Brian J. Pombo Live show

Brian J. Pombo Live

Summary: Brian J. Pombo’s daily, off-the-cuff tips to make your business bigger and your life better.

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 Number 1 Thing Everyone Forgets in Advertising | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:33 I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon. We are currently not in the Orange Office. We are in the new studio office out of the new headquarters for It’s all about the WHO. Who are you trying to reach? Second, we want to talk about the message. What do you want them to do? What are you trying to get them to do? What are you trying to get across to them? What are you encouraging them to do? That’s what the message is all about and that’s what we’re going to talk about today. What’s the number one thing that people forget when they are discussing the message, when they’re putting their message out there? The number one thing they forget when it comes to advertising is they forget to make an offer. They forget to make a very clear offer. We’ve discussed this before here at Brian J. Pombo Live, but we have to make very clear, you must have an offer, not just any offer, but I’ve always liked the term irresistible offer. You have to have something that is so irresistible to that target market, whoever they may be. If you’ve got a very clear idea of who you’re trying to reach, the next step is to offer them something that’s a no brainer. That’s so simple. It’s why wouldn’t they go work for it? That’s the whole idea. It’s gotta be a nice, easy first step for them to be able to take them along your process. It may be something for free. You see this a lot online that people offer something for free and there’s a reason it’s to get that first initial step going. Once you got that initial step going, you can go further beyond that afterwards, but you’ve got to start somewhere. You have to have that initial irresistible offer in your advertising and your marketing. Whatever you’re putting out there, it’s gotta be simple. We’ve got Joe watching here. I know Joe, he’s the owner of a wine company and they will go out and give samples of wine. Well, what’s easier than taking a sample of wine? It’s just there. It’s a WHO’s going to say no unless you don’t like wine and you’re not the market. So they’re out in grocery stores, in other places, offering people a taste of their wine to dry and get them hooked to get them to try to buy a bottle. It’s that irresistible offer. How easy can you make it for your target market to take that first step? That’s what the message, it’s a very interesting thing that most people go and watch a bunch of commercials. Go and watch a commercial on Youtube. Go and watch a commercial on TV. Go and listen to a commercial on the radio. How many of them are making an offer or saying, if you do this, we’ll do that. If you give us this much money, we’ll give you this thing over here. Most of the time they’re not even making an offer. They’re just telling you about the brand name. They’re telling you about something that they are doing. They’re just putting it out there. There’s no clear offer. Now, big companies can get away with doing this and they do all the time because they’re already out there.

 What You Need To Know About Your Customer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:10 What do you need to know about your customers? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office here in Grants Pass Oregon. I don’t know why I do this. Every time I’ve re-adjust myself, nearly every single time we sit down and I introduced myself, I re-adjust myself in my chair. It’s just a little weird thing that I do. So welcome back. Today, it’s going to hit you hard if you’re a business owner of any type or if you’re an executive in a business and you really take what I have to tell you today to heart, we’re going to discuss marketing. I know marketing, it scares the bejesus out of anybody that doesn’t like talking about marketing or doesn’t like dealing with people that deal in marketing. There’s a reason why it bothers you so much and if it doesn’t bother you, I’d love to hear what you think about what I have to say today. I’ve got this water sitting in the background. What I want to talk with you about is this concept that I’ve brought up before, which are the three main steps behind marketing. And they are Market, Message, Media. In other words, starting out with your who, your end market, your customer, your clientele. Who is your market? Who’s going to be buying from you? What’s the message, what do you want to tell them? What do you want them to do? What is your message to them? And then going to the where and when the media end of things. Where and when are you going to deliver the message to who? Starting up here and going the opposite direction. It’s the opposite of what most people do. Most people start down here, they say, “we’ve got to have Facebook ads.” Okay, what are we gonna do about it? And then they start thinking about their message in their market and everything. After they start out with a product, they start out somewhere in the message area with a product or a service and then they go, “well, okay, where are we going to talk about this and everything?” And they cut out the most important thing, which is the WHO, the human being. On the other end of the purchase is who you should be thinking about most often. Today we’re going to be talking about the WHO, your customer, what do you need to know about them that you either don’t know right now or haven’t thought about hard enough that will make everything else that you do in marketing so much more simple. The people who you work with, either a marketing firm that you’ve hired, advertising firm that you’ve hired, your marketing team that are in house. Oftentimes if they are talking about marketing and it confuses you, then they don’t know what they’re talking about. Marketing should not be a confusing thing. Marketing is a simple thing. It’s as simple as this as who, what, where, and when. That’s what marketing is. All it is is the communication of a message. And this does doesn’t only refer to business either, but if any of this is making sense to you, and I’m going to go a little bit more into the who as we go along here. But if any of this makes sense to you and you happen to be in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people become more self r...

 Don’t Forget What Day It Is | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:35 Don’t forget what day it is. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon. I’m sure you’ve heard about it all day. If you’re watching this today, or if you were paying attention on social media at any time during the last 24 to 48 hours really, because people talk about it all week long. And that’s the anniversary of 9/11 September 11th, 2001 today. I am not just going to talk about 9/11 itself. I want you to never forget what day it is, especially if you’re doing in. And I’m going to, I’m going to do it. I’m going to use this opportunity to tie it back into business. So if that bothers you, leave now. I think we’re all aware of what 9/11 was. And if not, I suggest you go and look it up. Go look up some video, find out what it was all about. There’s a lot of people talking about the details, but it’s important that you realize that it’s on everybody else’s mind. So if you’re out putting together any type of content for your market and you’re doing anything that’s timely is important for you to be able to take note of what the day is. For example, today’s 9/11 everyone’s in that frame of mind. They’re gonna have been reminded via social media and every other format out there, then evening news, everything. We’re going to be talking about 9/11, they’re going to be talking about the anniversary of the Twin Towers going down the Pentagon getting bombed and the plane going down. That was meant to hit another target. People were going to be talking about it. You could try to ignore it, but you’re ignoring what’s already going on inside of your viewers mind, of your customer’s mind, of your reader’s mind, whoever you’re talking to at whatever time period. You got to keep in mind what the day is, what is going on. Because if you ignore that and you come out with something goofy on 9/11 people won’t necessarily get angry at you, but your missing a major point. You’re missing a chance to be able to connect whenever you’re putting out timely things, especially if you’re doing it on a regular basis. Pay attention to what holiday it is. Pay attention to what’s going on in the world. Pay attention to the conversation that’s already going on in their mind. It’s a simple concept, but maybe you won’t be surprised how often it’s completely broken. If you scroll through your Facebook feed, if you scroll through anything that’s, uh, anything that you’re looking at right now in terms of social media or online media, how often do you see an advertisement or someone who’s trying to get you to buy something or anything of that sort? Someone who’s trying to get your attention, who’s ignoring what’s going on right now? What’s going on in a person’s mind? Have you ever, have you ever watched television during Christmas, maybe Christmas Day, and you see something that pops up where they don’t recognize the fact that it’s Christmas and it’s kind of off putting on the day of, you know. Especially if you’ve been celebrating it and you’re doing all these things and you sit down and it just, they treat it like it’s just another day and they’re missing the point.

 Another Reason Why We Should NOT Work Together | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:08 Here’s another reason why we should NOT work together. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re talking about a very simple concept. About a reason why you should not work with certain people, whether it be me or whether it be somebody else, whether it be an employee, whether it be a partner and investor. Here’s a good reason why you shouldn’t. Where does it come to? It comes to trust. It comes back to that whole trust thing, but even previous to trust on the most subtlest level, so we’ve talked about the quote people do business with and refer business to people who they Know, Like and Trust. Know is pretty simple. You have to have knowledge of the person to begin with before you’re ever going to do business with them. You’re going to have to have knowledge of them, their business, their product, their service, what have you. You have to Know about it first. There’s no way you could do business with someone you don’t know about. So Know is an absolute. Like is one that I’d like to talk about a little bit more today and Trust is something a lot more deeper, when you’re talking long-term, it’s something that can be built up over time. It’s also something that can be depleted over time even though you may start out trusting somebody. Let’s talk about Like though, because like is a pretty simple concept and it’s not something that you can describe all that well. You either Like something or you don’t Like something and if you don’t Like something you’re going to know right away. So if you’re watching my videos, you’re either going to Like me or not Like me. Pretty much right off the bat. And if you don’t Like me, you shouldn’t ever work with me. Don’t work with people you don’t Like. Now where am I getting? Where’s all this coming from? I mentioned yesterday, I saw this video a couple months back from Damon John. It’s an interview setting. It’s just a clip off of some something that he had put together. It’s 43 seconds long. I’ve got the link in the description. You can go watch it yourself off of Linkedin. He may have had it on some of his other social media. That’s just where I happened to see it. So Daymond John from Shark Tank and FUBU fame. He’s discussing how if he doesn’t like the person, if he can’t stand listening to the person or talking to the person, he’s not going to go into business with the person. And this seems really simple, but don’t miss the power there. The power is, there’s a part of business you can’t control. I’ve had clients that I could tell just didn’t Like me and I knew that just over a matter of time, it wasn’t going to work out. If I was in a better position, I would’ve been able to tell them right off the bat, Hey, I don’t think this is going to work out. I don’t think we’re a good fit. You don’t have to go into detail. But if you don’t Like the person, don’t pain yourself into going and working with them. If you’ve got to interact with a person on a regular basis, there has to be something a little deeper underneath everything,

 Lottopreneur: Are You One? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:45 Lottoprenuer: Are you one? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re going to be talking about the concept of a Lottopreneurs. This is a term that was coined by producer Sean Douglas, producer of our podcasts Both the Off the Grid Biz Podcast. And this one right here, Brian J. Pombo Live, which you can actually hear the audio from on all the places that you listen to podcasts. Just go look up Brian J. Pombo Live. Otherwise you can always watch the videos on numerous social media platforms, including Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, YouTube. Brian J. Pombo Live is what we call it. So today we’re talking about being a Lottopreneur and I was reminded of childhood and how one of the most common things that we would say to each other in my family, not just my immediate family, but my extended family. One of the most common questions that we had, especially like during the 80’s when you had Lifestyles Of The Rich and Famous on TV and the California Lottery first came into being. Because I was living in California at the time, the whole question was what would you do if you won the lottery and what would you do if you had more money than you knew what to do with million dollars plus, you know, what would you do? What’s the first thing you would do? What’s the second thing you would do? What would you do if you won the lottery? And that’s kind of a fun kind of brain teaser idea, especially when you’re young because it’s just so mind boggling how much money that could possibly be and what it would be able to do for you. Yeah, The Big Spin. Joe is joining us here on the chat and he mentioned The Big Spin, which was the TV show associated with the California Lottery that you got to go on. If you got certain things, on scratchers and so forth, you’d show up on this show and spin a big wheel and be able to make more money that way. So you had that, you had the lotto in California, which is the actual numbers that you would pick and they picked those out and so on and so forth. And people have this across the country in different states. The lottery, the concept of lottery. Well the idea of the lottery is fun, but it’s a, it’s gambling. Don’t, don’t get confused and think that it is something that is real or something that you can depend on. The problem is a lot of people take the lottery mentality of luck being the main thing that they’re falling back on. They look at people that have made it in life and they say, “wow, that person sure is lucky.” And sure there’s a point to luck. There’s a concept behind luck, which is what I consider luck if I consider it anything at all. It’s everything that you don’t have any control over. So market conditions, all the things that you don’t have any direct control over and there’s a lot, there’s a lot of things you don’t have control over, but a lot of times we think that everything is that way and it’s not. If you didn’t have any control over anything, then you wouldn’t be able to see similar characteristics of people that have been able to make it in life when it comes to making a lot of money in business and so on and so forth. But if you take all those people aside, you will see common characteristics across the board,

 Do They Trust You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:44 That’s all fine, but do they trust you? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office here in Grants Pass Oregon. It’s a lovely day today. A little overcast, nice weather. I was hanging out with my family today, and Wednesday’s to do that. Tend to spend a lot less time in the office, a lot more time with my family. Let’s talk a little bit about trust and how that affects your business. I don’t care whether you’ve got a local based business or whether you’ve got a large e-commerce in Pyre or whether you’ve got a real tight business with only you and maybe a handful of other, uh, employees. It doesn’t matter. Trust matters as long as there’s only two places. Well, there’s one main place that trust doesn’t matter. Trust doesn’t matter if you’re selling short-term, if you’re selling one time products or services to people. And it doesn’t matter whether they like it or not, you just get in, you sell it, you make the money, you move on. If you’re doing that type of business, and I don’t think most of the people that I’m talking to do that. But if you’re doing that type of business, trust doesn’t matter because you just move on to the next and you don’t care much about reviews online or anything of that sort. You’re just care about finding the next person, the next person, the next person, the next person and you don’t have to worry about repeat business. But if you’re in any other type of business where you’re more concerned about repeat business, where you you’d like to get a customer, once you realize it takes a whole lot to get that customer to buy one time, you might as well have them buying over and over and over again or getting involved in a subscription or getting them involved in a membership or some form of action where you build trust over time. Where they like you more and more and more and more as time goes on as opposed to less and less and less the more interaction that they have with you or your product or service. That’s where trust comes in. It seems like real fluffy concept, but it’s real. It’s a real thing that exists in the human mind. And I’m gonna prove it to you in a second that we can take this all back to this quote. I know I bring it up nearly every other video that we sit here together, but it’s that quote from Bob Burg that, I’m paraphrasing it. It’s basically discussing that, you know, if you set aside everything else people do business with people that they Know, Like, and Trust. And it’s a great quote. Because it’s so simple and it seems like one of those things that’s been around for a really long time and it’s not that old of a quote. It’s only a handful of years old and, but it’s, it’s really held true. If you go and you look it up and see all the articles and everything else that had been written about that one quote. And it comes down to the simplicity of those three words. Know, Like, Trust and among these, Trust is the greatest. And if you’ll listen to Dean Jackson, he’s one of my heroes really within the marketing world and business strategy world. He’s the one that I first heard say that it’s really in that order.

 Honesty is Repulsive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:38 Honesty is repulsive. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon for another Brian J. Pombo Live. Hey, if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance space, go to Okay, so today we’re going to talk about honesty and how repulsive it is. Hold on one second. Let me fix my audio. Hopefully that helps a little better. Honesty is repulsive, but in a good way. See if there’s a trick in that and that’s that. First, the more honest you can be with your clients and customers or prospective clients and customers, if you can just be brutally honest with them and tell them your foibles, tell them the drawbacks of what you provide and the reasons why they might want to look at other options and what the good things are about them. If you do that, you’re going to repulse a lot of people. You’re going to push people away from you. You’re going to show people for who you are and you’re going to push away the people, but they’re all the right people to be pushed away and in the process you’re going to attract the right people. It’s an idea that many people have discussed in the past. Dan Kennedy’s talk about it, and specifically Ben Settle talks about repulsion marketing. You can go and check his stuff out. he’s a known for his email writing methods and he talks about repulsion marketing in terms of trying to be as repulsive as possible to the people that he doesn’t want as customers, and by doing that, he automatically attracts the people he does want as customers. Anybody can do this. Anybody can go about pushing away the people that you know will not make good customers. Honesty is one of the best ways to do this because you can just be straight with them. Say, hey, this probably isn’t for you if you’re this, this, or this, or if you’re looking for this, that and that. If you can do that properly, then you’ll start attracting the right type of people because, and one of the main reasons why is a simple word called trust. Trust is magical. And tomorrow we’re going to go into the concept of trust and the meantime. Be as honest and be repulsively honest. Be as honest as you possibly can be when you’re talking to prospective customers and clients and see if you can push them away, see if you can push away the wrong ones. If you do that, you’ll get more attention from the right ones. I’d love to find out how it goes. Leave me a comment down below if you’ve had experience with this accidentally or purposefully, because I know I had it accidentally for a number of years and I didn’t really realize what was going on and I was afraid that I was pushing away the wrong people, but people that I wanted as clients, but really I was pushing away the right people. So tomorrow, talk deeper into the trust issue and why it’s so essential to everything that you do. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

 Mind-Reading for Fun & Profit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:41 Mind Reading For Fun & Profit. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back. We’re in Grants Pass Oregon and today I’m going to go through a just quick concept if you’ve never heard of it before. If you have, it’s a good reminder and it’s all about reading your customer’s mind or reading the people that you think should be your customer or would be your customer or client or whatever you call them. So it comes from a quote from Robert Collier and I don’t have the exact quote with me because everyone quotes a little bit differently. I think he may have put it in a few of his books. So Robert Collier was an author and writer, back in the 1920s is when he was, some of his most popular pieces were written. But, he was born in, I think I read 1885 to 1950. He was alive. But his books are still around and they’re still read by marketers and salespeople today. Copywriters. Because he really got to a lot of the psychology of marketing and speaking to your customer and getting your message across. And the quote that I’m talking about? You have to enter the conversation that’s already happening in your customer’s mind. That’s the concept. That’s how what your marketing should be doing. That’s what your sales should be doing. You have to enter the conversation already going on. So what’s that take? Well, it takes mind reading in a sense. You’ve got to know ahead of time what the most common conversations that are already going on that will lead them into the process of eventually purchasing your product or service. So that’s a simple concept, but it’s amazing how many people do not sit back and think that way when they’re designing marketing, when they’re designing the process of trying to attract new customers and clients, they don’t put themselves in their shoes. They don’t actually think, okay, what are they thinking? Where are they coming from? How do I take them from where they’re at to where I am and what I’m offering them? It’s a simple concept. Deceptively simple, like so many of the things that we talk about here. But think about how often do you step aside and think about the psychology going on inside your customer’s head before you ever get in touch with them. Or maybe even after, if we get to that Before, During, After concept of Dean Jackson that we’ve talked about before. But we’re going to talk about that more tomorrow. If you come back tomorrow, we’re gonna get into that. If you would like to discuss some of these concepts and how they would apply to your business, how you can take your business and really up it. I’m sure you’re very successful at what you do. I only work with successful people. So if you do have a successful business, and if you’re in the self-reliance field, you’re someone I’d like to talk to. Go to at I’m going to show you the simple process, what it takes for you to be able to have to take your business and really up it to a level of being your ideal dream business. the link is in the description. Like I said, tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the Before, During and After units of Dean Jackson and be comparing that to some other things. So simple one today, have a great night. See Ya.

 Don’t Reveal Your Magic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:33 Don’t reveal your magic. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back. Today I’m in Omaha, Nebraska. The final day of my Omaha, Nebraska trip I’ll be heading home tomorrow. Today we’re going to be talking about revealing the magic or specifically why you shouldn’t reveal the magic. And if you happen to be a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, I’d like you to go check out You can watch a eight and a half minute video where I described the dream business transformation. The basic idea behind it is sitting down on the phone or over a zoom call with me, where we discuss where you’d like to take your business in the next year, five years, 10 years, and how we can map out how to create your dream business. So go to If that sounds interesting to you, that uh, the link is in the description. So let’s talk about revealing the magic. If you have a product that you’re trying to get out there, a service that you’re trying to get out there, the instinct of most people that are doing any form of sales or marketing is to talk about all the things that you love best about your product and service and discuss all of the how to is how it works and how this happens and how that happens. Before we were talking about how a lot of people recommend that you discuss the what, not the how. So what it is, but not how it works. There’s a good reason behind that. And me go into some depth on this because if you are out there trying to sell a product, let’s say and you’re talking about the features, but you’re not talking about the benefits, you’re not talking about what it means to the person, then it really doesn’t mean anything. It’s a bunch of jargon that you’re relating back to them. But it’s not necessarily going anywhere. It’s not hitting home. It’s not making the person stop and actually think about how does it affect me, especially when they’re just scrolling by when they’re just wherever you’re doing your advertising, wherever you’re doing your sales. I was at a an event this week where I got to see a whole lot of vendors trying to sell their software programs and everything else that they have and their main, almost all of them, I would say 95 to 98% of them. Their main focus was in talking about all the great things that their software can do and they’re missing the point and if you really sit and listen to one long enough, they’ll get into the dirt of how it works and how we do this instead of that. That’s what makes it great. I want you to think about all the magicians you’ve ever seen. Practice magic. Every once in awhile you’ll find one of them that’s out there showing you how, how the trick worked. And maybe you’ll remember once in a while because you want to try the trick on somebody but you don’t remember because the explanation of how it worked was this huge, intriguing thing. Most of the time it’s pretty simple. Most of the time some of the most elaborate magic tricks have a real simple meaning behind them. The reason why magicians are so popular and the people that give away magic tricks aren’t as popular is because people like the story. They like the magic. They like everything that’s on the outside. They want to be amazed. They don’t need to know how it works. So you go to a mechanic,

 Look For Answers Outside Your Box | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:58 We’ll look for answers outside your box. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back. Today I’m coming to you from Omaha, Nebraska. I’m going to be here for a couple more days. And so I wanted to tell you a little bit about something that I spoke with a crowd today about this issue. And you’ll see it if you go to trade shows, or any shows that are within a specific industry that are industry specific. So I am attending a show that is in a very specific niche within the banking niche. What you’ll see when you go to any type of industry show, or what you’ll hear is people talking in their own language of their industry and discussing all the “how to” and details of the industry. What you won’t hear hardly at all, is people discussing the things that go outside the industry, the concepts, the principles, like we talked about before. If you’re talking about principles, tactics, and strategy, you don’t hear very much talk about principles. Principles can be found in any industry. And if you can take a tactic from another industry that matches a principle that will just as easily work in your industry, you might as well go for it because nobody’s doing it across the board. You got to look outside the box of your industry if you really want to stand out within your industry. So the example I used was the example of fast food and how fast food, specifically the drive through was not an innovation that was created from the fast food industry. The drive through was created from the banking industry and was taken over to the fast food industry, not by McDonald’s, not by Jack In a Box. So it was another group. You can go and look it up. I can’t remember the name of the place, but there’s a place that’s basically considered to be the first drive through and it’s in the US you’d go look it up. But the concept was taken from the baking industry that already had drive through banking and all it was, was transferred over to a restaurant because the restaurant had food that was relatively quick. It all worked out great. The same thing is true. You could see it time after time after time. Again there’s many, many, many examples. One of the first people I ever heard discuss this was Dan Kennedy, who we’ve talked about in the past. You could watch my other videos about Dan, a huge influence on my life, but I’ve heard people talk about it since then, over and over and over again and you can see it once you start stepping back. Whatever industry you’re in, step back and look at all the industries and look at principles and tactics and strategies that you could take from there and insert into your industry and it makes you stand out. If you’re willing to stand out and really look different in your industry, that’s what you’re going to need to do. If you’re in the self-reliance industry and you are a business owner or an executive, you’re someone I’d like to talk to. Go to watch the video. I’d like to see what you think about it. If you find it interesting at all, I want you to fill out the application underneath for a free chat with me. That’s the link is in the description. That’s all we have for tonight. It’s going to be a quick one, but tomorrow we’ll have something else,

 Fire Yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:50 Fire Yourself. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back. Today I am in of all places, Omaha, Nebraska. Can you believe it? I can’t believe it. I’ve never been to Nebraska. Never been to Omaha, Nebraska yet. I took a plane all the way over here from a Grants Pass, Oregon. Well, technically Medford. We have an airport in Medford. Took me to Denver, Colorado and then here to Omaha, Nebraska of all places. So yeah, I’m in the center of the country here and great weather. Non-Eventful transportation, it was a pretty, pretty simple trip. Today we’re going to be talking about how to go about firing yourself and why it’s necessary. It’s absolutely necessary to fire yourself, especially if you’re the business owner. You need to fire yourself. I want to first make very clear if you are a business owner or you’re an executive that is in the self-reliance field, meaning you have a products and services that help people to become more self reliant, you’re someone I would like to talk to. I want you to go to the link is in the description. Just click on it. It’ll take you to a page with a video that’s eight and a half, eight and a half minutes long. Watch it. It discusses the business, a dream business transformation. It’s all free. There’s a free application and a free chance to be able to talk to me, which normally costs $600 and above for this type of a intense strategy session. But if you’re looking to take your business really to the next level, you need to talk to somebody that you trust. If you’ve watched enough of my videos, if you’ve heard enough of my audios, you probably gotten to know me and can trust me a little bit and are willing to spend nothing to talk to me. So go to or watch a few more of my videos before you get to that point. Now, how do you go about firing yourself? Why would you want to fire yourself? Well, it really comes down to this is if you’ve ever been an employee before you became a business owner, before you got to the point to where you’re one of the big bosses in your current organization, in your current business, you’re probably at a point where you just didn’t want to be told what to do anymore. So you either rose up the ranks or you went off on your own and started your own thing. That’s a common thing for business owners to do. They just get to a point where they don’t want to be told what to do and they think that if they’re on their own, that he’d get a whole lot more accomplished. And it’s true to an extent. The problem is when you find yourself on your own, you start realizing that the reason why you’re a crappy employee isn’t just because of your boss. Because when you’re your own boss, you’re still a crappy employee and there’s a lot of things you just don’t do as well as other things and you’re either going to need to depend on some other people. You’re going to need to bring some other people in, but you need to fire yourself from the things you’re not good at. And I had the pleasure of speaking with Sean Douglas today, our producer of our podcast and of this show, and he reminded me of the things that I’m just not good at. And if you need someone around you to constantly remind you and say, hey,

 Self Discipline is Fake | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:46 So Discipline is Fake. Hi folks, this is Brian J. Pombo. Welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live. We’re here in Grants Pass Oregon, but we’re not in the Orange Office. As you can see by the color back here, this is going to be the new office, which is yet to be named. You can possibly hear the echo, a little bit of reverb from the fact that it’s extremely empty, nothing on the walls, nothing on the floors. Still a lot that needs to be filled in. It’s just me in a chair in an empty room. Today we’re going to be talking a little bit about self-discipline and another little excerpt from this book, the one thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Awesome book. Go and get it today. Just going to read a quick quote out of it, and this has to do with self-discipline and kind of the myth behind self-discipline, and this is something I definitely seen about myself. I’m wondering if you see the same thing, you don’t need to be a disciplined person to be successful. In fact, you can become successful with less discipline than you think. For one simple reason, success is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right. Success is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right and I love this. Next that this next excerpt says, the trick to success is to choose the right habit and bring just enough discipline to establish it. That is it. That’s all the discipline you need. As this habit becomes part of your life, you’ll start looking like a disciplined person, but you won’t be one. What you will be is someone who has something regularly working for you because you regularly worked on it. You’ll be a person who use selected discipline to become, to build a powerful habit. This is all about habit building and if you understand that it’s not about being perfect in everything that you do, but finding the right thing to do and then building a habit out of it, have it repetitive enough on a daily basis if at all possible, like we talk about over and over again with daily content like this, which I’m just barely squeaking in just before the midnight hour so that we can make it for this day of our daily videos, which were in the hundreds right now of consecutive daily videos. Thank you for so much for joining me. Go back and watch some of the others. Listen to some of the others. Tell me what you think. I’d love to get some more comments and more feedback. I always love feedback, positive or negative. If you are a business owner or an executive of a self-reliance based business, maybe you have services or products that help people to become more self-reliant. You’re someone I’d like to talk to. Go to the link is in the description, If you go there, you’ll see a quick video, eight and a half minutes of me discussing the dream business transformation. If you think you qualify for it, make sure and fill out the application on that page. It’s a very simple, straight-forward page. Once again, let me know what you think. Tomorrow, we are going to be in an entirely different state. Right now I’m sitting in Southern Oregon, but we’re going to be in one of the others. It is neither Hawaii or Alaska.

 How Do You Focus? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:40 One thing. Just one thing. How do you focus? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon. It’s a lovely day today. I spent most of the day outside working on a new new adventure for me actually. You’ll be learning more about it next month at the beginning of October. Here we are at the beginning of September. By the time the beginning of October comes around, we’re going to have a new office. We’re going to have a new adventure to talk about. So stay tuned for that. Later on this week, I am going to be coming to you live from a whole nother state and none of the states that are near Oregon. It’s beyond that as for a little bit of a clue. And I’ll tell you more about that when we get there. So see if you can guess which state it is. Today we’re talking about the second lesson that I learned from this book. The One Thing, the subtitle of this is the surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results by Gary Keller. Also with Jay Papasan. Jay, thank you very much. I saw that you saw one in the videos and I forgot to mention your name. I always remember to say Gary Keller’s name because it’s on the front, but Jay I’m sure was a huge, huge benefit to this, with his background and I have a feeling that his organization of this material made this book extremely enjoyable and very readable. One that you could go back to over and over and over again because it focuses on principles that never go away. This is one of those books that I recommend any business owner read because it’s such hardcore principles and this is one of the main ones that the whole book comes to and it regards the focusing question. This is in chapter 10, The Focusing Question. So much of the book is wrapped around this concept. And if you can get just a piece of this, this is one thing I’ve gone back to over and over again ever since coming across it a year or two ago when I came across this question and it’s dynamically changed my business in my life and how I’m able to help other business owners at the same time. So listen to this, I’m gonna read this straight out of the book. Anyone who dreams of an uncommon life eventually discovers there’s no choice but to seek an uncommon approach to living it. That’s a deep issue unto itself. If you haven’t realized that yet, if to get something uncommon, you’ve got to live in an uncommon way. If you haven’t gotten that yet, you’re either in the right place or you’re in the wrong place because you need to get that point. The focusing question is that uncommon approach. In a world of no instructions, it becomes a simple formula for finding exceptional answers that lead to extraordinary results. Now here’s the question itself. I’ll see if you can wrap your mind around this. What’s the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary? I’m going to say that again. What’s the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary and the concept behind this is is is there one thing that you can do that will make everything else you do either in that day or in your year or what have you, either easier or unnecessary. Is there one answer? The idea of having a bunch of dominoes lined up in a row,

 How/What Should I Track? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:53 How should I track? What should I track? Is tracking right for me? These are the questions you might have if you’re watching today. Welcome, I’m Brian Pombo. this is the Orange Office, We’re in Grants Pass, Oregon. And this is Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re talking about tracking and how tracking can completely change your life, if you do it right. We’re going to talk about how to apply it to your business. And this is in reference to yesterday’s video that we did where we discussed whether you, whether you’re faking yourself out or not because the 11th commandment is thy shall not fake thyself out. So we’re talking today about one of the main lessons that I got out of this book, of the one thing that this book has a million lessons in it, but I’m just gonna cover some of the basics today. We’re covering the concept really of goal setting, but I don’t like seeing it as that because that’s more of the means as far as it. And not as much the end. What we’re going to do is focus on the end and we’re going to talk about tracking a little bit here. How do you go about tracking? How do you know what you should be tracking so that you know you’re not faking yourself out? Okay, so there’s a, there’s a reference. This comes to a page one 50 this figure 24 in the hardback book of the one thing by Gary Keller and it’s goal setting to the now. This is your first step. If you really have no idea what you should be focusing on. If you don’t know what the one thing is that you should be focusing on, we’re going to be talking about that more about tomorrow. This is a good exercise on how to get there and you’ll want to start out with a great big someday goal, meaning eventually, this is where I’d like to be in my own personal life. This is how much money I’d like to make. This is the type of place I’d like to live in and just design the perfect, the ideal lifestyle as far as you can see it. This is way far in the future. This could be beyond 10 years. Some day, this is where I like to be and this is BHAG. That stands for big hairy audacious goal that comes from Jim Collins who wrote a good to great, I believe that was from his book, Built to Last where he talks about BHAG’s and having a big hairy audacious goal. You may also hear it referred to as as the dream is the big dream that you have. What is that Someday goal for you? Outline that as best you can, and what it’s going to take in your current position with your current business. What is it going to take to get there? This should be something very personal and then you take it from there and you start breaking it down into an amount of years. So let’s say we have you go from there to attend year goal. And you outlined that. What is your 10 year goal in the next 10 years? 10 years from today or 10 years from the beginning of next month or what have you, where do you see yourself at? How much money are you going to be making, how big is your business? Try and define it as best as possible. And then from there, and this once again, deceptively simple, but the fact that you haven’t done it yet is telling you why you don’t know what you should be tracking or not. We’re going to get more into how to go about tracking,

 Thou Shalt Not Fake Thyself Out: Yea or Nay? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:55 Thou shall not fake thyself out, Yay or Nay? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office here in lovely Grants Pass Oregon for once again, a thrilling episode of Brian J. Pombo Live. Welcome, today we’re going to talk about a concept oftentimes referred to as the 11th commandment, which is thy shall not fake thy self out. What’s it mean and how does it relate back to yesterday’s topic of fake it till you make it? Well, as I said, the only way to really fake it until you make it is to basically put yourself in a situation that you don’t feel comfortable in, that you don’t feel is even you, so that you can become the person that you think you’re supposed to be. That’s an odd way of putting it, but go back and watch that episode. What I want to talk about today is thy shall not fake thyself out. And this is such a huge concept because most of the business owners that I run into, and I mean this goes beyond just business owners. This is a human situation. We always find a way of faking ourselves out. In other words, we can convince ourselves that we’re doing more than we actually are. It’s the most common thing that we’re more productive than we actually are. That we’re accomplishing something that we really are not. And it’s because we put so much effort and hard work and thought behind whatever it is that we’re, we’re working on that we think we’ve done something when really we haven’t, and I’m just as guilty as anybody else. This is why if you’re wanting to accomplish more with what you have, if you’re looking to do more with the time that you have and what you have available to you, you can. And it really takes first a little bit of self discipline, a little bit of tracking and a knowledge of self deception and being able to catch yourself when you’re doing something wrong. It’s very difficult to do on your own. That’s why it’s good to have coaches or consultants or partners or somebody next to you that can pin you down on things when you’re not. When you’re fooling yourself, you’re faking yourself out. You’re deceiving yourself. One of my favorite ways, and I’m going to talk about it just briefly, is tracking. Having something. You’ve got to track your progress. You have to have something that you do on a daily basis that can be tracked and then you track that on a daily basis. Daily. I mean you could say weekly basis, but honestly you need a daily thing. You need something daily that you’re doing that is progressing your business, that is progressing your vision, whatever it is you’re looking to do, have a number that can be broken down to a daily thing. Now you’re saying, “well, what should I be tracking?” There’s so many different metrics in my business, so many different things. I could be looking at that. I’m going to recommend this book and over the next couple of days I’m going to pick out three different areas in this book that have been so helpful to me, but this book is just full of great stuff. It’s called The One Thing. It’s by Gary Keller. You need to read this book or go get the audio book. It’s a pretty good audio book too. I think I originally heard it via audio book.


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