They’re both bad. They’re the two extremes and they’re two things that you’re probably guilty of one or the other on a regular basis. Now, how do we go about solving that? I’ll get to that in a second. First I want to remind you about if you haven’t been to go there. Link is in the description, dream biz specifically for business owners and executives in the self-reliance field. But I’d love for you to go there and go check it out. There’s a video there you don’t have to add in your email address or anything of that sort. Just go watch the video if you think it applies to you. Fill out the application for your very own dream business transformation chat now focus is the secret to focus more or focus less? Well, it depends on which sin you’re guilty of the most. If you get too detail oriented, realize that that’s probably where your conation lands. So we’ve talked about conation before. It’s talked a lot about by Kathy Colby and she discusses the four major areas of conation. These are the concepts of where you work the most and if you are very detail oriented, chances are that’s just the way your brain was built. Don’t try and think the opposite. But be open to the fact that the opposite exists, help, you may need partners, you may need other people that can see more of the big picture, but you bring value to the table because then you can help somebody that is guilty of seeing too big. So I’m one of those people, I tend to look at the big picture of things and tend to miss the details. So I need somebody on my team. So our podcast producer Sean helps me out to focus in, down into the details and to keep focus on the details, on the goals at hand and not get thrown off by this and that and go after bright shiny objects. If you’re someone that’s detail oriented, you need to find others that aren’t and help to reign them in a little, be patient with them, but at the same time point out the details that they may be missing. Now if you are more broad minded, you’re going to need people like that on your team. You’re going to need people around you and you have to be open to being able to, to have yourself focused in on things on occasion. It doesn’t mean you should stop viewing the big picture. You got to see the big picture,


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