Brian J. Pombo Live show

Brian J. Pombo Live

Summary: Brian J. Pombo’s daily, off-the-cuff tips to make your business bigger and your life better.

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 Daily Content Breakdown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:47 All right, if you’re interested in making daily content today, we’re going to be covering a daily content breakdown. I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. Today we’re talking about daily content and yesterday it was our 100th episode. During that episode I was backwards. Let me see am I backwards today? I think I am. Hold on, let me see if I can switch that. Can I switch it during the broadcast? Look at that. Wow. I should have done that yesterday. I didn’t notice until after I was done. It was completely backwards, the entire episode, I had the number 100 showing up on the screen and it showed up backwards as zero zero one which is interesting because the very first episode I did way back in April (It was May). The first episode I had was also backwards and everything that I showed including the cue card, including that it all showed up backwards. Of course I did it again on the hundredth episode. So that was just a special little piece of entertainment just for you. Today we’re going to break down daily content. If you were thinking of putting out any form of daily content, a lot like some of the people that I’ve been talking to recently, I’m going to break down kind of the things that I’d encourage you to watch for. These are three items and maybe I’ll go into more depth as we go along. But these are three items that are specifically from a guy named Frank Kern. He’s currently working with Grant Cardone and they have their own advertising agency called Cardone-Kern. You can find them at I’m not here to advertise for them, I don’t get any payment from them or anything else. But I’ve learned a lot from Frank Kern over the years and he’s been a huge encouragement to myself to actually put on daily content like I do here at Brian J. Pombo Live. The three things that he says that you’re going to want to look for, that Frank Kern talks about, if you’re putting out any type of regular content, and I suggest daily are these three things. Number one, Establishing Value, number two, Demonstrating Goodwill, and number three, Making Offers. You’ll notice that every video that I do, I attempt in most cases to do each of those three things, so let me go through them. I’m going to give you my own definition. I don’t know if they’re Frank Kerns definition or not. I’ll tell you how I define these and how I tie them back into these videos that you’re watching right now. Number one, establishing value. Establishing value is in its most basic format. Establishing the fact that you’re going to be presenting value right here right now and that you present value or have something of value for people on a regular basis, either through your business or any point that you’re trying to get across, having something valuable. I start every episode with a kind of a headline if you will. This is what we’re going to be talking about. Or this is a little curiosity piece that may give you an idea of what we’re going to be talking about and it just kinda starts the ball rolling and shows you that where we’re going. I tried to put it in perspective of the person viewing or listening,

 How to Build Your Info Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:23 Hey, do you know what time it is? 100th episode time. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to the Brian J. Pombo Live. Brought to you by I’m going to take off these outrageous things. This is just to get an attention to get you to stop, to watch the video. I will be talking about how you can build your info business. If you were looking to put together an information based business similar to my own. I’m going to give you some tips and it all has to do with the fact that this is the 100th episode today. 100 consecutive episodes! Every day I come to you live! For those of you on the east coast. Every once in a while I might be right on the cusp of earlier the next day, but in terms of my time, I’m on Pacific time here. In terms of my time, I hit every single day within midnight-to-midnight 100 times in a row. I didn’t do this because I was looking to do a hundred episodes in a row. I was doing this for a whole lot of reasons and we’re going to get into some of them here today and this all stems from a conversation that I was having with a friend today, his name’s Patrick and I’m going to tell you about that in a minute. But first I’m going to tell you about our sponsor for these last hundred episodes, whether I mentioned them or not, is which is a special website set up by Why would you go to well, I’d recommend you go there. If you’re a business owner or an executive of a self-reliance based business, meaning that you provide services or products that help people to become more self-reliant, or you have a storyline that encourages people to become more self reliant, or you’re doing anything in that realm, go to If you’re a decision maker at your company, organization or otherwise, go to Watch the video there. It’s eight and a half minutes long. Give you an idea of what is all about. Now onto the talk about the 100th episode, it’s nothing but a marker. It doesn’t mean anything. It means I’ve been doing it a little bit over three months now, and we’ve got Brian J. Pombo Live. It didn’t start out as that. It just started out as some live videos on Facebook and we started spreading them out throughout, other social media, Linkedin, Youtube, pretty quick. We started putting them out there and then we finally got on to Instagram. Back logged all the old ones on to Instagram, including these new ones and started doing them daily. Every day we’re going out there and now we have a podcast called Brian J. Pombo Live, which you may be listening to this on. It’s audio only. So it’s the audio from all these video broadcast that we do. It’s simple, simple process. I needed a way to be able to get myself out there, be able to talk about all the random things in life that tie back into business and to try and reach people that I think I would be able to connect with. And more importantly, that if you feel like you’d connect with me, this is your chance to get to know me without me knowing that you’re getting to know me. So you have a chance to go and watch all these 100 videos,

 Learn, Do and Teach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:46 Learn, do and teach. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon for another Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re talking about learning, doing, and teaching. How do all these things rolled together? What does it all mean? What am I trying to say today? What I’m trying to say is a very simple, straightforward message and it’s the simplest messages that I have that I think have the greatest impact. If you’re able to wrap your mind around them. At least they have in my life, that’s why I’m passing them on to you. None of this stuff’s original. This is all stuff I’ve gotten from somewhere else, but it’s made a difference to me. And that ties into today’s message itself. Before we get into that, I just wanted to let you know that I’m a business strategist. If you weren’t aware, and if you were in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products or services that help people to become more self reliant, I’m gonna give you a little tip. Go to, over there. I’m working with business owners who are and also executives of businesses that are in the self-reliance field and giving them a chance to have a free talk with me regarding their business. Show them how we could take business strategy moves to take them from point a where they are today in their business and really make their business their dream business. It’s called the dream business transformation. Go and check it out, see if you qualify. We were talking about learn, do, teach. Let me show you here. I don’t know how drawing this out is gonna matter whatsoever. It may not. It helps me to think about it better. Even if you can’t read my writing. We have Learn, we have Do and we have Teach. This is a cycle. It’s constant, constantly going. If you’re missing one of the pieces of this cycle, it may be why you feel stuck. It may be why you feel like your business isn’t going anywhere. It may be why that you think that everyone around you is dumber than they actually are. At some point in the cycle, sometimes we get stuck. Oftentimes it’s in the Doing place. So you’ve learned how to do what you do for a living. You’ve learned it somehow. Maybe you’ve learned at the school of hard knocks. You’ve taught yourself. Maybe you’ve learned it from mentors. Maybe you read it out of a book. Somehow you Learned it and now you’re Doing it. The real question is, can you Teach it? Have you taught it? If you do not teach it to somebody else, if you do not pass on the training, the things you’ve learned that’s allowed you to make money and to be able to make a difference in this world, you’re not able to teach that. You’re going to feel stuck. I guarantee it. You’re going to be in a place where you have a difficult time moving and you’re not sure what to do next and you’re scared about teaching because you don’t want to learn this special. You don’t want to lose this special knowledge to someone else that you may think that it’s your, it’s your edge in the market, but I’m going to tell ya, you have to teach things. You have to move on.

 How Your Will Can Determine Your Destiny | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:04 How your will can determine your destiny. I am Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. Once again, this is one of our Brian J. Pombo Live talks. Today we are continuing our three part series all on the psychology of your customer’s brain and delving deep into the Cognitive. We didn’t spend too much time on the Cognitive. Cognitive is how much they know what they know about you, what they think about you, things that they have learned about you and anything involving your product or service. Second thing would be the Affective, which we talked about yesterday. You can go back and watch that video. And the third thing today is all about the third part of the mind called the Conative. And when we’re talking about conation, we’re talking about you’re doing an action mode. It’s a completely different part of the brain. And the real question is, how do you do an act? How do you put out effort? How do you build? How are you creative when you’re working in any sort? So whether it be when you were in school, how did you handle things and also at work in your current job or at your favorite job, how was it different? How does it function differently and how did you relate back with it? It’s less of an emotional end of things and it’s more of the logic that of what drives you to do what you do. So when I’m talking about will, I’m talking about in a will in the sense of action, in the sense of effort, in the sense of building something. Putting something together, doing something when you feel like you’re at your highest in your action mode, where are you at? So this is a concept that’s been really promoted the most that I’ve heard by a lady named Kathy Kolbe. You can find out all about her research and all about her at She has a podcast out there called Perfectly Obstinate People. You can go and check that out wherever you listen to podcasts. That’s an interesting one. This is one of the books that I’ve read by her called Conative Connection, Acting on Instinct. This is a pretty good primer. She has a few other books and I’ve heard other people say that those are also good for first timers when it comes to learning all about conation and her basic concept comes from four different action modes that we all have. But there’s going to be ones that you perform better at and there’s going to be ones that you not only perform less at but you perform almost the negative end of those action modes. So let me tell you about ’em real quick. There’s four of them. These are my a levels right here. It’s a four ,four, eight and a three. And these are four modes, I’m sure you can’t read it where you’re at, but this first one’s a fact finder, then follow through, quick start and implementer. Those are the four modes. Let me explain to you what those are and you can kind of get a feel for which one you think you might be a little bit higher on. Fact finder is, I’m reading this right out of the book, precise, judicious and thorough. This mode deals with detail and complexity, seeking to be both objective and appropriate.

 How Do Your Feelings Define Your Actions? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:57 How do your feelings define your actions? Hi this is Brian Pombo, welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. I got some books I want to tell you about. And today we’re continuing our series all on human psychology and the three different modes, of three different parts of your brain, the Cognitive, the Affective and the Conative. Today we’re going to talk about….your feelings. How do you feel, not just right now but in general? How do you feel, how does your mind go about feeling things? How is that different from other people that you know, especially different from your spouse, from your significant other, from other people that you may have been attracted to now or in the future? It’s almost always the opposite when it comes to Affective. This is a very, very clear thing, is that at some point that there is something that’s dynamically different between you and the person you’re most interested in. And very oftentimes it’s on the Affective of scale. So we’re going to go through that a little bit. I’m going to go through the four parts of human personality, the four-part model. I’m going to tell you about a couple of books, a couple things to look into. If you’re interested in this, you want to find out some more personally, my favorite thing to look at is called the D I S C model, the DISC model. And one of the best people out there talking about it today that I have found. It’s a guy named Dr Robert Rome. This is one of his top books in terms of that it’s a positive personality profiles. He’s got different colors here representing the D I S or C. This is Dr Rome right here. I’ve got to see him. I’ve got to meet him in person a couple times. He’s given speeches at conventions and conferences that I’ve been at. Really fond of him. He’s a great speaker. You can see some of his videos on YouTube and so forth. Robert Rome, go and check out Positive Personality Profiles. That’s a really good book. Another good book. The, she doesn’t use the D I S C but this was actually the original book that I read on this and it’s called Personality Plus, by Florence Littauer. This is a pretty much a classic in the field of personality theory. I think this came out, let me see…..yeah, 1983. The original version of this came out and she uses the original terminology from one of the first people that ever started discussing personality theory, which was Hippocrates. If you’ve ever heard of the Hippocratic Oath, famous, famous Greek Hippocrates came up with the four different personality theory and she uses those. That terminology, but it’s the same concept. You can, you could tie that back to DISC and I’ll tell you more about what that is in a second. Just hold on. This is my favorite book and you can tell by how worn out it is. My favorite book on personalities is called Getting to Know You. This is by Chris Carey. He passed away a number of years ago. If you know about this book, if you know about Chris Carey and if you know his family or anybody that holds the rights to this book, let me know. I would love to see this republished and I love to do it myself if necessary, because this is such a great book.

 How to Dissect Your Customer’s Brain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:36 How to dissect your customer’s brain. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back. I’m not in the Orange Office today. I’m in a random room in my, in the Pombo manner. I’m speaking to you a little more quieter because we have children that are asleep right now and we’d like to keep it that way. I am in Grants Pass Oregon though and today we’re going to be talking to a little bit about psychology, a little bit about your customers brain and how it works. A couple of ideas that I came across that really completely changed my life in terms of how I relate with myself and how I relate with others. Including relationship with my wife, how I deal with coworkers and how I deal with customers, long-term customers and clients. If you’d like to learn more. If you find any of this interesting at all and you’d like to see how it applies specifically to your business, you’re to want to set up, set up a time to be able to chat with me or somebody at You’re welcome to purchase a strategy session and we can talk about any of these things that you would like and be able to fit it into your business and be able to make it profitable for you. If you happen to be a business owner in the self-reliance field, meaning that you help people to become more self reliant through your products, your services, or your story, you’re someone I’d like to talk to. Especially if you’re a business owner or an executive and go to you can find the link in the description or you can just type it in directly. on that website. It’s pretty self explanatory. Watch the video, fill out the application and we’ll go from there. If you qualify, you’ll get a chance to be able to talk for me, talk with me for free. So let’s get back to dissecting your customer’s brain. There’s a lot of different things that a person can go into when discussing human psychology and when it comes to how you relate back and forth with your customer base, whether they be prospective customers, current customers, or past customers. That’s how I like to divide them up too. That’s a whole other issue. But I always love dividing things up into three. So whenever I find something that divides things up into threes, it tends to stick in my mind and tends to make a lot of sense. This particular concept was introduced to me by Kathy Colby. You’ll find her name in the description. Kathy Colby, inventor of the Kolbe Index, and she does a whole lot of work in the format of Conative Thinking. I’m going to go into what that is in a second here in how she describes it. It’s a theory that I definitely subscribe to. I’ve just seen too much in working with people to not believe this to be true. And that’s that you can very easily split up the conscious mind into three different spots. So everything that you would call, maybe your personality or how you function in everyday life can be broken up into one of these three areas. So I’ll show you that my little diagram here. So we’ve got, here’s average person here, average brain and split up into these three areas. You’ve got Cognitive, Affective and Conative. Cognitive has everything to do with your thinking, everything you do in terms of thinking and thought.

 Would Your Business Survive Armageddon? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:37 Michael Foley – Farming for the Long Haul Can Your Business Survive Armageddon? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. Today we’re going to be talking a little bit of emergency preparedness, especially in terms of your business. Are you a good prepper when it comes to your business? Have you actually thought of what you were going to do if things really got tough out there? And what, I mean, what do you do with your business? If something really horrible happens, something apocalyptic, let’s say the electrical grid shut down or something of that sort, what would you do? Well, this was kind of some of the talk of where we were going when we spoke with Michael Foley. He wrote the book, Farming for the Long Haul. The whole thing’s all about resilience. How do you make things last? How do you make things last pass bad economies? His whole purpose isn’t directly toward business. He deals a lot with homesteading and farming, but you could take the exact same concept and apply it back to your business. And really ask yourself, are you hitting on all the main points? Some of the things that he points out is are you involved locally? Is your business, even though you may have an international or national based business, are you involved locally? Do you have a customer base locally that you could depend on if necessary? Do you work one-on-one? Do you have forms of direct sales with people? All these things are things to keep in mind. We talk about a little bit more they’re on the podcasts. Go and listen to it. Really sharp guy, very educated. He’s spent years as a teacher. He just recently came out with this book. This is his first book and I think he’d like to come out with more from the way it sounded. We talk a little bit about the book writing process. Talk about public speaking. So if you’re looking at doing either of those things to help propel yourself, your business, your concepts and ideas, you’re going to want to listen to this episode of the Off the Grid Biz Podcast. So go and check it out. The link is in the description. Once again, his name is Michael Foley and he wrote Farming for the Long Haul. Really good talk that we had there. I really liked it. I got to meet him over at the Mother Earth News Fair this last weekend. So that was lots of fun. In the future, tomorrow we’re going to be switching gears a little bit. We are going to return back to the Mother Earth News Fair and discuss some of the other concepts that we came across there. Tomorrow we’re going to be discussing something a little bit new. We’re gonna talk about the psychology behind the relationship and how that ties back in personality and the psychology of that. This is an area we haven’t discussed yet here on the videos. We’ll probably have a little series of videos where we talk about that tomorrow. In the meantime, if you are a business owner or an executive and you happened to work in the self-reliance field,

 How Important is Customer Service? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:38 Chris White – DripWorks How important is customer service to Your Business? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. With me today for the first time on these videos is Tyler Pombo, my oldest son, he’s five years old and he is just going to be helping me out a little bit as we talk today about the interview that I had with Chris White. This fellow right here, he’s from Drip Works. You can find them at and they deal in drip irrigation and he gave a talk over at the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon. I didn’t even get to see his talk, but supposedly it was really good. I talked to him afterwards. He felt good about it and it was an interesting thing because he comes at it from a different angle. He’s a sales representative for Drip Works and is one of the first people of his position that I’ve actually had on the show. That was very interesting to come at it from that end and come up with some different questions and everything. I had talked to them about how this worked in the marketing plan for Drip Works. The one thing he pointed to is that Drip Works has that really makes them stand out in the marketplace is customer service. And so they make sure they have customer service lines. Even though a lot of their stuff is online base, so you go on their site and purchase some of their items. Everything is made to include people that are brand new to drip irrigation. So they have kits and so forth that you can buy and all these other things. They have trained people in their customer service so you can call them and ask them if you have an specific issue, what you should be doing, especially if you’re new to the whole thing. That’s what Chris’s job is. And if you look at it, really everything that he does has to do with customer service. So the whole him being at this show, him giving a speech on why it’s important to have drip irrigation and if you’re interested in having drip irrigation, why you should look into it and ask the pros that know how to do it. All those things, it’s all part of customer service. It’s all part of being out there and being a real person in this digital world. Oftentimes we want everything to be automated and we forget that you gotta be real. You have to have….everything is one-on-one, everything is relationship reliant. That’s what I say over and over again when I’m working with my clients and customers and helping them to able to really connect with their customer base and make it completely competition free. Is to really have that one-on-one relationship. So customer service, it’s not only necessary in your businesses necessary in every business to really make you stand out, go and listen to that episode. I’ve got a link in the description below. Also in the link in the description below or above, depending on where you’re watching this is a a a special link that I talk about every time and all of my videos and it’s specifically for those of you who are owners and executives in the self-reliance field.

 Should You Sell Information? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:39 See more about fermentation by going to the Shockey’s website at – * Click the link below to hear Brian’s interview with the Shockey’s. Kirsten & Christopher Shockey – Ferment Works Should you be selling information? Hi I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. Today we’re going to talk about, another episode from the Off the Grid Biz Podcast that I’m going to encourage you to go and listen to. These to fine people joined me in the Orange Office. I’ve made references to their podcasts in the past because we had major technical issues with it where everything worked out great. I wasn’t even planning to have them be interviewed in person here in the office. But one thing kind of led to the other. We ended up back here. They were one of the first interviews I ever had that was live. And in doing so, I did not plug everything in quite properly and everything did not turn out great audio wise. So I had to go through, fix it all. And we still came out with something that I think is still listenable. So I’ll go and listen to their podcast. This is also the longest interview that I’ve had up until now. I honestly think it’s one of the best interviews that we’ve had up till now. That’s not from the interviewer perspective, but from the guest perspective they had so much depth, and because we had two people, they we’re going back and forth along with their story and covering how all these things tie back into business in very subtle ways. But I have a little commentary on the end pointing out the things that are think are most important. And one of them is the concept of an information business. Now this isn’t going to ruin anything for the podcast. What you want to do is go and listen to it because they talk about how they started out as a product business. So their business is called Ferment Works. You go and check it out. Its and you can listen to the podcast by clicking on the link here in the description. So check out the description, you can see the link, and if you happen to be watching on Instagram or listening on a podcast, go to and you can go and find their podcast. It’s a few episodes behind from where we are at today and so it’s from August 1st. They had started fermenting vegetables, fermenting different things and selling things like Sauerkraut and selling them at the local farmer’s markets and so forth. And had built up quite a good size business to the point that they started getting orders from larger companies. When they ended up getting an order from whole foods market of all places. They had to make a decision of are we going to go in this end of business, do we want to keep going this direction and change our lives this dramatically or do we want to keep some of our lifestyle while at the same time using the vehicle that we’ve already built to be able to do something different? It’s a really, really, really interesting concept. Then a lot of people don’t think about they want to build up their business, but they oftentimes people don’t stop going ...

 Be Sooo Good | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:24 Checkout Brian’s interview with Janice Cox here – Be Sooo Good. Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon today. The kind of headline of this video is Be Sooo Good. It’s the beginning of a quote from one of my favorite quotes from Steve Martin, the a comedian, actor, playwright, so forth. And it’s, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” This is great career advice across the board. It really does say a whole lot and we could go on and on about that quote and what it means to you and your business. But I, for some reason it popped in my mind when I thought of this lady. This is Janice Cox. Janice, I got to interview a couple of weeks ago, I think it was a couple of weeks ago. All the days are starting to run together here because we’ve been running around so crazy. I’ll get to that in a second. I just drove back into town from, from the Albany area. I was in Corvallis last night as you, you may recall if you were watching the videos then I was in Corvallis, Oregon. We were in Albany, Oregon for yesterday, the day before for the Mother Earth News Fair, which happens once a year in this area, and also happens at five other places across the United States. One of the huge influences that got me to go there was this lady right here. This is Janice Cox. When we decided we were going to go, we started interviewing…especially the speakers. Lot of the speakers and people involved with the Mother Earth News Fair. This was somebody that we talked to and it was great because she was local. So it was one of my first live interviews that I got to do one on one right here in the Orange Office. A unintentional outlet always ends up here. It’s not a, it’s a horrible place for interviews. We’ve got a really bad echo here. We had the Shockey’s here, a Kirsten & Christopher Shockey , a fermentation fame, which I’ll talk about them later because they had a fabulous talk that was very badly recorded by myself. They were the first ones I spoke with, but I spoke with Janice after them. We got the recording good. It’s a great episode of the Off the Grid Biz Podcast. You could reach that in the description below, above, wherever you’re watching this. You could see that. Or you can go to and type in Janice Cox and you can listen to her interview. It’s a nice, nice little quick one and she’s just straight forward. Here’s why the quote reminded me of Janice. It’s not because she is super knowledgeable about what she does, she totally is. It’s not because she’s an entertaining speaker. I got to see her speak here this last weekend. Yeah, she’s great. It’s because she’s really a good person and for some reason it kind of hit that quote hit me when I thought of her because she just comes off very genuine. Very good. Very happy and she’s just having a great time with life and it kind of spreads ...

 Right People in the Right Seats | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:33 Listen To Brian’s Talk With Jessicka here – The right people in the right seats. Hi, this is Brian Pombo, welcome back. Not currently in the Orange Office. I’m in Corvallis, Oregon. Just went to the final day of the Mother Earth News Fair here just up the road in Albany, Oregon. And had a great time, met some great people, got a lot of stories I’ll be telling you in the future, both here and on the Off the Grid Biz Podcast, which was one of the main reasons why we went a lot of the storyline. You’ll be able to follow there. A lot of the lead up that we had to this event, you could find there right now, but last 11 episodes all have to do. They’re all a conversations we’ve had with speakers that were speaking at this event. People that I got to connect up with the right handful of people. I completely missed was not able to have a conversation with them, but most people I was able to at least say hi to. So if you’re one of the ones that I missed, I’ll be getting in touch with you in the future. Sorry we missed you. I had a great time. Was my first time there. Like I said, lots of stories, but let’s talk about the right people in the right places on the bus. This comes from a section of Jim Collins book, “Good to Great.” Where he’s talking about how your business is like a bus. You’re the bus driver and that a lot of people think of their business as being a……they think of the point of the bus driver is really determining where you’re going and then finding the people that want to go there. And really it’s more about who you have on the bus. Got a whole lot of your business has to do with the WHO. So it has to do with your who customer, who your customers are, has to do with who your, or your clientele, who your employees are or the people that you’re going to be working with you to take you in a certain direction. It starts with the WHO on so many different levels like we’ve discussed in the past. When we talk about the marketing pyramid that Dan Kennedy talks about, about the WHO and the what and the where and the why. But let’s get back to that the WHO. It’s important to have the right people on your team. So people that you’re going to get along with. People that are sharp and who are passionate about what they do. So one of the people that I ran into in leading up to this event, and someone I got to meet today, one on one for the first time, Jessicka Nebesni, she’s from Mountain Rose Herbs from Eugene, Oregon. And you can go and check out the interview I had with her. I’ve got the link in the description. Go check that out. That’s not the Off the Grid Biz Podcast. And if you happen to be somebody who knows about the Mother Earth News, you very well might be interested in the self-reliance field. And if you have a business or you like you’re a business owner or you’re an executive in the self-reliance fi...

 Destroying the Comfort Zone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:58 Hey everybody told you I’d make it here and I’m here. This is all about destroying your comfort zone. Let’s get started. My name is Brian Pombo with I am here at the Lynn County fairgrounds and I have just experienced the Mother Earth News Fair of Albany, Oregon 2019 behind me, the Fairgrounds, this is where it was added is kind of the central location in the center. There’s a couple stages, a couple of booths over here, and then this large building over here is where a large amount more happens. Also more stages beyond that, I believe they have 10 stages all together, 10 or 11 stages. With these running all day long, you can’t see everything. You just can’t see it all. There’s more than you could imagine. There’s more vendors than you could imagine. I haven’t got to speak with hardly any of them yet cause I was busy watching all the shows today. Haven’t got the talk with all of the people that I did interviews with earlier. Haven’t got to interview all the people that I said I was going to interview. We got the interview, Jereme Zimmerman. That one’s coming up, a famous writer of, uh……..I’m gonna go to brutalize one of his book titles. I’m not gonna do that. I’m gonna tell you about more about Jereme later. We got a good interview, so that’s gonna make a great podcast. So what’s the comfort zone and have to do with this? This is outside my comfort zone. Just getting out there and meeting new people and trying new things. I mean, I like it after I’ve done it, but I’d much in most cases, I’d much rather just stay behind a computer, I mean honestly, until bed, until I get out here. And then I said, wow, this is, you know, there’s this whole world that you miss if you don’t get outside your comfort zones. Put a little money down, take a weekend to put aside. And I had to leave my family behind and stuff like that this time around. And that stinks. But you know, sometimes you gotta, you gotta do what you’ve gotta do and they’re all happy they were playing at the lake today. Get out of your comfort zone, destroy it, fine. You don’t have to do it all at once. Just do it a little bit at a time. I’m going to hopefully get to show you some more of the inside tomorrow. The signal’s not great out here, so I was kind of hesitant all day about about actually going live, but everything’s done now. Six o’clock. They shut down pretty early. They got shut down at five tomorrow. I’m going to try and get you to, I’m going to walk around with you a little bit tomorrow and talk about some of this stuff a little more. But in the meantime, get out, get out of your comfort zone. Go out there. It’s not as bad as you think. All the fears and stuff. Most of them will drop away. You just got to get out there and try it out. I’m here with our podcast producer Sean E Douglas, and we’re going to go, I think grab something to eat or something to drink and just to chill out a little bit for the rest of the night. We’ll catch you all later. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

 Gifts From the Darkness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:30 Hello everybody gift from the darkness. That’s what we’re going to be talking about today. Coming to you, not from the Orange Office, if you can’t tell. We are here in Corvallis, Oregon for the Mother Earth News Fair. Got different equipment. I think I have my microphone out in the car but it’s just going to deal with this for now and we are going to be here all weekend so hopefully tomorrow we’ll get some views from the fair. Maybe do a live right from a the Lynn County Fairgrounds where the Mother Earth News Fairs are at in Albany, Oregon. About 20 minutes down the road from there. If you happen to be a business owner or an executive of a self reliance based business, the type of businesses that the Mother Earth News Fair is going to be highlighting quite a bit in their, especially in their vendor section. Then you’re someone I’d like to talk to. What I do is I specialize in helping businesses move from their current even successful states and moving into their dream business scenario. So everything and it really tends to relate around a person, either an executive or a business owner that’s in charge and it kind of what would be in their best interest and we kind of focus on what would it take to make the business go in that direction. I’m a business strategist. Go to That’s right. I brought it with me to My little cue card here., hey Joseph Costamagna, joining us out there in internet land. Hello, we’re on Facebook live. For those of you who are watching a replay later. We have ah, let’s see, I was going to talk about a gift from the darkness. This is a podcast that I did with Leah Webb from Deep Rooted Wellness. Go and check it out. I have a link in the description. There’s a little wave wave emoji here I am waving back. If you look at the link down in the description or up in the description, depending on where you’re seeing this, there’s a link to Leah’s podcasts. It’s a really great podcasts. She’s a really great person to talk to. Hopefully I’ll get to meet her in person here at the Mother Earth News Fair and she’s going to be speaking here. She mentioned this great line about gifts from the darkness and as kind of a weird, you know, woo woo way of thinking of it initially unless you understand what she’s talking about. And what she was talking about is all these scenarios that happened in her life that at first seemed to be horrible. They is that whole concept of mixed blessings, right? They seem to be horrible situations, but they turn out all turn out for the best even though it’s really crazy situation. So one of the main ones that she brings up is the fact that she had a son who was born who ended up having severe allergies to foods, to certain foods. She then had a daughter that has cystic fibrosis, which also requires a lot of dietary changes and so forth. And so she became extremely knowledgeable about diet and started learning about all these things and got so good at it that she started tra...

 Are You Flexible? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:24 Are you flexible? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. I’m with and I was going to come to you with a completely different topic tonight, but I have to be flexible because tomorrow I am going to be a leaving town to go to The Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon. We’ve been leading up to this. If you’ve been watching any of these videos, you know that this is the process. This is what we’re going to be doing this weekend. So we’re going to be on our way up there and that’s starting tomorrow and it’s going to be a really busy weekend. The vehicle that I had planned to take decided to start giving me some trouble and talking back today. So that is not the vehicle we’re going to be taking. We are going to be taken a rental vehicle instead. So all this stuff happens all at the last minute. Thank goodness it happens now and not during the trip. You know, you gotta look at the bright side of things and you’ve gotta stay flexible. You gotta I mean I’m pulling in a late night here because we got a bunch of things that need to go out tonight. Needs to happen now and a lot of things end up popping up in your way and you just gotta keep moving. Don’t forget you’re not the only one. When these things happen to you, it happens to all of us. It’s part of the process. Remain flexible. Flexible is the word. Speaking of flexibility, if you are a business owner, you know what I’m talking about. If you’re an executive and you’ve been working at your company for awhile and you’re one of the ones that everyone depends on, you know about flexibility. And if you’re looking to take your business and flex it out, how about that for a little link there, we’re going to flex out your business and really make it into your dream business. Go to go and check out the video there. link is in the description. Go Click on it. Go check it out. There’s a video there. Tell you all about it. I’m not going to go through it today. Go through it just about every single day with you. So go check that out. I got to get my work done. Tomorrow we’re going to be out on the road. Maybe have something fancy to look at. Maybe not, I don’t know, but we’ll show you. Show you whatever the adventure is that happens when you’re out on the highway and day after that, we’ll be at the Mother Earth News Fair. Lots of interesting stuff, guaranteed coming up. Go check out is the podcast. We’ve got new episodes even coming out tonight. Go check it out. Have a good one.

 Want A More Simple Life? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:45 Episode with Gary Collins: Want a more simple life? Hi, I’m Brian J Pombo with welcome back to the Orange Office. This is Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon. Today we’re talking about simplicity, life simplification, a great little phrase that this fellow made up right here. This is Gary Collins. Gary Collins is the writer of many books including some one called Off The Grid, which ties right into my Off the Grid Biz Podcast, which I got to interview him on. If you check out the description, you could see the link going back to that interview and I highly recommend you listen to it. Now at the time of the interview we did it over video chat and he doesn’t look a lot like this. He’s got a beard now and a baseball cap on, so he looked like a completely different person but very sharp guy. Lots of fun to talk to and he’ll be a lot of fun to listen to make sure and listen to that podcast. He’s got a lot of energy and a lot of the stuff he talks about, it’s really funny because a lot of the stuff he talks about that, uh, I heard someone else saying is a lot of common sense. He has a lot of solid common sense, but he delivers it in a very confident, straightforward, no bs attitude that makes it a lot of fun. One of the themes that he has is this concept of life simplification. And the way I see it is it’s life simplification for the purpose of lifestyle design. So if you can have the ideal life, my friend Tyler says that, it’s a life you don’t need a vacation from. If you could design a life you don’t need a vacation from, what would it be? And would it be more simple? If you really distilled it down to its most simple form, what would that be? How would that look? If you could just make it as basic as possible just to start out with, just to make your life easier, stress-free, and really be what you want it to be. What would that look like? That’s what Gary focuses on, that’s his perspective on things. And that’s what he helps people bring people to. He has a series of books. Has a new one coming out called the Simple Life Guide to Financial Freedom. So we talk a lot about that on the show where he’s talking about financial freedom. He’s talking about, how to really simplify things to be able to get what you want out of life while at the same time not messing people over and really having a good moral life. Go listen to that because I think it would help you out.


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