Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 11/9/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

Congratulations to President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence. It was not Trump who defeated Hillary Clinton. Rather, the constitutional conservatives who went forth and voted for him are the real victors. Trump won by running on one of the most conservative policy records and agendas of any modern president. It wasn’t until later when we held his feet to the fire insisting that he embrace conservative principles that he was able to do so. Now it’s time to get to work on implementing that conservative agenda. And we’re going to insist that on these important conservative issues that this Republican monopoly advance our principles, the principles they said that they would institute. Also, the National Republican Senatorial Committee had nothing to do with the success of the Trump campaign. They didn’t even come out to support Darryl Glenn for Senate in Colorado. Glenn, an African American military veteran lost his race by 2%. The NRSC didn’t spend one penny on his race because they want to keep conservatives out. Later, one thing Republicans and Democrats should be able to agree on is that FBI Director James Comey needs to be fired. Being an FBI director is not a job for a politician. Finally, Chris Christie, who is leading the Trump transition team, is bringing in Bush and Romney people to help. This would be keeping the same mentality that Trump ran against. Christie is capable of sabotaging the new Trump administration before it even starts.

 11/8/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

It’s election night! Mike Pence calls in to talk about the election and explains how this is an opportunity for the people to make America great again with Donald Trump. This is an election where turnout is necessary. Unfortunately, there are people voting now who will vote to transform country in unacceptable way. It’s time to do more than just send a message and it is time to take action. It’s time to send the Clintons home where they can make $3 million in speeches. So much is at stake to stop Hillary Clinton; the principled and moral thing is to stop her. We can’t fight for conservatism if Hillary wins and the Democrats take the Senate. After that, Rand Paul wins in Kentucky, Marco Rubio wins in Florida and Brian Mast wins the District 18 House seat in Florida. Later, the Democrat Party has thrown in with the Degrowth movement and driving up the cost of healthcare. Their policies and taxation always fall on the head of the middleclass.

 11/7/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

This isn’t an election; it’s a war over politics. This is a battle between traditional values on one side and the other side that believes in concentrated centralized power. We must be saved from the continued breakdown of our values and principles. The Left has targeted constitutional values such as liberty, limited government, and private property for years and they are not stopping now. Regardless of who wins Tuesday, the Left will keep marching. The war rages on beyond Nov. 8, and conservatives must be ready. Also, Hillary Clinton is one of the modern day leaders of the soft tyrannical movement that utterly rejects the American heritage. She will just continue President Obama’s work of tearing the country apart. If Trump wins we still have a lot of work to do, but a Trump victory will slow down the progress of the left. In addition, unfortunately we don't have anybody in the upper ranks of the DOJ who believe in justice. Hillary gets a free pass by James Comey again but if the average person did what she did with classified information they would be in all sorts of trouble. Later, if Mitch McConnell, Reince Priebus and Kevin McCarthy don't go, the Republican Party is doomed. The current situation exists because of them, John Boehner and the Republican leadership. They undertook an intentional campaign of deceit against the Tea Party. They ran ads to get elected saying they would repeal Obamacare and balance budget, yet failed to so and have destroyed their party. Finally, Brian Mast, running for Florida’s 18th Congressional District, calls in and tells America to get out and vote Tuesday!

 11/4/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Two officers were shot in cold blood in the Bronx, NY on Friday and 2 were killed in Iowa recently. Meanwhile you have President Obama and Hillary Clinton going around and screaming about Donald Trump’s finger being on the nuclear code. Why don’t we hear anything from them about the officers who were tragically shot? After that, Mike Pence calls in to talk about the state of the campaign and the two possible futures the American people have in front of them. Hillary Clinton wants a healthcare system like Canada and Trump wants to turn healthcare over to the private sector and unleash the power of the free market. In addition, Trump wants to pick Supreme Court justices who will respect and honor the Constitution and their decisions, while Hillary will nominate radical leftists to the court. Later, Scott Garrett from New Jersey’s 5th Congressional District calls in to talk about his reelection campaign. The Republicans are not coming to Garrett’s aid. He is under attack from the left and his own party won’t defend him. This is how Paul Ryan and Republicans thin the herd and exactly how they treated Tim Huelskamp. They attack conservatives more than they fight Obama and Hillary. Finally, Marco Rubio calls in to talk about his reelection campaign to the U.S. Senate in Florida.

 11/3/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

President Obama, the Democrats and the media are onto something. If Hillary Clinton is elected president it will be historic, because never before has a husband and wife team been impeached. Also, the Clinton Foundation, Hillary and almost half a dozen of her staffers are under investigation. Now they are lashing out at the FBI because this is what leftists do. If James Comey is to be faulted it’s because he waited 3 weeks while early voting was going on to reopen the Hillary investigation. Later, the FBI finds emails related to Hillary's State Department tenure. It remains to be seen if these emails are relevant in the Clinton case. Hillary and her lawyers said that they had turned over everything relevant to the FBI. If it is found that they didn’t, Hillary then they obstructed justice. In addition, we now know that Obama corresponded with Hillary on his specially secured Blackberry phone. This means that he communicated classified discussions via Hillary’s private email server — the same unsecured email server that mishandled classified information and was assuredly hacked by foreign governments. In doing so, did Obama violate the Espionage Act? And if so, could this be one of the reasons Obama is campaigning so aggressively for Hillary? Finally, Joe DiGenova, a former U.S. Attorney, calls in to talk about the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

 11/2/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

To say that FBI Director James Comey is trying to influence the election and should resign is a disgrace. Comey had an obligation to disclose the information related to Hillary Clinton’s emails and those like Bret Stephen’s of the WSJ editorial page and Judge Napolitano are wrong. Why isn’t Loretta Lynch under fire from them? She is the real problem and there should be calls for Lynch’s resignation. In addition, the FBI and Hillary’s staff and assistants are under the scrutiny, but shouldn’t Hillary be under scrutiny? Because Hillary is running, she seems to be above the law. This election isn’t about Hillary, but the American people. She put herself in this position by violating the Espionage Act. After that, on election night when you’re watching the returns, in your heart, who do you really want to win and who do you really want to lose? As a Constitutional Conservative, as a Tea Party activist, as a Reaganite, what do you really think is in the best interest of your nation and your family, even though you may not have a candidate in this race? Is it not in fact the defeat of Hillary Clinton and all that means? Hillary is a shoe in if conservatives don't vote for Trump. We are not pretending that Trump is Ronald Reagan or James Madison, but he is the person we have, through the system, to stop Hillary. Later, we need to protect liberty and capitalism and reject the radical left's social agenda and put down the bureaucracy, thin it out and cut taxes. If Congress was allowed to put the courts in their proper place, and if America followed the rules of the Constitution, our nation would be a free and prosperous place.

 11/1/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Do we want a liar, thief and someone who will do anything for power in the Oval Office for the next 4 years? Hillary Clinton cannot be president of the United States. Donald Trump is far from perfect, but to assume he is anywhere near as radically liberal as Hillary is to suspend all reason. Whether it’s on immigration, life, defense, or the economy, Hillary is wrong for America, plain and simple. Hillary will appoint radical leftists to the Supreme Court, continue eviscerating the military and raise taxes by $1.4 trillion. Donald Trump will do the opposite by nominating justices who will consider the Constitution in their rulings, cut taxes across the board, and rebuild the military. Trump is even more conservative on issues such as taxes, immigration and school choice than John McCain and Mitt Romney were. People who are voting for Evan McMullin or Gary Johnson to stop Trump are electing Hillary. What needs to be done to stop Hillary from winning this election is clear. This election is about damage control. Also, the FBI has people working 16 hour shifts and overlapping shifts on the Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin case. It’s appalling how much time is being spent on these people by law enforcement when we have real threats like ISIS to deal with. Finally, Sen Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania calls in to talk about his Senate reelection campaign.

 10/31/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

It’s Loretta Lynch who should resign and who is obstructing justice. Why all the attention on James Comey? This attorney general and staff tried to get the FBI to back off the Clinton Foundation investigation. Also, Lynch had a completely unethical meeting with Bill Clinton in Phoenix. What we have here is an election cover up by Lynch and the DOJ who think they can pull one over the American people. The FBI is now looking into 650,000 emails related to Hillary Clinton found on a laptop used by Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner. Lynch wanted Comey not to tell anybody or correct the record until after the election. In addition, do we want to try to hold onto our republic or do we want to become a banana republic? Hillary Clinton is a dangerous woman. Could you imagine her being in charge of the DOJ? This election is about damage control. Any country without a good justice system is not worth anything. If Hillary gets elected there will be a constitutional crisis. Hillary must be stopped or conservatives and the rest of the country will regret it. We need to get back to a normal governing system without all the fraud, cronyism and corporatism. Donald Trump is no constitutional conservative but he is certainly not Hillary. A vote for Trump is a principled choice. Stopping Hillary gives our country another shot. Finally, Mike Pence calls in to talk about the state of the Trump campaign.

 10/28/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

A new group of emails related to Hillary Clinton’s private email server has been discovered after seizing a device used by former Congressman Anthony Weiner. James Comey and the FBI are reopening Hillary’s email investigation and are determining whether the emails have classified information and if someone lied to them. Hillary Clinton was the one with the private server and told the American people there was no classified information on her emails and server. She lied to Congress and the American people. Now the liberal media is trying to spin this new information. Nobody wants to say that if Hillary didn’t use this private server and a private email account, this wouldn’t be an issue. In addition, Hillary can't even tell the truth about the FBI letter James Comey sent out Friday. She claimed it was sent only to Republicans but it was sent Democrats like Elijah Cummings, Patrick Leahy, Dianne Feinstein and others too. In addition, the biggest criminal enterprise is the one that may not be under investigation and that is the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton’s used the Clinton Foundation, or Bill Clinton Inc. as a front operation to enrich themselves. Later, some have decided they have such contempt for Donald Trump that they will vote for Hillary Clinton. This election is about damage control and making a mature rational decision based on morality and principle. It is getting harder day by day for those not voting for Trump to make the case that they are making a principled and moral choice. Finally, Marco Rubio calls in to talk about his Senate reelection campaign in Florida.

 10/27/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Most conservative intellectuals and think tanks don’t conceive what has happened in this country. They rarely talk about the Constitution and almost never talk about solutions. They are perfectly happy with operating within the box left has built. They miss what is going on with the debt spending, out of control central government, and evisceration of large chunks of the Constitution. They live in a cloistered environment and they miss the genius of the framers and ratifiers of the Constitution. All they have to do is read the Constitution and Article V, Convention of States. Also, people are disgusted with the government and feel they have no say in it and in many respects they are right. We are not a pure democracy but our representative functions of government are not working anymore. This was the plan of the Democrats. This is why Hillary Clinton has got to be defeated. There is not an easy solution to this but there is a direction if only people would take it. Finally, Ben Shapiro calls in to talk about his new book, True Allegiance.

 10/26/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6937

President Obama and his Obamacare experts have been lying to the American people all along about the destructive nature of their signature health care plan. Now, it is all unraveling right before our eyes and we’re stuck with it. Premiums are set to go up in Arizona by 116%, Tennessee by 63% in Oklahoma by 69% and will increase by a lot in other states. This is highway robbery and it’s not like the service is getting any better. Hospitals, doctors, patients and insurance companies are struggling. The only one getting richer as a result of Obamacare this is the government. Also, the healthcare exchanges are going under. However, when the planners fail it’s never there fault. If the people don’t fall in line they need to be punished according to them. Experts like Jonathan Gruber are telling us Obamacare is great, think they know better, but they don’t. If Hillary Clinton is elected folks like Jonathan Gruber will be all over the government. To add, we will have huge entitlements that we will never be able to get rid of. We can’t take much more of this. Some of us aren’t going to sit on sidelines and cast a vote for someone who will lose. The only effective vessel we have is Donald Trump to fight Hillary Clinton. The moral and principled thing to do is to stop Hillary. It doesn’t mean we support Trump blindly, but Hillary is a leftist and unindicted felon. This cronyism and corruption will be moved into the Oval Office if Hillary gets in. Also, the Fox News Channel is imploding and Megyn Kelly is out of control. In an interview with Newt Gingrich she implies Donald Trump is a sexual predator. She claims to support women but she doesn’t. She didn’t help any victims of sexual assault with her TV show and could not even acknowledge that Bill Clinton is sexual predator. Her purpose in attacking Trump is just one of self-aggrandizement and self-promotion. Finally, Sen. Ron Johnson calls in to talk about his reelection campaign in Wisconsin.

 10/26/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6982

Hillary Clinton is campaigning on once and for all unmooring our government from the Constitution. Hillary wants to expand the part of government that makes Americans’ vote irrelevant, disenfranchises them and takes away their liberty. This is the great coup against the American Revolution and our heritage of liberty. The war on individual, faith, family, capitalism and citizenship is being made by the leftists. This is the progressive thinking that we are to be ruled by experts and professionals. In addition, if the Democrats controlled the Senate, the House and the presidency, they would try to confer as much power on that president as possible. This is back door totalitarianism with more and more power being seized by the president. Leftists reject our founding and consider those who don’t follow their thinking backwards. You have one candidate, Hillary Clinton who will put the final nail in the coffin and one candidate Donald Trump who will not. The choice is about damage control not about who is the most moral. Finally, Joe Miller running for Senate in Alaska calls in.

 10/24/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6981

We are 15 days from a truly crucial election. Millions and millions have already voted and Republicans are still fighting among themselves. Many of Bush’s former senior staff want nothing to do with this election and other Republicans are splitting hairs over who is more principled. We don’t need would be George Washington’s telling us about principles. This election is about damage control. While we may regret a Donald Trump presidency, it’s a fact that we will regret a Hillary Clinton presidency. The fact is that Hillary is an unindicted felon, violated the Espionage act, and lied to the American people about having no classified information. She will increase the role of government and leave our borders wide open. After that, Mark announces the advent of CRTV network, a new digital network for conservatives featuring, shows with Mark Levin, Michelle Malkin and Mark Steyn, with more content to be added. This is an exciting new addition to conservative media. Later, Trump wants an economic plan to help the middle class through a 35% tax cut, promoting school choice, repeal and replace Obamacare, decrease regulations and make other positive reforms. While Trump is good on these issues, his trade plan is a disaster. However, Hillary’s policies are a disaster all around. The difference between her and Trump is night and day. Finally, Darryl Glenn, running for Senate in Colorado, calls in to give an update on the status of his race.

 10/21/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6981

Hillary Clinton violated the Espionage Act during the debate by irresponsibly divulging America’s nuclear response time to the entire world. And I can assure you our enemies are all meeting trying to formulate potential responses to this. She has demonstrated in her public and official capacity that she’s irresponsible, dangerous, and nasty! After that, Hillary spoke out against Putin and Donald Trump’s admiration of him. As Secretary of State she knew what Russia's capability for cyberwarfare was and yet she put classified information on a private server where it was vulnerable. In addition, it’s ironic that the headlines are about Trump refusing to accept the election results and not about Hillary releasing classified information on network television. Trump said that he might not accept the results. However, this is not a precedent as Al Gore did everything humanly possible to overturn the 2000 election results. Also, voter fraud is going on all over the country. The voting system is sitting in disrepair because Democrats want it in disrepair; it’s vulnerable to fraud. It could take just one state where fraud occurs to make a difference in this election. Later, Charles Krauthammer is going to write in either Paul Ryan or Ben Sasse for President. Paul Ryan lost as a VP candidate and had an embarrassing performance against Joe Biden. He and Ben Sasse have done nothing spectacular in their careers to merit being elected to the presidency. Krauthammer lays out the case against Hillary, but is not going to do a thing about it. Finally, Congressman Scott Garrett of New Jersey’s District 5 calls in to talk about his reelection campaign.

 10/20/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6682

Dan Bongino, Contributing Editor at Conservative Review, fills in for Mark. Isn’t it even remotely concerning that some people are willing to risk their jobs and reputations to say Hillary Clinton is a unique threat to our constitutional republic? They are risking their livelihoods, because they genuinely believe she would be bad for the country. The contempt she has for men and women in uniform has extended to her having contempt in the process of government. Though she does have respect for power. After that, in Wednesday’s debate, Hillary says she won’t add a penny to the national debt. She is not telling the truth and her claim is unsubstantiated. Even if you cut out the FBI, Secret Service and all discretionary spending, the budget would barely be balanced. For her to not add a penny to the national debt with no noticeable cuts is impossible. Also, Hillary claims that she supports the 2nd Amendment, but that is not true. She is a gun grabber of the highest order and wants to disarm Americans. In addition, liberals don’t care about policy, they just want control. They don’t care about health care but want to control it and won’t relinquish control of public schools.


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