Brian J. Pombo Live show

Brian J. Pombo Live

Summary: Brian J. Pombo’s daily, off-the-cuff tips to make your business bigger and your life better.

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 The Biggest Secret in All of Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:07 The Biggest Secret in all of Business. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. We get together every day and talk a little bit, go over some real simple concept and then I send you on your way and today is no different. It’s funny, I don’t know if you heard that ding that just happened. I have my phone set to alert me every time that somebody that I’m specifically following goes live and it’s following me. So I’m going live right now and it’s alerting me. I’ve got to make sure I turn that off before I do this. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming again from Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re going to talk about the biggest secret in all of business and what is the biggest secret? Do you know what it is? I’ll give you a clue. I thought about it as I picked up this off of my shelf. This is 108 Proven Split Test Winners. This was put together by Russell Brunson’s team, over at Click Funnels and they put this out as kind of an advertisement for their business. But it’s a very brilliant way of doing it because what it does is it talks about split testing and split testing throughout your entire funnel on your website. So regardless of whether or not, let me just look through here, I mean, you know, whether it’s better to have a large video or a small video. Or whether you’re asking them a three word survey or a or a four word survey. I mean, just one thing after another as to things that they ran up against each other. If you’re not sure what a split test is, it’s when you run two things at the same time and you have enough traffic going through it that you could see which one’s the winner. The winners of 108 different tests that they did over time. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean it would be the same winner in your situation with your market. All markets are different, but it’s the concept behind it. In some cases they ran some of these tests over many different markets. So they have a pretty good idea of certain things that come with human psychology or at least come with the times. So what is this? Is this a big book of secrets? It is in a sense, and as marketers we use the term secret over and over and over and over again. Russell himself has the book, Dotcom Secrets and also, Expert Secrets. I think he’s coming out with traffic secrets soon. I mean he’s driven that word into the ground because it’s a hot word. It makes you think that there’s something that is being kept from you or something that you haven’t been told or something that very few people know. And once I know it, I’m going to be special. You know, it comes with the territory when you think about that word and that is one of the biggest secrets in all of business is that there really are no true secrets, no secrets that are worth knowing. Really, it’s all written down. The reason why I have all these books, the reason why I get other programs and things of the sort….audio video, anything I can get my hands on when it fits what I’m looking for, is because there’s no secrets.

 Path Over Plan – Carly Fiorina | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:01 Path over Plan. Hi, I’m Brian welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live every day here from Grants Pass, Oregon. Here at the headquarters for Today I wanted to talk about this concept of the path over the plan. I first heard this termed in an interview with Carly Fiorina. Carly ran for Senate in California as a politician. Was a business person, made into a politician. She also ran for president. Still a number of things like that. I’m not here to get into politics or talk about whether I like her or not. It’s irrelevant. What I heard though, something that stopped me in my tracks and she talked about path over plan and said that a lot of times we get caught up with the plan and when it doesn’t go right, we forget where the next step is. This comes back to the kind of the three big things that I think business owners get confused about and it has to do with what are we talking about right now? Are we talking about tactics? Are we talking about strategies or are we talking about principles? One of the most common things you see is people getting caught up with the tactics. So her getting caught up with YouTube or getting caught up with this new product. It’s that tactic. It’s a temporarily exciting thing that we’re getting caught up in the action and the action really doesn’t have much meaning unless there’s a plan behind it, which is the strategy. The strategy, should proceed the tactic. If you’ve got a strategy behind the tactic, the tactic means more. It’s based off of something deeper, but there’s another level deeper than that is most of the time we don’t as business owners. If we are strategy focused then we get too overly focused on strategy and we haven’t spent enough time thinking about the principles that should proceed the strategy, the principles of the deeper thing. And so if you get too caught up with strategy……and this is coming from a business strategist, okay, my main areas and helping businesses to plan, hench, The Worthington Method that we’ve been discussing in previous videos, hits a lot of the concepts that I bring to you here have to do with their strategy base. Because most companies do not have any sense in long-term strategy. But that strategy has to be based on principles. It has to be based on something that means something to you that is taking you somewhere important. And those principals, they have to be true. If they’re not true, the whole thing falls apart. The tactics fall apart and everything falls apart, if the principles aren’t true, If the real clear in destination isn’t true, if everything about that is not true, then it’s like a formula and the whole formula falls apart. So here’s a couple pieces out of Carly’s book. I haven’t read it, but the book is, Find Your Way. So you can go and track that down. I haven’t gotten my hands on it yet, but this is where she actually has a section or a chapter on it and I found an excerpt and it’s called the path over the plan. And says that the dirty little secret of a destination mindset of livin...

 Why Should You Interrogate Your Customers? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:18 Why should you interrogate your customers? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live every day here from Grants Pass, Oregon. Today we’re going to talk a little bit about why you should be interrogating your customers. Why you shouldn’t just be talking to them. You shouldn’t just be communicating at them or even with them. You should be questioning them. You should be having them in an interrogation and pulling every morsel out of that interchange as possible. Are you recording your conversations with your customers? Are you having conversations with your customers? I know what the answer is. The answer is no, you are not having enough. And here’s how I know you don’t think enough about your customer in general. I can make that a blanket statement. I could find that to be true. So tonight I was working, doing a little bit of a help with some people who ran a political campaign, just a local political campaign, nonpartisan. And they were wanting help on where to go next. I’ve known them for awhile and the answer is always the same. The answer is find out what the voter wants. Because in a political campaign, you’re not as much looking for our customer issue are looking for a donor. You’re looking for a volunteer, you’re looking for voter, you know, you’re looking for a little different action. You’re not necessarily needing money to be exchanged for a product. The product is the candidate, when it comes to politics. So in this case it’s a candidate, and in the particular case we were talking about, it’s a voter. They’re looking for a vote in exchange for what the candidates going to do for them. It’s common human nature. They create what they’re about first before they talk to the end customer, the voter. And it’s like, wow, yeah, well they’ve got to have something about them first. Well, yeah, you have to already know who you are about and everything else, but you should not design your marketing until you find out what they want. Then you take where you’re at and where they’re at and you meet in the middle somewhere. You find them along the way so that you could communicate to them first about their needs and their desires and what they’re looking to accomplish first. It’s not about pandering, it’s about true communication, which is putting the other person first. Here’s a great book on it. I know I’ve mentioned this one before. It’s a little book. It’s a little simple book but very powerful because he uses statistics to back up his point of view here. It’s all about Customer Centricity by Peter Fader. This is a focus on the right customers for strategic advantage. It’s put out by Wharton Digital Press. Good book. Very straight-forward. Let me see if I can find something, something quick. I should have looked this up ahead of time, but let me see if I can find a quick quote in here. Because I tend to get pretty good at highlighting good quotes here.

 You, Meth-Heads & Pink Envelopes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:48 You, Meth-Heads & Pink Envelopes. What do these things all have to do with each other? Well, we’re going to cover that today. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live everyday. Today we are back at the head quarters for We’re here in Grants Pass, Oregon. So wanted to tell you a quick story and a really interesting marketing tactic that is based on principles of human psychology and go through that in a second. It all starts back, Oh, probably 15 years ago. I was working for the government down in California State government. So working for the state assembly at the time, which is in the legislature. And it was just a short period of time that I’ve found myself working in the government, which I recommend for everyone to try out just for the education. But regardless, we’ll get into those stories another time. But this specific story, I believe it was some form of class being put on for government employees by, I believe it was the state highway patrol. Which is in California, it’s called the CHP, the California highway patrol. They were putting on a class all about, identity theft, which at the time was, was kind of a really hot buzzword that had started coming out. It was becoming something that was being much more widely talked about, especially with the internet, that had just started firing up and getting popular and everything. So everyone was really freaked out about it. Identity theft and what’s it all means and where’s it all, you know, how do you prevent it? I learned some things there that I haven’t heard often enough and I’m not sure if it’s all still true, but at the time they were saying that across the board, that the highest amount of people doing identity theft, at least in California at the time, were drug dealers of some sort. They were the ones taking part in an identity theft. So what they do is they would grab either mail straight out of somebody’s mailbox. I mean, they honestly would grab shredded documents from the trash of businesses and so forth. Shredded documents. They’d take it back and these guys were so strung out on meth that they needed something to do and they need somewhere to put all this energy. And they said they’ve gone into these places and found it time and time again where they had someone sitting there and placing the shredded papers back together and taping them back together piece by piece. Now this was before cross shredded shredders were as common, but that was one of the things they were recommending and said they’re not going to do that with it’s cross shred. It’s just too much. But if it’s just a big long piece that they could take that and put it together and all they’re looking for is an address, an address and a name that they can tie together. If they can intercept that mail, then they can create an identity or they can use the identity that’s already tied with that mailing address. So how does this all tie together? Well, I learned back then and that from that point on I started cross shredding all my mail. Especially the envelopes that have the information on the outside with your name and your address and that, which is a funny thing.

 What Is the 7th Key to Growth? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:49 What is the 7th key to growth? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live every day today from Grants Pass, Oregon. Here in the main headquarters for and today we are going to hit the seventh key to growth, which we’ve been discussing all the other keys one through six up until now in all previous videos. If you haven’t seen those videos, go to and you can check them out there. They’re over in the media section. Today though, the seventh key, it’s not the most exciting one. It’s the one that is the most obvious. I would say the seventh key to growth in the process of what we refer to as the Worthington Method. The seventh key to go growth is to review results and then reload. So all the other keys that we talked about, all the other steps in the process, once you’ve gone through that, the final step is just to review what you’ve done. So for those of you who have been watching us for a while, you may have seen the video that was plan, do, check, adjust. You could also go back and rewatch that one. It’s the same process only it’s spread out a little longer and a little bit more specific to business owners. So the main section of that is check, adjust. That’s what the seventh key is all about. It’s sitting back looking what you’ve done, readjust where you need to, and then reload. Get right back on it again. Even if you have to start at the very beginning and reassess your destination. Sometimes that’s necessary so you find out more about that by going back and rewatching those videos. But it’s important to understand that growth is absolutely possible when you’ve been taken through a process, anything even similar to the Worthington Method with anyone, with any real concept of how to do this type of strategic planning. Then at the end of this seventh step, you’re going to sit back and go, well, that was simple. That was easy and I feel really good about what just happened. It must be a fluke. This can’t happen all the time. There’s no reason why we can keep something like this going, but that’s where you’re wrong. Something like this can be put into place and systemized and done over and over and over and over again to where productivity and working toward an absolute dream business, honestly, is possible. But it’s only from taking that first step, going through the first seven keys, going through those initially, having a feel for it, and then realizing how close success has been at your doorstep and not that you haven’t been successful up until now. I know you’ve had a successful business up until now, but the but to really reach that height that you’ve been after this whole time, to really get your business to that dream business level, to where there’s no turning back, for you to be able to do that, it really, it’s so much more simpler than you realize. It’s not the tough things. It’s the simple little things that you haven’t been doing that’s standing between you and your dream business. So if you’re a business owner or an executive that happens to be in the self-reliance space, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people t...

 What Is the 6th Key to Growth? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:05 What is the sixth key to growth? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you live every day. Today from Grants Pass, Oregon. I forgot to turn our light on back here. Let me turn that on. There we go. Gotta have the lamp light going and then I’m going to bring up this. This has something to do with what the sixth key to growth is and there are seven keys to growth and this is kind of how I would define what I call the Worthington Method. The Worthington Method helps businesses take a direction that they’re wanting to go and making it reality. So it’s really creating that dream business and if you’re looking to create that dream business out of the business that you already have, go to you can watch a quick video and it’ll tell you all about it. So just go check it out. Let me know what you think. Especially if you’re a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field. I think you’ll find it quite interesting, The link is in the description. So what’s the sixth key to growth? Up till now we’ve had videos on all the other keys. They include the first one define a destination, second one was identifying the obstacles. Third Identifying the assets. The fourth one was assessing specific numbers. I’ve got my cheat list right over here, so I keep looking over. And then the fifth one is defining the straight line. The sixth one has to do with laying out a single tactic. That has everything to do with this book right here. And if you haven’t read this book, make sure you go out and get it. I don’t get paid for saying this, but this book by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, The One Thing. Killer book, great book, regardless of what you’re looking to do in life, if you are looking to do something on a regular basis and really make a splash, this is a book that you have to read. It’s all about productivity and it’s about simplifying. It’s about making things easier and easier way to get where you want to go. Now the main focus of their book is all around this one question, the same question and that question is, I’m going to go, I’ve got the page already saved here. What’s the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary. What’s the one thing? So if you throw that into the Worthington Method, we’ve already defined where we want to go. So the question is, what’s the one thing that you can do right now knowing that you know the assets, knowing that you know your numbers. You know what obstacles are staying in your way for the long-term. What is the one thing that you could do right now that can take you closer to the destination that you’ve defined? That’s what the sixth step is all about, is coming up with what that one thing thing is. And then moving towards and really quantifying it. Saying, what’s the one thing. The way I like to think about it usually in terms of businesses, because most of my clients I meet with on a weekly basis, I will give them one thing to consider for a week or a month.

 What Is the 5th Key to Growth? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:59 What is the 5th key to growth? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live every day today from Grants Pass, Oregon here at the headquarters for And today we’re talking about the 5th key to growth. We’ve been counting up to number seven of the seven keys to growth, which all make up something we call the Worthington Method and it’s a process that I take nearly all my clients, especially in the very beginning is we go through this process and we go through a continually ongoing. While I do have other methods I work with, this is the one that really ties everything together. It’s the main one that I work over and over and over again, and the simplicity of it is why it works so well as opposed to something that you hear about it and it’s like, okay, it’s too simple. It doesn’t sound like it would go anywhere. Well, it does go places because it’s simple. Now we went through the first four already. You could go back and watch the videos or listen to the audios from that and you can find all those at But if you are wanting to go through the process yourself, then you’ll go and sign up for a strategy session at And, If you happen to be a manager, an executive, or a business owner in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant, go to has the Dream Business Transformation discussed there. You can find out more about what that would be for you. So if you’re really looking to get to your dream business to really build that, and if you think you can do it in the next six to 12 months, then go see how that’s possible at Now it’s all about the Worthington Method. That’s the process I take people through and I’m outlining what that is. So let’s talk about number five. Let’s finally get down to it. What is number five? To understand number five completely, you’ve got to look at the first four steps. The first step is defining your destination. So really finding out where you’re going. The second step is to kind of identify your obstacles. What are the things that are going to get in your way of getting there? The third step is identifying assets. And while I have these things memorized, I just recently started referring to them by specific titles. So I’m trying to stick to it as best as possible. So the third things is identifying the assets and those, that is where you look in, find what is already working or has worked in the past. What are the ways that you’re already getting toward similar goals in the past? Let’s say you’re looking at doubling your profits. If that’s the case, what have you done to bring in profits in the meantime? What have you done up till now? The fourth step, which we talked about yesterday is assessing specific numbers. So really finding out what the numbers are behind all those assets and beyond. So what are the numbers in the business that are going to tell us why you aren’t already at...

 What Is the 4th Key to Growth? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:06 What is the 4th key to growth? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live every single day from Grants Pass, Oregon. And we’re discussing the fourth step in business growth. We’ve been counting all the steps down to seven of the seven steps. Go watch the videos that have to do with this determine your destination number two, Here, identifying the obstacles, and number three is identifying the assets. Number four is assessing the specific numbers. So the numbers that are associated with your assets, the numbers of your overall business over the past six months, year, two years, five years. However long you’ve been in business, whatever numbers are necessary to be able to look at? It has a lot to do with your destination. What is the goal that you’re setting up? If you’re setting up a goal to increase profits by a certain amount, then we’ve got to sit down and look at how you’ve been determining profits up until now. If it’s based on revenue, okay, what has been our revenue numbers up until now? Where has been the dips and the spikes? Where are the good times and the bad times and what helped create those? That’s why we’re looking into the assets because the assets help create the growth and we want to see what’s available there to be able to tap into. And then you look specifically into the numbers. The numbers tell a story all together differently. Oftentimes from what we tell ourselves as business owners. So when I sit down with a business owner, we sit down and we start going through these steps. We determine where they want to go specifically. We find something that’s quantifiable, and then we look at, okay, what are the obstacles standing in our way? Then we look at the assets. What do we already have on the ground that’s working for us or do we have that’s already almost ready to go and everything else in between. All the pieces that are already helping us in that direction. And then we look specifically at, what are the numbers up till now? And I know what you’re thinking. This seems like a whole heck of a lot of research before we’ve ever done anything, but this type of research is going to help us determine while we’re in action and moving ahead. If we do our research right, the action won’t be that pickup a deal and when we get thrown off by a certain circumstance that comes up from those actions, then we’re not going to get thrown off by it because we’ll have a very clear focus of where we’re going next, what’s in our way, everything else. These are the simple, simple steps that most business owners completely set aside because they’re too simple, they’re not sexy enough, and they’re the necessary pieces though to be able to grow. To be able to get what you want out of your business and truly stand out for your customers within your industry and everything else. That’s what we’re all about is helping you to stand out. So if you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field and you’re hoping to stand out more, you’re hoping to get out there more and really discover what yo...

 What Is the 3rd Key to Growth? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:01

What is the third key to growth? Hi I’m Brian J. Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you every day live. Today from Grants Pass, Oregon here in the Brian J. Pombo headquarters, and I’m going to talk about the third key to growth. We’re counting all seven major keys to growth, which also happens to be the steps of my Worthington Method, and we’re going to talk about the third one right now. But first I wanted to let you know that if you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self-reliant, then I’m going to suggest you go to there’s a video there. Go watch it for free. Let me know what you think. And that’s Click on the link in the description or go there by typing it in directly. So what’s the third key to growth? So we talked about the first two keys. First step being really determining your destination. The second step being identifying your obstacles. The third step is identifying your assets. Now what’s an asset and what do I mean by an asset in terms of your business structure? So there’s two main places I’m going to key into here. One is the definition that Robert Kiyosaki has for an asset, which is basically anything that’s putting money into your pocket on a regular basis. That’s an asset, something that is continually giving, it’s producing for you, that’s in terms of kind of an investment asset. You can talk about it in that sense, but in the direct business sense, I also heard a Frank Kern who’s a marketing guru and advertising expert out there who talks about assets in terms of how when he’s consulting with people, he talked about how one of his major steps is determining assets. And it was funny because when I heard him say that, that’s really what I do all the time with my clients. Especially when I first sitting down with them and we’re looking at what they’re going to do. What’s really the third step is what I ended up doing is identifying their assets and it’s really interesting how being me andFrank, think a lot of like. Because, I found that when you find out where you’re going to go and you find out what’s getting in your way of getting there, then you’ve got to look at what you already have going for you and that’s what your assets are. It’s the things that you have either you are either currently doing or have done in the past that have produced positive results for you and you just want to lay all those out and really just get a really strong understanding of that. Now, that oftentimes will take more than just you doing. If you’ve got an organization that’s more than you, you’re going to have to get everybody that’s ever been involved in the room as best you can and be able to lay out, okay, what’s everything that we’ve done that’s worked for us? That is what I’d say is the third step. As the third step, like I was saying, my Worthington Method, which I take all of my clients through and especially in the very beginning when we’re looking to get some of those major wins in our pocket right away,

 What Is the 2nd Key to Growth? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:42 What is the second key to growth in your business? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live brought to you every day from Grants Pass, Oregon. Today we are discussing the second key to growth. The first key to growth was yesterday and you can go back and rewatch that video if you want, but it had to do with determining your destination. So where are you looking at taking your business? And the second key to growth I will go through in just a moment, but first I wanted to remind you about If you haven’t been there yet and you are a business owner or an executive, a decision maker in a business that helps out people in the self-reliance field, meaning you help people become more self reliant through your products and services, then go to Check out the video there. And if you think that you qualify, fill out the application and see if we can talk. Because I’d love to learn more about you and your business and see if there’s anything I can do to help. And it’s free. So go check that out, The link is in the description regardless of where you’re watching or listening to this. Now, the second key to growth has to do with we’ve determined our destiny. So our destination, I should say, where you’re going to go. You’ve got where you’re starting and you’ve got where you’re going. Now the next step is to define your obstacles, to really identify your obstacles. What are the obstacles that are standing in your way of getting there? Especially if you have a concept of how long it’s going to take to get to that step. So let’s say this is a year long plan and we’re looking at going from where we’re at and we’re looking at growing. Let’s say we’re looking at doubling just for an example, doubling our revenue. If you’re looking at doubling your revenue, what are the obstacles standing in your way of getting there within a year or sooner? Because if there aren’t any obstacles, if your growth plan is already moving that direction and there’s no real foreseen obstacles, then why can’t we make it go faster? Why not do the same thing in six months? There’s always obstacles. That’s why I’m almost certain there has to be obstacles. If there aren’t, then you need to shorten the amount of time and see what you can do about making it go faster. The obstacle is the time itself. But beyond that, there’s going to be other obstacles. There’s going to be obstacles in terms of, you know, how quickly you can grow. So being able to scale at that type of level, if you to double your business tomorrow. If you can double it tomorrow, would you be able to handle that type of influx of either new customers, new clients, or possibly maybe just handling the delivery of the whole thing. So maybe you don’t even end up with new customers. What if the same customers came back and were buying twice as much in inventory in amounts? Would you be able to handle that?

 What Is the 1st Key to Growth? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:22 What is the first key to growth in your business? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we are going to be discussing the first key to growth. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the second key. The first key to growth in your business is something, and these are very simple steps, but you’ll be surprised how many businesses, even if they start them, they never finish them, they never stick to them. And the first key to growth I’m going to talk about in just a minute, but first but I’ll tell you about go to if you’re a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and I will actually walk you through these steps of business growth. It’s a little process I call the Worthington Method. And this first key is one of the main ones that is can change everything for our business. So simple, so easy to miss. Go and go check out that video. It kind of goes through some of the real basics behind the process. And see if you qualify for a free run through, so the link is in the description. The first key to growth is something very simple and I’m going to break it up into some pieces, but it’s about defining your destination. Defining your destination needs to start out very broad. It needs to start out very broad. This has something to do with what we were talking about yesterday in terms of legacy. I’m going to bring this back to a conversation that I was having with a couple that owns a business and a very successful website where they were needing to define it themselves and when I’m even going to help them in the future to take it and get it a little bit even more defined. But the question I always have for people is ideally in the long run, the end game for your business….What do you want it to be? Where do you want it to end? What’s the absolute pie in the sky dream come true for your business? What is it? What’s that definition? Obviously it’s not the type of thing that you’re expecting to happen tomorrow or in a year from now. This is probably years and years and years and years down the line. Where do you see your business? Do you see it just lasting for a handful of years and then fizzling out? Do you see it transferring and becoming something way beyond what it is right now, but what is that? Where do you see it going? Do you see passing it onto your kids? That all comes back to the question, of building a legacy that we were talking about yesterday. But if you can have your idea for that and then say, okay, well let’s talk about the initial steps to getting there and how do we bring that back down to reality. And let’s say in the next year…..and a year is a great point to focus on if you don’t already have yearly goals year or something that’s not so far out that it’s unimaginable, but it’s just far enough that it gives you time to get there. In most cases, I’ll say 12 months from now. Talk about in a year where we going in a year and we wa...

 Where Will Your Business Be In 40 Years? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:01

RaeJean Wilson -- GloryBee Where will your business be in 40 years? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live from Grants Pass, Oregon. We come at you alive every day. Today we’re back at the headquarters for and today I wanted to discuss the concept of legacy for you and your business. Really I wanted you to take kind of an exercise, that most business owners very rarely take. And that is stepping back and thinking about your business in the long run. So in the next 20, 40, 80 years, where is your business going to be? Where’s it going to be when you’re gone? Where would you want it to be? What would be the best case scenario? What’s the worst case scenario? What are you doing today to make the best case scenario most likely to happen? This is some pretty long-term goal setting type of thing that most of us don’t really consider or think about. But I want you to think about this because I had an interview with a RaeJean Wilson of Glory Bee Honey and foods. And that their whole company that handles much more than honey, but they’re, they’re known for their honey. They’re out of Eugene, Oregon. Her parents started the company 45 years ago and yet she’s in a position where she’s one of the owners and one of the people in charge now of running this company long-term. Her and her brother and as well and other people in the family and so forth. So their family took over where their parents left off. That’s not always the case of what happens. It’s not always the case of of what ends up happening even when the parents wanted or even if you don’t have children or you don’t have anyone that you think is going to be able to take over. Do you want it to be taken over? Do you want to be able to sell off to somebody else? Where is your business going in the long run? What’s amazing is the things that Glory Bee is doing today is really based off of the legacy that their parents laid out for them. And RaeJean talks about that. If you want to listen to that podcast interview, it’s on The Off The Grid Biz Podcast. You can listen to it wherever you listen to podcasts. You could also click on the link that’s in a description for and it’ll take you directly to that official interview. So the reason why I thought about this is also today I was touring in old Sacramento for a couple hours. Just taking my kids around because they had never been there and we’re just kind of checking it out. I haven’t been there in years. And there was a institution there called Fat City and Fat City was open by the Fat family. Specifically the person that started the entire franchise of fat restaurants in the Sacramento area. His name was Frank Fat. Frank Fat was a immigrant that came over from China and he built up this, kind of, restaurant empire there locally in the Sacramento area and one of them was Fat City, which was opened in the 70s. Well,

 Need Less – Get More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:22 Need Less, Get More. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live every day. Today we’re coming to you live from Tracy, California. It’s our final night here in Tracy and I wanted to go through with you a little bit about the process of needing, because this really comes down to a negotiation tactic. And not always in a negotiation principle in negotiations, but it’s a principle that should be present. Something you have to be aware of throughout your entire marketing of your business. So when you’re taking a look at your business and you’re taking a look at your marketing, you’ve taken a look at what you want to have accomplished with it. It should be the same concept that you should take into a negotiation. Whether you’re looking to hire somebody, whether you’re looking to sell somebody your product or bring your product line into. Let’s say a retail location. You have to pay very close attention to the need coming from your end. What do you need out of this situation? What does an absolute that you absolutely have to walk away with when a need is present, when there is any type of need coming from your end, you’re in trouble. You’re in trouble in your marketing, you’re in trouble in your sales, you’re in trouble in any form of negotiation whatsoever. When it comes to business, and this is a concept pretty well outlined out there by a gentleman by the name of Jim camp. He wrote a few books on, I believe one was called, Starting With No and few others where he discusses this concept. There are audios out there by him. He passed away a few years back, but his stuff is still just as relevant because it’s based on principle. It’s based on human psychology and NEED is a big thing that you have to watch in yourself. It’s not just him that says that this is an old Zen principle boot Buddhist principle. It’s also a principle, a present in a Judeo Christian tradition. And if you look at Eugene Schwartz who was a famous copywriter also passed away a few years back, he used to say the same thing. You have to really be careful about communicating or having to begin with any type of need for the situation when you’re communicating via marketing. If you have a need in play, then you’re going to have a very difficult time communicating with the other person because they’re going to be on the defense because they’re being very careful of you being needy. People do not like doing business with people who need something. If you need something, you’re putting your own needs ahead of their desires. Here’s a better thing. Need versus want. It’s important to know what you do want out of a situation, a negotiation, a sales deal, a, a situation in marketing. What do you want in the end from the whole situation, whether you’re putting out an ad, what have you, what are you wanting from it? But if you need it, you’re in trouble. You’re going to be out of control and you’re not going to be in a position to really make a solid, um,

 Is Your Business Truly Open? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:57 Is your business truly open? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live today from Tracy, California on our trip, our California trip, which will be over soon. I wanted to go over a concept of being open and how open is your business. And when I’m talking about being open, it really comes down to open with your customers, with your clients, with your employees, with your partners. Open on an interpersonal level is what I want to talk about. So I was sitting back tonight and watching a TV show. Not sure if you’ve ever seen The Prophet. I know it’s shown a couple of different places. They show reruns on CNBC was watching an old rerun of the prophet where he’s working with his fellow, his name is Marcus LeBoldus and he gets brought into companies that are having trouble to help turn him around. He was working with a company and ended up becoming a partner with them and becoming the majority owner of the company coming in, buying out the other partners. Even though the other partners were still engaged with the business, they did not have the clout that they once had, so he was basically in charge and going through and talking to former employees and trying to get an understanding for what went wrong, what went right. It turns out all the employees hated the person that owned the business originally, but they couldn’t say it and they had all years and years of built up resentment and all these things that they knew that he was doing wrong, but they couldn’t tell him because they were too afraid of getting fired. What I want to ask you is, the tough question is, do you have a situation like that on your hands? Are you open enough that you’re willing to handle, head on, all the problems and criticisms that your employees, the people work with you, for you around you, that they have against you and the way you do business? Are you open enough to be able to take criticism from your own customers and be able to consider what they’re saying? It doesn’t mean that they’re right, but are you open enough? Are you asking for it? Are you out there asking for criticism directly and open to hearing someone else’s point of view? One thing I found is most business owners is they just are not open to it and they don’t go looking for it. They try to sweep it the rug and they enjoy the fact that they have the power over their employees and so forth and that it keeps everybody in line and keeps everyone from criticizing and what you end up happening is having a very broken company at the end of that. So do yourself a favor, open things up as soon as possible. Bring in a third party that can come in and open up communications between you and the people you work with. It will make a huge difference. It’s one of the big areas that I look for when I’m working with a new client is somebody that’s open or willing to be more open with the people that they work with. It makes a huge difference in the long run. Hopefully this is helpful to you. If you are in the self reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people become more self reliant,

 Did Black Friday Earn You Bank? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:51 Did Black Friday or a new bank? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to talk a little bit about Black Friday. Did you know that the Christmas season, the Christmas shopping season has been considered to start on the Friday after Thanksgiving? Since 1952 was the earliest time that they heard people referring to this era as being the beginning of the Christmas season and the term Black Friday has gone back to 1961, 1961 is the earliest they’ve been able to find people refer to it as that. So this has been around a while. The whole concept of Black Friday. The question is, are you making money off that? And if not, why not? And if so, why would you want to? Well, this comes back to the concept of holidays and doing holiday marketing. So when you’re making any form of reference whatsoever to a holiday that’s existing to something that’s happening the day of, you’re entering the conversation in your customer’s mind. So you’re, you’re allowing yourself to talk about something that they’re already thinking about in some way or fashion. Whether they agree or disagree with it or not, it doesn’t matter. They’re thinking about it. It’s there, it’s being discussed. It’s in the social ethos. It’s out there in the ether. And so that’s what Black Friday is whether you like it or not. Most of us know a lot of people that think that it’s over overwhelming. It’s outrageous. It’s crazy. Who would ever go and do something like that. There’s a lot of people that do not as many as they make it out to look like when you’re watching the evening news, seeing people trample themselves and everything, but it’s still there. The pressure’s there to get a good sale on the day after Thanksgiving. So you might as well give it a shot. You might as well offer something. I don’t care if you go out and double your prices on Black Friday. Don’t ignore it. Don’t ignore these things that are out there that people are already thinking about. They’re already talking about go out there and acknowledge that it exists and by doing that you’ll get a person to stop and pay attention to you and say, okay, what are they saying about Black Friday? What are they offering? Because it’s instantaneous. If it’s an email or anything else, this is a way to get people to open it up, to pay attention to your marketing, to pay attention to any form of content that you’re putting out there. The fact that I’m referencing Black Friday on Black Friday is going to get more people watching this than would have otherwise. It’s just the fact of matter and it’s something that you can use yourself. It’s not just about Black Friday though. It’s any holiday when you’re talking about any form of holiday, anything that is going through a person’s mind, it gives you a chance to be able to talk about it.


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