Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 7/5/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

We had a Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who didn’t care about national security. She undoubtedly endangered the lives of individuals through her violation of the Espionage Act and endangered the national security of this country, all because she wanted to make sure she couldn’t be held to account for anything to anybody. However, Hillary is getting off the hook as FBI Director James Comey doesn’t recommend charges for her. In addition, there should have been a special prosecutor appointed to oversee this case and there should have been a grand jury. Hillary is not qualified to be president or get a security clearance. If this were a Republican candidate running for president, there is no way they would have gotten away with this. Also, this should have been a slam dunk prosecution. It’s an iron clad case except for the fact that Comey covered for Hillary. This is what we call, the fix is in and the system is rigged. Later, Sen. Bob Corker spoke at a Donald Trump rally and is one of the candidates for Trump’s Vice President. Corker shouldn’t be under consideration for anything except resignation.

 7/4/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6593

To the extent that any official in America influenced the Brexit vote it was President Obama. Britain has voted to exit from the European Union, 52% in favor and 48% against. This vote was a vote for sovereignty and against the imposition of the EU’s super parliament, judiciary, and executives. Britain still has to free itself from the internal socialism and its Brexit vote is a huge step in the right direction. It gives Britain a chance to set things right internally without pressure from outside forces. Later, Donald Trump gave a speech that could’ve been given by the likes of Herbert Hoover or Pat Buchanan. Trump was cherry picking quotes from the Founding Fathers and Lincoln to support his tariff policy. All tariffs will do is to create more government and more centralization. Why not trade tariffs for the federal income tax? But not tariffs on top on income taxes. Trump is now mimicking Hillary Clinton with his trade and economic policies, who in turn is mimicking Bernie Sanders. That’s why Trump continues to reach out to Sanders supporters because his views on trade are actually similar to that off of the democratic-socialist. Finally, Hillary Clinton wants to slap a exit tax on companies moving overseas and appoint a tax prosecutor. How exactly does that encourage job creation?

 7/1/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6591

Inga Barks from KNZR in Bakersfield, CA fills in for Mark. Up to nine attackers stormed a restaurant in Dacca, Bangladesh Friday, taking hostages, killing 2 police officers and setting off bombs in a terrorist attack. ISIS has claimed responsibility for this through their media branch and so has Al Qaeda. Previously, President Obama has called ISIS the “J.V. team”. However, J.V. teams don’t have their own public information offices; they are trying to show that they are running a sophisticated organization. Obama ran part of his 2012 campaign on the fact that Osama bin Laden had been killed under his watch, but things have gotten worse since bin Laden’s death. After that, Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton for a short conversation. They knew that meeting was wrong and gave the appearance of impropriety, but they didn’t care. Later, Eric Bolling calls in to talk about his new book, Wake Up America.

 6/30/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Ted Cruz grilled Jeh Johnson on the Homeland Security purge of any Radical Islamic references from records. Johnson knows exactly what they have been doing at the DHS; he’s the one giving the orders to scrub all references from manuals and documents. After that, Ash Carter announced that the ban preventing transgenders from serving in the military has been lifted. China and Russia are on the move and Carter Is obsessed with transgendering Americans. With all the things going on in the world, the secretary of defense is moving at breakneck speed to push a social agenda in the armed forces. Later, Newt Gingrich agrees with Donald Trump’s position on foreign trade which is akin to Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton’s position. Gingrich used to support NAFTA and now he is supporting protectionism. Protectionism and tariffs won’t create jobs or bring them back from overseas.

 6/29/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

There was a time when we had men like General Patton who wanted to defeat the enemy. Instead, today, we get lectures from President Obama on soul searching when we are attacked. It’s liberals like Obama and AG Loretta Lynch that are holding our military back and preventing us from defeating these Islamo-Nazi throwbacks from the 7th century. We can beat them, but these pathetic politicians won’t let us beat them! After that, according to Obama America is a nation of immigrants, but we are not, we are a nation of citizens. Now the President is telling people who are coming here illegally that it’s ok. This country belongs to us not someone here illegally! Also, to Obama you have to be a left winger to care about people. However, the majority of people in this country are not better off for what Obama has done. In addition, Donald Trump needs to campaign like someone who wants to win. He shouldn’t approach the presidential race like someone who wants to score personal points. Later, Sen. Marco Rubio calls in to discuss how he predicted the Turkey attack 2 days before it happened and how we need to defeat ISIS. Finally, Dana Loesch calls in to discuss her great new book, Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To.

 6/28/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Donald Trump gave a speech that could've been given by the likes of Herbert Hoover or Pat Buchanan. Trump was cherry picking quotes from the Founding Fathers and Lincoln to support his tariff policy. All tariffs will do is to create more government and more centralization. Why not trade tariffs for the federal income tax? But not tariffs on top on income taxes. Trump is now mimicking Hillary Clinton with his trade and economic policies, who in turn is mimicking Bernie Sanders. That's why Trump continues to reach out to Sanders supporters because his views on trade are actually similar to that off of the democratic-socialist. In addition, countries have the capacity to retaliate and they did 85 years ago against Smoot-Hawley. The result was devastating and should be proof enough that tariffs will not help the average blue collar worker but harm them. They are a tax on the working man and woman. Also, Reagan policies resulted in the greatest burst of economic growth post Industrial Revolution, not protectionism. Trump is not going to bring jobs back to America through protectionist policies. Trump is a Herbert Hoover, Hillary Clinton protectionist tariff guy. Later, it Looks like ISIS is, not surprisingly, behind the terror attack and slaughter in Turkey. The right way to deal with ISIS is to destroy them. Finally, David Yerushalmi, co-founder of American Freedom Law Center, calls in to discuss the lawsuit against Urth Caffe which was filed by seven Muslim women claiming religious discrimination and with CAIR’s backing. The Urth Caffe is now countersuing the women and alleging abuse of process.

 6/27/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

We have a battle within the Republican Party between those who believe in liberty, property rights and capitalism, and progressive populists dressing themselves up as nationalists. Free market capitalism is the way up the ladder to success and offers Americans jobs and opportunity. Protectionism and tariffs are a great way to destroy the economy and empower bureaucrats. In addition, Congressman Dave Brat calls in to expose destructive protectionist tariffs. Tariffs are dangerous and are imposed when people get frustrated, wanting short term relief. Rather than provide economic relief, massive tariffs tend to mutually assure destruction for both parties involved. Later, Judge Richard Posner of the 7th Circuit court blasted the Constitution and said that it has absolutely no value to a judge. He alsow went after the late Antonin Scalia and said it was absurd to praise him. After this, 5 justices on the Supreme Court decided against the state of Texas regarding abortion clinics. Apparently, to these justices it was too much of a burden for Texas to be requiring abortion clinics to meet the same standards as other surgical centers and also have a relationship with a nearby hospital.

 6/24/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

To the extent that any official in America influenced the Brexit vote Thursday night it was President Obama. Britain has voted to exit from the European Union, 52% in favor and 48% against. This vote was a vote for sovereignty and against the imposition of the EU’s super parliament, judiciary, and executives. Britain still has to free itself from the internal socialism and its Brexit vote is a huge step in the right direction. It gives Britain a chance to set things right internally without pressure from outside forces. Also, the difference between David Cameron and Margaret Thatcher is night and day. Cameron was campaigning for Britain to remain in the EU. Thatcher believed in capitalism and fought Statism. After that, like Britain if we want our sovereignty back in America we need to act. What America needs is the Convention of States. This grassroots action movement from the bottom up will help restore the Constitution. Finally, Sen Mike Lee calls in give his take on Brexit and his book, “Our Lost Constitution: The Willful Subversion of America's Founding Document” now in paperback.

 6/23/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The Supreme Court had a 4-4 split decision on immigration today which nullified Obama’s immigration plan. But this issue isn’t even about immigration, it’s about the separation of powers. Does a President have the power to legislate? The problem isn’t the immigration statutes either, but the politicians who won’t enforce them. If Hillary Clinton becomes President she will nullify immigration laws and refuse to uphold her duty as president to enforce them. Politicians should remember that immigration to the U.S. is not for the rest of the world but for America. The Court also decided in favor of the University of Texas, Affirmative Action plan in a 5-3 vote. As a result, diversity will now be compelled in college classrooms. These Justices voted for discrimination in violation of the 14th amendment equal protection clause. There is no way the Founders would agree with what they are doing on the Supreme Court today. Later, the case against Officer Caesar Goodson Jr. was never a case and is more likely a case brought by Communist regimes. The prosecutor made a political speech and wanted to charge the officer involved in the Freddie Gray case with the worst possible crimes. The judge acquitted the officer and delivered a broad rebuke of case being brought without evidence. Finally, Heather Mac Donald calls in to talk about her new book, “The War on Cops”.

 6/22/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The House Democrats are now demanding the elimination of due process and demanding that the Attorney General have dictatorial powers with their sit in on the House floor. They wouldn’t even vote for a Republican proposal that would have given them what they wanted, with the exception of taking away due process from gun owners. After that, Donald Trump gave his best speech ever Wednesday morning. He had the guts that the Republican leadership doesn’t have to challenge Hillary Clinton on her cronyism and corruption. In addition, Marco Rubio is running for reelection to the Senate in Florida. There are two Democrats running and Rubio is the only remaining Republican who can defeat them. Later, Hillary doesn’t know what she is talking about when she claims Ronald Reagan messed up the economy. The Reagan economic explosion was the greatest economic explosion of the century. Her husband Bill benefitted from the success of Reagan's trickle-down policies. Finally, Brian Mast running for Congress in Florida’s 18th district calls in to discuss the race.

 6/21/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Mitch McConnell is sending Republicans to try and cut a 2nd amendment deal with Democrats so that he will look like a successful leader if legislation passes. Why are pro-gun Republicans trying to give the Obama administration gun-grabbing power? Susan Collins’ gun proposal would allow the Attorney General to deny an American a gun purchase if they simply fit the criteria of being on a watch list. If you want to appeal the government’s denial you then have to sue the government. Who has the time or money to do that? Later, Pew Research projects that by 2055 there will be no ethnic majority in America. Is this what we want as a country? Balkanization and lack of assimilation are part of this leftist agenda. We will have diversity, but that is not the purpose of a society. Also, Christians have shrunken as a percentage of the population. Christianity has been enormously tolerant to minority religions in this country. However, President Obama doesn’t defend it and the Supreme Court persecutes it. After that, both statists and progressive populists attack capitalism. The statists keep claiming that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, while they are destroying the middle class. The progressive populists want massive tariffs that will be a heavy tax for consumers. Finally, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, President & Founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy calls in to talk about the CAIR hate list.

 6/20/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Today we have a full-out assault on the bill of rights and on the second amendment. The whole point of the Bill of Rights and the 2nd Amendment is to protect Americans’ liberty. Why are our lawmakers debating these rather than discussing how we can truly protect the lives and livelihoods of law-abiding Americans. This attack is an excuse to turn a blind eye on a president who is unable and unwilling to uphold the law and keep America safe. Later, Donald Trump is right when it comes to profiling for terrorists among Muslims. Law enforcement has to profile to detect terrorists and can constitutionally do so. In addition, Trump’s negatives are high even among white males and are through the roof when it comes to Latinos and women. Neither Reince Priebus nor NeverTrump are to blame for this but Trump is. What Trump needs to do is unite the Republican Party and stop reaching out to Bernie Sanders supporters. After that, the radical front group for Hamas, CAIR, is comparing conservative groups and others who oppose radical Islam to the Klu Klux Clan. CAIR claims that those who oppose them are hate mongering bigots yet they are the true bigots.

 6/17/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

What kind of legislation would have stopped the mass murder in Orlando? The answer is no legislation. Democrats can’t name a single proposal that would have prevented what happened and none of the left’s proposals will fix anything. In fact, the left’s rules are making these security threats more prevalent. There was a 2011 guideline put in place by the Obama administration that directs federal agents to drop terror investigations after six months. Would repealing that guideline make a difference? Why won’t the left do that? Because politics first. The bottom line for the left is power and taking our civil liberties away makes individuals more reliant on the federal government. Also, tens of thousands of people have died because of CAFE standards and lighter vehicles. These standards have been responsible for the deaths of 46,000 Americans since 1975. Instead of loosening these standards, the Obama Administration is having them increased by 2025. This will result in more slaughter on our highways. It is clear that liberals don’t believe in answers, but believe in more government. Later, religious liberty in this country is used more to protect Muslims than it is to protect Christians. There would be no national debate if a Muslim baker refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding, yet there is an outcry and persecution against Christians over this issue. Finally, Darryl Glenn calls in to talk about his run for Senate in Colorado and the primary on June 28.

 6/16/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

President Obama is responsible for ensuring American’s safety, and protecting the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Instead of doing this, Obama is campaigning against Americans and the Second Amendment. In addition, the radical Muslim and mass murderer, Omar Mateen, received full background checks for a security contractor position and passed. He was also placed on an FBI watch list and then removed. The whole notion that a watch list would have stopped this guy while the FBI had a file on him is ridiculous. Ironically, Matten was rejected for body armor but approved for more weapons. Later, who will defend the Bill of Rights? Right now it’s not Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, or the Democrats, but it is Ted Cruz. After that, there was no ISIS 15 years ago; Obama is responsible for the existence of ISIS as he supported the wrong group of people in Syria and simultaneously withdrew from Iraq. Finally, Grant Starrett calls in to talk about his run for Congress in Tennessee’s 4th district.

 6/15/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

Republicans and Donald Trump are now moving to the left on gun control. They and the Democrats want to prevent people on the terror watch list from gaining access to guns. However, the Orlando shooting was not on the terror watch list at the time of the shooting. A terror watch list will not save America from more mass murder. In addition, the left is now speaking out against the AR-15 and wants it banned. However, the Orlando shooter did not even use an AR-15. The left doesn’t know one weapon from another. They don’t own guns and don’t think anyone else should. Later, why do we keep talking about the Constitution, opponents of liberty ask? The answer is, because that is what stands between us and tyranny. The Communist left knows that because it’s all about tyranny. Finally, Roger Simon calls in to talk about his new book, I Know Best: How Moral Narcissism is Destroying Our Republic, If It Hasn’t Already.


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