Brian J. Pombo Live show

Brian J. Pombo Live

Summary: Brian J. Pombo’s daily, off-the-cuff tips to make your business bigger and your life better.

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 Timing is Everything | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:53 Brian and his youngest Lucas have a message for you about timing in life and in your business.

 Who Is Your Customer? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:14 Brian, and his 2-year-old daughter Allie talk about knowing what your customer values and how to get in front of them more often!

 How Are You A Victim? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:52 Are you a victim, a bully…..both? Brian talks about how to handle one or the other and how it can help your business.

 Passive Income is Fake | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:34 Brian shares his thoughts on why passive income may not be all it’s made out to be.

 How To Demand Your Customer’s Loyalty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:34 How to demand your customer’s loyalty. Hi I’m Brian Pombo, we’re going to go through some simple steps here today on customer loyalty. Just a very simple example of how to do it and then, if you can get the principle, the tactics become easy. Welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live, we do this on a daily basis where we discuss business concepts either in the form of principles, strategies or tactics and today we’re going to be talking about a principle via a tactic. And before we get to that, I just wanted to remind you, if you own a business or you’re an executive of a business, seven figures and above, go to and check out some of our offerings there. Also, if you happen to be in the self reliance field, meaning you’re an owner or an executive of a business that helps people to become more self reliant. I have a special deal just for you over at and it’s all about the dream business transformation. It’s something I normally charge $600 and above for, but for you, if you happen to be in the self-reliance field and you qualify, then you might be able to get it for free. So go check that out at It’d be very helpful to you because it’s something you can walk away with and something you could put into play this year immediately after getting off the phone with me. Go and check that out. Let’s talk about customer loyalty, because this is something that whether you’re a banker or a beekeeper, it’s the same thing. Everyone should be focused on having your customers come back over and over and over again. Now, if you’re not in a business where you have repeat customers, you need to get in that business because you’re probably spending all your time chasing the next new customer when, what you should be is keeping your current customers so happy that they’re the ones that are going out getting new customers for you. That’s the secret sauce right there. I’m going to show you an example of this. This is a local company. A, they’re name is Kelly’s Automotive. You can go and look them up, I’m here in Grants Pass, Oregon. By the way, I’m here in the Orange Office. And for those of you who have been watching for a long time, you’re familiar with the Orange Office. This is in town of Grants Pass, away from my main headquarters. And you’ll notice that people who have been to the Orange Office know that it’s not completely orange. There’s some green parts of it too. So I’m here, right in between just for this special segment today. Like I was saying, Kelly’s Automotive, these people are located in Grants Pass. They also have a garage over in Medford, Oregon and I’m not sure if they’re anywhere else, but they have amazing marketing systems set up and even though I know it’s manufactured, it’s still something to me as a customer. I know it means something to other customers too. So how often do you get a hand written card from anybody in the mail anymore? This is actually from a couple of years ago and I held onto it because they do this quite often, but this was one I’ve always wanted to talk abo...

 Are You Growing on Purpose? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:36 Are you growing on purpose? Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to be talking about the purpose of purpose in your business. The real question is, is one of the main things that’s holding back growth in your company, the fact that you don’t have a real purpose for every section of your company. So if you take your company and you divide it up into sections and maybe you already have it worked out, your marketing, so on and so forth. But, however you would divide up your company into little sections, will each of the people in charge be able to say the purpose behind what they’re doing? What is their purpose? The reason why the book, Start With Why, by Simon Sinek. It really brings this into task on a large scale for your whole business. But really it comes down to each individual piece of your business. Why is everyone doing what they’re doing? What is their purpose? What is the long-term purpose? What is the one thing that won’t change regardless of all the actions and all the concepts, all the ideas, the things that they’re going to be doing through time. A lot of those things, strategies and so forth will change, but the purpose shouldn’t change and it’s the one thing I’ve seen that is one of the main impeachments to growth. When I’m brought into a company, we take a look at everything that they’re doing and we take a look at the things that aren’t working and more often than not, when I sit down and I say, well, what’s the point? Why are you doing this? You will get 10 different opinions from five different people around the table. Everyone’s got a different idea of why there may be a purpose behind it, but if everyone doesn’t agree on what that purpose is, is it a real purpose? Is it a real why? Is there a real reason why we’re moving forward with this and is that any way to actually be able to grow? If everyone’s doing it for a different reason, if everyone’s doing it to a different end over and over and over again, oftentimes it’s company wide. The company itself lacks purpose, but it really comes down to each individual person and each individual section of a company is what is your purpose? And if you can’t answer that question, you need to determine what is the one thing that we aren’t going to change? What is the one thing that will not change? When that isn’t there, when it’s not agreed upon by everybody, then you have chaos and you have a lack of being in definition. It’s the lack of direction. I was just watching a documentary on the Walt Disney company and how, during periods of time, the one thing that you see that’s common, the periods of time when they had very difficult time growing and started going backwards in many ways was when they disagreed on what their purpose was. There was a point at which, the executives of the company, their purpose was to save money and the people in the individual sections, imagineering and so forth.

 Repeating Your Message | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:04 Repeating your message. Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. A real quick concept today and that is the concept of repeating your message. If you’re doing any form of content marketing, which if you’re not, you should be okay. Watch some of my other videos on content marketing over at and you can learn a little bit more and see how it would fit your business. Because it’s definitely something you should be doing. Content marketing is taking content, either video, audio, word content or picture content and spreading it out online content that can be consumed. Then somewhere along the line directs people back to what you’re selling, whatever it may be, whatever, whether you’re literally selling something or whether you’re selling an idea, a concept, something that you want people to do. So that’s what content marketing is and you ought to be taking part in it, on it at least daily basis in your company, in your organization, whatever you’re doing, promoting yourself, whatever it be. So that’s content marketing. Now, the idea is if you’re doing stuff on a daily basis, there might be room for repetition in there. You might be saying the same things over and over again, especially if you have a real clear focused message that you’re trying to get out there. In fact, I’ve probably mentioned this way too many times about the idea of how you should be repeating yourself. You should be saying it again. Say it again a different way, but you ought to really play it again, Sam, and you ought to do it over and over and over again. The plain fact of the matter is not enough. People are paying attention to you at any given time. Let’s say you’re doing video, even if you’re getting thousands of views, these are not the same people viewing it every single time. Just because you have thousands and thousands of subscribers on YouTube does not mean those subscribers are watching every single video. They just aren’t doing it. Every once in awhile, especially if you have really engaging content, you will find people that will go through and watch every one of your videos. But you start doing videos on a daily basis. People will not have a chance to catch up. They won’t do it. It won’t happen. Even if they do your, the whole point of doing videos is that, or any form of content is that you’re encouraging some form of action. If they haven’t taken that action, then the repetition is needed. You have to repeat it over and over. And I’m not saying say the same phrase over and over again, but talk about what you want them to do. Talk about the same concepts over and over again until it sinks in. So for example, every episode that you can find within these videos of Brian J. Pombo Live, just about every last one. I’m discussing something specific that I want the audience to do. For this first year, most of it’s been about Have you been to whether it applies to you or not. Most of the time I focus on talking to executives and business owners in the self-reliance space. So meaning,

 What is Customer Lifetime Value? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:32 “Know and invest in each customer’s lifetime value.” ~ Les Wunderman What is lifetime customer value? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to talk about lifetime customer value and it all has to do with a quote that I saw posted over on Rick Cesari’s Facebook page. If you’re not sure who Rick Cesari is, I have his book right here. One of his books, he’s got quite a handful. His newest book has to do with video marketing. You can go and check that out over on or on any of his pages. This was a great one that I read a few years back that was really helpful when I was first introduced to direct response marketing. And he had this post of a quote on his Facebook page and it was, Know and invest in each customer’s lifetime value. That’s a quote by Les Wunderman, another famous person within the world of marketing and sales. I wanted to talk a little bit about customer lifetime value because it’s an essential quality of direct marketing or direct response marketing as we know it. It’s something that isn’t discussed across the board. And it’s surprising. It isn’t because of how valuable it is. So customer’s lifetime value, how can you possibly know what that is? Well it comes down to quantifying it. At some point you have to kind of figure out what your overall customer lifetime value is or at least within particular niches that you serve, depending on which ones you’re talking about. because you may have some that you have multiple purchases through or they get involved in some type of membership and they’re going to have a higher value than somebody who is just a onetime purchaser. So, where does that take you? What is customer lifetime value? It’s about measuring not just on a transaction by transaction basis, but on a customer to customer basis. How long do they stick with you? How often do they purchase from you? It’s not just about tracking it, it’s not just knowing but investing. That’s the cool thing about that quote. I. t’s about investing into the lifetime value. It’s about making things better for that customer so that they want to pay you more to get more of what you provide or for you to provide more things and you’re currently providing them. Customer Centricity is a concept that we talked about in the past. It’s an idea that if you put them first and you see it from their perspective and you can produce more value for them on a regular basis regardless of what industry you’re in, find out what the customer wants and get it to them. If you can do more, they’re going to be more valuable to you in the long run and you’ll be able to then find more of them in. In essence, it’s like I talk about taking that ideal customer, putting them in a copy machine and just copying them over and over and over again. That’s where your marketing should be focused and where your entire business strategy should be focused is on making your customer...

 Content Marketing: What’s Stopping You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:21 Content Marketing: What’s stopping you? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to cover some of the areas of content marketing and really what is the main concept that stops most of us from doing it. I know for years and years I’ve helped other people build their own content marketing empires, help set them up in podcasting, help them set up and video marketing, help them set up basically a long-term blogging careers and so forth. One of the main issues was getting my own self there and getting to the point to where I could start doing content marketing on a regular basis. It was coming to this one conclusion and it was even a conclusion that I had thought of for years and years but never believed it completely and never really knew where that line was drawn. That is the conclusion that good enough is good enough. You know, you just need to get to a point to where you aren’t wanting everything just perfect. Like this backdrop here. I didn’t have any of this stuff set up when I first started doing videos and I slowly just kind of have put it together over time. It’s not exactly what I wanted it to be, but at least I got something to look at that’s behind me. Before I just started, I just grabbed my phone. I don’t have a wonderful camera or anything. I don’t even have the best internet connection for a live video like this. But I do it anyways because it good enough is good enough. It’s more important that I start putting things out there and do it on a regular basis versus waiting. because when you wait, nothing happens. When no content gets out, nothing occurs for you. Unless you have a reputation that you’re trying to save, then trying to keep your reputation or it’s even created, doesn’t matter much. Getting your business out there and in the public eye and having people talk about it or at least having yourself talk about it or make reference to it in your content marketing is what matters most. It’s a quantity over quality, especially in the early days, don’t worry about having everything perfect. Gary Vaynerchuk talks about this a lot. Just getting a lot of stuff out there on an ongoing basis is what matters most right now in terms of actually trying to gain some form of attention. So for example, I had sent out a message, I’d seen a quote earlier today, and I’m going to talk about that quote tomorrow, but you can go and find it over at’s Facebook page. I saw this quote that had been put out by a Rick Cesari. Rick Cesari wrote this book. I spoken about this before, By Now. It’s an awesome book all about television, direct marketing. He talks all about very specific stories in the lessons that he learned by working with, he was one of the ones in charge of setting up the George Foreman Grill in an infomercial. And Oxyclean and Sonicare and all these other famous things that the only reason why they’re famous is because he understood the process of how to go about building that. Anyways, he had put a quote out and I shared this quote and when I shared this quote, I had some other people looking at it and enjoying it,

 Do You Wait For the Muse? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:30 Do you wait for the muse? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to be talking about an issue that is most common with artists and so forth where they wait for the muse to enter their lives and to give them inspiration and I’m wondering whether you do the same thing either for your creativity or for your business or anything that you do professionally. Do you wait for it to hit you? We’re going to get into that a little bit, but first I wanted to give a quick little plug to If you happen to be a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people become more self reliant, go to the link is in the description. There’s a quick video there to watch. I’d love to hear what you think. If you’re interested in what it’s talking, fill out the application., like I said, link is in the description. So let’s talk about creativity and how it comes about. I’ve always been involved with creative things all through my life. I’m not that artistic of a person. I don’t have one of these things that I do really well that everyone looks to and goes, Ooh, ah, you know, but I’ve always been interested in creativity. I’ve always been interested in artsy things. I did theater and things like that in High School and everything else. I mean, I played football and everything too. I did everything. But when you’re interested in those types of things, oftentimes the attitude is that you have to wait for it to come to you. And if you do, it will come to you eventually. If you’re waiting for it, whether you’re creating a piece of art, whether it be form of creation, it’s going to eventually hit you on its own. If you let it. The problem is you’re always on IT’S schedule. You’re always waiting for some inspiration to come out of the ether and hit you. One thing I found out, I found this out relatively later in life. It doesn’t need to work that way. I didn’t know that. I thought it had to work that way. I thought you had to wait for these types of things, but there’s a lot of people who do this. When I started producing podcasts, started doing video chats like the one we’re doing here today, that if I have it in my schedule, the creativity shows up. It just comes, it comes naturally. Once I start putting pen to paper, if I’m talking about writing, the late great Gary Halbert who was a marketing guru, he said that you just got to start writing. You just got to start putting pen to paper. If that’s your goal is to become a good writer. You just have to start writing. And I’m not sure if he’s the one that mentioned it or if it was someone else. It doesn’t matter. Even if you write down nonsense words or you just wiggle your pin on the piece of paper, just start the process and eventually something will start coming out and eventually those things that’ll come out will take form. The more you train,

 Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #10 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:12 Lesson #1 -- Lesson #2 -- Lesson #3 -- Lesson #4 -- Lesson #5 -- Lesson #6 -- Lesson #7 -- Lesson #8 -- Lesson #9 -- Undercover Billionaire secret lesson #10. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live and today we’re dealing with the Undercover Billionaire secret lesson number 10. So we already did one through nine. If you want to see those, go to and check that out. You can also check out out those right here, more than likely you’ll be able to see the links to those videos in the description. Along with that, you’ll also see a link to if you are a business owner or an executive that is in the self-reliance field, meaning that you have products and services through your business that help people become more self reliant, go check out link is in the description and a or you could type it in directly and get straight there. Let me know what you think when you get there. We’re going to talk about the undercover billionaire, the Undercover Billionaire TV show, if you haven’t got to see it, the first season just aired in late 2019. It’s over on the Discovery Channel. Now, the whole concept of the show is that this person that is supposedly a billionaire or these close to it is setting all of his safeties and all of all the things that have made him a billionaire, setting them aside and moving forward with nothing more than a pickup truck, a cell phone without any contacts and a hundred dollar bill. And he has to start and has 90 days to build a company from scratch up to million dollars. So how’s he go about doing this? How does this all work? Well, you’ve got to go and watch the show to really find out. It’s a very interesting show and there’s a lot of great concepts and I covered a lot of those in the lead up up till now. The first nine videos. And there’s a lot within the show where he comes straight out and says, hey,

 Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #9 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:03 Lesson #1 -- Lesson #2 -- Lesson #3 -- Lesson #4 -- Lesson #5 -- Lesson #6 -- Lesson #7 -- Lesson #8 -- Undercover Billionaire secret lessons number nine. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to be dealing with the secret lesson number nine from the TV show Undercover Billionaire, which played late last year over on the Discovery Channel. You can find out more about that show by looking it up separately or you can watch some of the earlier episodes here of our secret lessons. We’ve already done one through eight. This is number nine and I think we’re going to stop on number 10 because I got a very special thing that really was not mentioned, which is the hidden attributes that he could not get rid of, within the last, well, within the whole series of Undercover Billionaire. He had to have a few hidden attributes that you could not do without, but were so valuable to the overall storyline and were never mentioned during the show. We’re going to talk about that tomorrow, so be sure and come back for that one. But today I’m going to deal with number nine, which has to do with that human capital concept that we talked about earlier in the earlier episodes. Now there’s a secret that he mentions in the later episodes, I believe it’s around episode six or seven when he came across a particular person that joined the team and he said, we’re going to find a place for this person on our team. And he said, when you find somebody that has real talent that has real value you, it doesn’t matter if you have a position for them, you need to find a position for them. You need to make up a position if necessary to include them in your team, to bring them along on your journey. And this was something that occurred in the storyline. So you’ve got to go watch the show to see what I’m talking about. But it occurred and it made really clear to me that there were these handful of people that I had over on the back burner that I’ve always checked in with here and there, but it’s about 10 people in my life that I have that are just special people.

 Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #8 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:48 Lesson #1 -- Lesson #2 -- Lesson #3 -- Lesson #4 -- Lesson #5 -- Lesson #6 -- Lesson #7 -- Undercover Billionaire lesson number eight. Hi, I’m Brian Pobo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. I’m going to cover the secret lesson number eight that I learned from watching Undercover Billionaire of the TV show from Discovery Channel. You can find all the other lessons that we’ve discussed up until this point, I’ll have them linked down below so you could watch those other ones. So you can also find the rest on and all of this is brought to you by If you’re a business owner or executive that’s looking to take your business to the next level, go check out The link is in the description as well. Hey, let’s talk about a very specific lesson that is encapsulated in the concept of Undercover Billionaire itself. And what it is is he gave himself 90 days to achieve basically to build something up to the value of $1 million. So what he’s doing, he’s building a business to a million dollar business within a 90 day period. And what is that? What happens when you, when you say something that’s specific and you put a date on it, you put a specific date and time on it. It’s a goal. That’s the definition of a goal and that very solid goal setting concept drives the entire show and it drives everything behind what Glenn Stearns is trying to accomplish. The real problem with it is that he can’t bring the rest of them in on why he needs to have it done in 90 days. Why does all this have to be accomplish? Because he can’t say it. He can’t bring more people in fully into that goal and the reason behind the goal and the meaning behind it and so it loses a little bit of an effect there but you can see all the time that is his main focus and so he doesn’t let the little things and all the stuff that falls apart throughout the entire series. He doesn’t let any of those things get in the way because his main focus is hitting that 90 day goal, hitting that the value number of $1 million and getting to that specific goal with that business in the 90 day period. That’s powerful.

 Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #7 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:13 Lesson #1 -- Lesson #2 -- Lesson #3 -- Lesson #4 -- Lesson #5 -- Lesson #6 -- Undercover Billionaire secret number seven. The secret lessons from Undercover Billionaire. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. We’ve been covering a series of lessons, secret lessons that things that I caught and people I know caught from the TV show Undercover Billionaire. You can see the trailer running here in the background underneath me, you can watch it on video and we’re discussing some of the lessons up until this point. I’ve come up with six. I have a seventh one for you right here. Now the whole idea behind Undercover Billionaire, if you want to find out more, you can go look it up. It’s on the Discovery Channel and it was a show that they had on this last year, late in 2019. You can go back, watch the whole series, I believe it’s eight or nine episodes long. Go and watch it because really worth watching. You can find out more about the details by watching the other videos that I’ve done on this. But I want to get into point number seven because whether you’ve seen this or not, it’s a great point to keep in mind if you are a business owner, or if you’re managing a business, if you’re some sort of executive and you’re in charge of employees or some type of a working staff of some sort, there’s always a temptation to not only lead the pack but to micromanage. What’s micromanaging? Micromanaging is when you get right in it and you focus on all the details of how they’re performing as opposed to focusing on what the result is that you want them to achieve. Now this is one of the things that Glenn Stearns does throughout the show is when he’s working with people, when he’s bringing people on board onto his team, he gives them something very specific to do. He’s after a result. He doesn’t care as much how they do it. He doesn’t get a whole lot in the way into how it is accomplished. He just wants to make sure that the result is accomplished when it isn’t accomplished. He ends up with excuses and everything else that we talked about before. You’ve got to really stay away from making excuses because that could, that could just cause as long-term trouble in it. It just gives off the victim hood mentality and that’s one of the things that when he starts butting heads with people, it has usually has to do with that.

 Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:26 Lesson #1 -- Lesson #2 -- Lesson #3 -- Lesson #4 -- Lesson #5 -- Undercover Billionaire secrets number six. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Tonight, another handheld classic coming from the car. Believe it or not, I’ve found myself in a hotel tonight of all places. Why you may ask? Well, it turns out that we woke up this morning to snow on the ground, which we haven’t had hardly at all season. In fact, the only time it happened when we were out of town and it dried up pretty quick this time. It happened all at once. Huge snow storm hits Southern Oregon. I’m in Grants Pass, Oregon and we ended up with the power being out all day long, all into the night. It’s a new new place that we moved into. Those of you who have been paying attention and we don’t have secondary heating quite set up yet. We’ve got electric heating and that’s about it. So we don’t have a wood stove or anything of that sort. A lot of the preparations that I’ve been meaning to put into the place have not been put in yet. And so it just was not stable to have the whole family hanging out in this house, with the power out. So I said, okay, up we go. And we’ve decided to hang out in a hotel tonight. So everyone’s upstairs sleeping after a long day. And I am down here talking with you and I’m glad to be here because we have to cover the Undercover Billionaire secret lesson number six. If you haven’t seen the other lessons, be sure and go back and watch the other ones. I’ll have some links down below, but also, you can find more over at not only these, but other video lessons that we’ve gone through. So today, this is all has to do with the Undercover Billionaire, which is a series on the Discovery Channel. Make sure you go out and watch that. This isn’t gonna ruin any of it for you. Here’s one of the messages that I got from it, and it’s very apropos to what’s going on today. And that is that you have to have emotional stability to be able to handle what’s coming up against you. To be able to handle people who are losing their minds, to be able to handle horrible situations. You have to be able to be stable. You have to keep your head. I always loved the Rudyard Kipling’s poem if go and check that out. You got to Google that one. That’s a great one. When everyone about you is losing their heads and blaming it on you, you know, that’s like the first line of it.


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