11/1/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Do we want a liar, thief and someone who will do anything for power in the Oval Office for the next 4 years? Hillary Clinton cannot be president of the United States. Donald Trump is far from perfect, but to assume he is anywhere near as radically liberal as Hillary is to suspend all reason. Whether it’s on immigration, life, defense, or the economy, Hillary is wrong for America, plain and simple. Hillary will appoint radical leftists to the Supreme Court, continue eviscerating the military and raise taxes by $1.4 trillion. Donald Trump will do the opposite by nominating justices who will consider the Constitution in their rulings, cut taxes across the board, and rebuild the military. Trump is even more conservative on issues such as taxes, immigration and school choice than John McCain and Mitt Romney were. People who are voting for Evan McMullin or Gary Johnson to stop Trump are electing Hillary. What needs to be done to stop Hillary from winning this election is clear. This election is about damage control. Also, the FBI has people working 16 hour shifts and overlapping shifts on the Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin case. It’s appalling how much time is being spent on these people by law enforcement when we have real threats like ISIS to deal with. Finally, Sen Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania calls in to talk about his Senate reelection campaign.