Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 8/16/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Donald Trump and his team are 100% right on this issue of ideology, assimilation and immigration. Apparently, he struck a nerve as the left is calling Trump’s ideas McCarthyism. Trump wants to screen out all terrorist sympathizers and those who believe Sharia law should replace American law. For Trump, only those who are willing to embrace tolerant American society should be issued visas. For almost 200 years this was the basic standard of admitting people into this country. Trump needs to be defended on this because he is right. Why can’t the left understand that America has always been a land of assimilated immigrants, not immigrants without respect for our values? In addition, Trump’s plan would keep out the most vile, anti-Semites out of this country. Coming to the defense of these radicals are organizations like the Anti-Defamation League. They condemn Trumps call to ban America and Jew haters from coming into the U.S. yet ironically attack Republicans for fostering anti-Semitism. After that, Governor Maggi Hassan, running for Senate in New Hampshire, can’t answer simple questions and attest to Hillary Clinton's honesty. Hillary is not trustworthy, she’s an unindicted felon and cover up artist. Later, Tim Kaine wants to create an economy that works for everyone. However, there is no such thing and people need to participate if they want to get a reward. Leftists, like Kaine just want to redistribute wealth by asking us to pay just a little more.

 8/15/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The hate for the cops in this country is unbelievable. The total number of police officers executed this year has climbed to 36. Now we have rioting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin after a black police officer shot an 18 year old black man with an illegal gun. Meanwhile, there hasn’t been a word on this from President Obama who is golfing in Martha’s Vineyard or Hillary Clinton. Sheriff David Clarke, who has Milwaukee under his jurisdiction, has it right when he says this violence and rioting is the result of failed liberal policies. One of these policies is the failed welfare state, which feeds mouths, but does little else and adds to the marginalization of black fathers. This is what happens when the civil society unravels. The left is responsible for this destruction. After that, Donald Trump gave a solid speech Monday on foreign policy and stayed on message. He is right that those who don’t accept the Constitution as the law of the land, but accept Sharia law, should not be allowed into the country. No one has the right to come into this country. You either support the law of the land or you don’t gain entry. Finally, Peter Schweizer calls in to talk about his book Clinton Cash: a graphic novel.

 8/12/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6712

The Trump surrogates got their man nominated, but what they need to do is help straighten him out and convince him to advance conservative principles and liberty. However, they are not going to do that and are now demanding a vote for him or else. Trump surrogates have to realize that they can’t browbeat people into choosing their guy. Trump has to be the one to persuade Americans to vote for him. Rather than have the courage and get Trump to say some rational things, they attack the conservative base. In addition, an endorsement from Ted Cruz would not increase support for Donald Trump by an inch. This was a grand opportunity to breathe life into the Constitution, to advance liberty and reverse President Obama’s agenda, but it is being blown before our eyes. The only person who can save Donald Trump is Trump. After that, since the Clinton’s left the Whitehouse, they have earned nearly a quarter of a billion dollars and haven’t created a single job through their efforts.. Finally, Congressman Paul Gosar calls in to discuss the effort that’s underway to pick off members of the freedom caucus.

 8/11/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The Department of Justice refused to investigate the Clinton Foundation on corruption charges – despite recommendations from three separate field offices. The DOJ has created a protection cocoon around the Clinton’s and their money-laundering scheme known as the Clinton Foundation. You wanna see corruption? You don’t need to look at Russia, and China – it’s right here in America! If this were a Republican administration in power there would be indictments flying so fast, but not with the Democrats. After that, Larry Sabato thinks that Hillary is going to get over 350 electoral votes in November. While this doesn’t mean that the election is over, Donald Trump and his campaign have dug a deep hole for themselves. Now his surrogates in the media are panicking and positioning themselves just in case he loses. They want the public to forget that if Trump loses, they are to blame. Finally, Kelli Ward running for the Senate in Arizona calls in to talk about her candidacy against Sen John McCain.

 8/10/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Could this 2016 election possibly end up like the 2000 election? If it’s close like George Bush and Al Gore was, the Supreme Court would not need to get involved. In the end the election would be in Congress’s hands and in the hands of state legislators, many of which are controlled by Republicans, which would hand the Presidency to Donald Trump. Also, the pom-pom boys will never blame Trump for his mishaps or failures but will blame Ted Cruz and Republicans who don’t support him. If Trump loses it will be his fault and that of his media surrogates. His surrogates have acted as enablers, pushing him from day one. Later, Hillary Clinton is hiding behind a Gold Star Family when attacking Trump. However it was her policies that led to more Gold Star Families. In addition, we now see the Department of Justice once again attacking the Baltimore police with phony statistics. And while the Baltimore police are being attacked by the Obama administration, the left is demanding criminal justice reform, casting criminals as victims? The problem we have in this country is not enough law and order. Finally, Brian Mast is running for Congress in Florida’s 18th Congressional District calls in to discuss his race.

 8/9/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Hillary Clinton had the father of the mass murder Omar Mateen sitting behind her while giving a speech. After that, Donald Trump was speaking today at his rally and made a comment about the 2nd Amendment, Hillary Clinton and Supreme Court Judge picks. Trump made the comment in an unwise way but wasn’t suggesting violence. However, Trump enablers who encourage this behavior from him aren’t going to be able to fix this. They are just making it worse. Trump needs to realize that he needs 65-67 million votes to beat Hillary. George W. Bush got 62 million in 2004 and Pres. Obama got 69 in 2008. If Trump gets less than these numbers, he will lose. If we lose this election to a disastrous Democrat with high negatives and hands filled with money laundering, then we nominated the wrong person. Later, Liz Cheney calls in to talk about her race for Wyoming’s lone congressional seat.

 8/8/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Donald Trump has issued more details on his economic plan and trade policies. Trump said he was going to cut 7 federal income tax brackets down to three, limit business income taxes to 15%, eliminate the death tax, and repeal Obamacare. These among others are positive aspects of his proposal. In any event Hillary Clinton is already pounding away at Donald Trump. However, her proposal would not lead to any wealth creation as she proposes a massive 1 trillion dollar increase in taxes. Her policies have “Depression” written all over them. In addition the trickle down system of Capitalism that Hillary talks about was a spectacular success. Just look at the Ronald Reagan years where 20 million more jobs were created and unemployment fell to 5.3%. Capitalism doesn’t create a trouble free or risk free life but a better life. After that, not a single candidate running now supports trade. Massive tariffs would be very destructive to our nation.

 8/5/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Donald Trump announced his endorsement of Sen John McCain and Sen. Kelly Ayotte Friday night. You can united the party without backing some of the biggest phonies in the party. In the end the establishment is going to win this election. Meanwhile certain people in the establishment are positioning themselves and lashing out in case Donald Trump loses the election. One of those groups is the Wall Street Journal Editorial Page who is blaming Tea Party conservatives. They and Bret Stephens are nothing more than mouthpieces for the Republican leadership and stand for nothing more than crony capitalism and corporatism. After that, President Obama and John Kerry sent $400 million to Tehran and violated our own banking laws. They did it in the middle of the night in an unmarked airplane. Kerry and Obama have armed the Iranians with ICBMs and nuclear warheads through the failed Iran Deal. What we should have done was taken out the Iran regime. We should have used tighter sanctions and aided attempts to overthrow the regime, but because of the Obama administration and Kerry our children and grandchildren may have to deal with a nuclear Iran. Finally, John Lott calls in about his book, “The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Laws”.

 8/4/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Hillary Clinton may end up winning by a landslide if something doesn’t change with Donald Trump and his campaign. There are four polls that put Trump behind Hillary in Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Florida. The Trump campaign may be passing them off and calling them rigged but these polls can’t all be rigged or done by liberal pollsters. He has an opportunity to make his case to the American people, but that is not happening and the numbers show it. A lot can happen between now and the time to vote, but this pattern of behavior by Trump is troubling. The race should be easy for Trump because Hillary is the most beatable candidate for any Republican to run against. Later, Tim Huelskamp calls in to talk about his primary defeat in Kansas. The establishment insiders poured money into his opponent’s campaign and smeared Tim with lies.; the defeat had nothing to do with the never Trump movement.

 8/3/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6593

Inga Barks from KNZR, in Bakersfield, California fills in for Mark. President Obama gave pardons to over 200 federal inmates who committed federal crimes. According to Obama, they have stories, but their victims have stories too. After that Meg Whitman has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. Whitman ran for the Republican governor’s seat and won in a California Republican primary but lost to current Governor Jerry Brown. News outlets and the media want us to believe it’s a big deal for a Republican woman to be supporting Hillary. However, Whitman is not truly Republican, she is far left and agrees with Hillary on many issues including abortion and the 2nd Amendment. In addition, at the Democrat Convention it came down to how you look, country of origin and gender. On these premises, they want to build a nation and it is appalling and frightening. Finally, Donald Trump is always good at getting attention and causing a ruckus. However, unlike Hillary people are still genuinely backing him and his efforts are not pre-produced.

 8/2/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

President Obama is in no position to say who is fit for the presidency given his background and contempt for the Constitution and limits on his office. Obama is friends with two domestic terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Ayers and Dohrn fueled revolutionary efforts to advance Communism and advocated for violence. He relied on these two to help launch him into political office. Obama has demonstrated that he is unfit before he was elected and currently while serving as president. After that, Donald Trump is proposing to double what Hillary Clinton is considering spending on infrastructure. Doesn’t anybody believe in smaller government anymore? We have this every election cycle, where billions are spent on infrastructure and the money never goes to where it’s supposed to. Later, Senator Mike Lee of Utah calls in to talk about Obama’s federal land grab of 2 million acres in southeastern Utah. The Federal government already controls 90% of the land in that area. Finally, Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review calls in to discuss his new book, Stolen Sovereignty: How to Stop Unelected Judges from Transforming America.

 8/1/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

This election should be a cake walk, Hillary Clinton’s negatives are 68% and her record is a disaster. A relatively competent campaign should be enough to defeat her badly. Unfortunately, Donald Trump is not running a disciplined campaign and continues to make rookie mistakes. A perfect example is Trump’s feud with Khizr Khan, the father of an American soldier killed in Iraq. The American people are sick of this nonsense and want a fight over issues that matter. Also, there are reports that new hacked emails may prove Hillary armed ISIS. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange now claims to be in possession of the extremely damaging information. Shouldn’t Trump be attacking Hillary about this rather than feuding with a Gold Star family? Later, Rep Tim Huelskamp, of District 1 in Kansas, calls in to talk about his primary Tuesday, August 2. Finally, Dan Bongino calls in to talk about his run in Florida’s 19th Congressional District.

 7/29/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The computer network used by Hillary Clinton’s campaign was hacked and Russia is believed to be behind it. We have an enemy state like Russia threatening our Interests and Republicans are either defending Donald Trump’s statement on Russia, or saying it is a joke. This is not a joke. We can’t have a foreign government trying to upend our election and hack our databases. It is utterly irresponsible to do anything but condemn it. After that, the Democrat Convention really looked like the Communist Party USA convention with themes including: anti-American, hatred of police officers, minimal references to our enemies and military, and anti-Semitism. Also, what we watched at the Democrat convention was Ameritopia. There is utopianism on the Democrat side and some on the Republican. Political utopianism is tyranny, promises unachievable promises, and requires individuals to surrender their liberty. Democrats embrace this utopianism as do those on the pseudo-right. Later, two police officers were shot in San Diego late Thursday, one of the officers, Jonathan DeGuzman was killed. Americans need to show support for their local law enforcement!

 7/28/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

When it comes to the Democrat Party and convention, propagandists and demagogues seem infinite. Who’s been angry at these conventions? Nobody rioted or burned American flags at the Republican convention. They didn’t run around with the Palestinian or Communist North Korean flags. This Democrat convention has been a crap-fest! Also, the Democrats like Joe Biden claim they represent the middle class, but they can’t even define what the middle class is. Liberals don’t care about the middle class, the poor or the rich. They care about power seized through government and using that power to remake society in their own image. Later, the Republicans should challenge Democrats on their poor history of supporting civil rights. Democrats supported slavery in 1800’s and in 1860 their platform endorsed the Dred Scott Decision. The Republican party has never been a slavery party.

 7/27/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

John Hinckley Jr., the man who attempted Ronald Reagan’s assassination is now going to be set free and it’s a travesty. After that, the prosecutor in the Freddie Gray case, Marilyn Mosby should be disbarred. Mosby attempted to railroad and ruin 6 honorable Baltimore police officers, but justice prevailed and the charges against the three remaining officers were dropped. Later, Hillary’s running mate, Tim Kaine tried to set a murderer, Jens Soering, free from an American prison during his governorship. Kaine wanted him to be sent to back to Germany where he would have been eligible for a release from prison after 2 years. Also, Donald Trump made a joke suggesting that Russians should hack Hillary Clinton emails. A presidential candidate should not be making such jokes. This was foolish and sends the wrong message to America’s enemies: Russia, China, and others. Finally, the American Conservative Union, ACU, doesn’t get involved in every race but they decide to endorse a RINO, Francis Rooney III, over a true conservative Dan Bongino, because Rooney comes out of the Bush administration. Also, Rep. Tim Huelskamp calls in to discuss his Chamber of Commerce backed establishment type candidate. These establishment Republicans are spending thousands of dollars claiming their RINO candidates are the true conservatives and they must be stopped.


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