11/8/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: It’s election night! Mike Pence calls in to talk about the election and explains how this is an opportunity for the people to make America great again with Donald Trump. This is an election where turnout is necessary. Unfortunately, there are people voting now who will vote to transform country in unacceptable way. It’s time to do more than just send a message and it is time to take action. It’s time to send the Clintons home where they can make $3 million in speeches. So much is at stake to stop Hillary Clinton; the principled and moral thing is to stop her. We can’t fight for conservatism if Hillary wins and the Democrats take the Senate. After that, Rand Paul wins in Kentucky, Marco Rubio wins in Florida and Brian Mast wins the District 18 House seat in Florida. Later, the Democrat Party has thrown in with the Degrowth movement and driving up the cost of healthcare. Their policies and taxation always fall on the head of the middleclass.