Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 9/6/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are horribly flawed candidates. It’s clear that the nation didn’t nominate its best. However, one person gets more electoral votes than the other and we will have a president. This president will nominate many federal judges and may nominate 1/3 or more of the Supreme Court. When it comes down to Election Day, it is a binary choice. We have Hillary who wants to have “free” college which will put the nail in the coffin for the national debt. She is going to increase the death tax, capital gains tax, supports abortion on demand, partial birth abortion, and wants to nationalize the police force and continue Obama’s violation of the Constitution. Donald Trump is not a conservative and has little difference with the Democrats when it comes trade and even supports a minimum wage increase. However, Trump has an outstanding tax proposal that is similar to Ronald Reagan’s and wants to bring back over a trillion dollars overseas to be invested in the U.S. economy. Trump is also pro-military, pro-law enforcement and against the Iran Deal. These are some of the reasons why Mark will be voting for Donald Trump in November; he is clearly a better choice than Hillary. She is far too dangerously liberal to allow anywhere near the Oval Office. Also, conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly passed away on Monday. She was an outstanding woman who fought hard for liberty and had an enormous impact during her life. If all she did was defeat the ERA, that would have been enough, but she did much more than this. Her influence will be felt for decades to come.

 9/5/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

Donald Trump might be softening his position on immigration, but Hillary Clinton has completely reversed course. She used to oppose illegal immigration and insisted on enforcing the law. Now she won’t even say the words “illegal immigrant”. Also, we know Hillary doesn’t have the temperament to be president. She ran hard left and got the nomination running hard left. Now she is trying to position herself to Republicans who on the fence in a speech at the American Legion. Does she honestly believe that conservatives will forget about all her Marxist liberal policies just because she mentions Lincoln, Reagan, and temperament in a speech? Later, we have just armed up the most aggressive, detestable terrorist-state on the face of the earth, Iran! They’re on their way to building nuclear weapons! The Obama administration cut a secret deal with Iran to permit the terrorist-sponsoring regime to violate restrictions put in place by last year’s nuclear deal. These are impeachable offenses for the whole top-level of the Obama administration, the president on down. This is the fate that President Obama has sealed for the American people. Finally, the Constitution and the civil society are not about populism but about Americanism. We must not let populists redefine America in a way that is destructive to the Constitution. The Constitution, Liberty, and Capitalism are important and need to be defended from both the left and the pseudo-right. We at the Mark Levin show wish you a happy Labor Day!

 9/2/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Information released on Friday suggests there Hillary Clinton has serious health issues, and this is not conspiracy peddling. Hillary reportedly told the FBI that a concussion in 2012 followed by a blood clot prevented her from recalling all her State Department briefings. That sounds like a pretty serious concussion and perhaps a prevailing medical concern. Either she had a problem, or she is a liar, or both! Hillary should voluntarily release her health records. Americans have a right to know if she is physically capable of doing the job before they go to the ballot box. Later, Paul Finebaum, an ESPN commentator, disagreed with Colin Kaepernick, saying that blacks are not oppressed. As a result, he was attacked by the left and now he has recanted his positon and apologized. Differences of opinion are not accepted anymore even if you believe it’s wrong. Finally, the economy is not growing and we are losing native born jobs. It’s a disaster. If Donald Trump becomes President and sticks to his 10-point immigration plan, it will make a difference.

 9/1/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

We have just armed up the most aggressive, detestable terrorist-state on the face of the earth, Iran! They’re on their way to building nuclear weapons! The Obama administration cut a secret deal with Iran to permit the terrorist-sponsoring regime to violate restrictions put in place by last year’s nuclear deal. These are impeachable offenses for the whole top-level of the Obama administration, the president on down. This is the fate that President Obama has sealed for the American people. In addition, this Iran Deal is a treaty and should have been put before the Senate as treaty. However, it wasn’t and Mitch McConnell and Bob Corker did nothing to stop the President. The warnings of Mike Lee and other conservatives in the Senate went unheeded. In the end, this deal makes war with Iran absolute. Later, Trump gave an excellent speech with a 10 point proposition for immigration. Included in this plan, is to stop funding for sanctuary cities, end catch and release, build a wall and make removing people who overstay their visas a top priority. America would be far better off if we can stick to this plan.

 8/31/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

Donald Trump might be softening his position on immigration, but Hillary Clinton has completely reversed course. She used to oppose illegal immigration and insisted on enforcing the law. Now she won’t even say the words “illegal immigrant”. Also, we know Hillary doesn’t have the temperament to be president. She ran hard left and got the nomination running hard left. Now she is trying to position herself to Republicans who on the fence in a speech at the American Legion. Does she honestly believe that conservatives will forget about all her Marxist liberal policies just because she mentions Lincoln, Reagan, and temperament in a speech? After that, Donald Trump did a pretty good job in Mexico on Wednesday. He and the Mexican president didn’t discuss Mexico paying for the wall. It was never truthful or realistic that Trump would get Mexico to pay for it anyway. Later, President Obama has appointed hundreds of judges to lower courts. The lower courts are now dominated by Democrat picks. Obama has packed the courts with the help of Republicans in the Senate who have done nothing to stop him. Finally, Mike O’Neill Assistant General Counsel of Landmark Legal Foundation calls in to discuss voter fraud.

 8/30/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Some people are saying there is a monster vote of supporters for Donald Trump that isn’t being counted by the polls. However, there’s no evidence for this underground, unseen, vote in support of Trump. The Trump campaign better hope there is a monster vote, but hope isn’t a plan. And should Hillary Clinton win and pass immigration reform, given the make-up of the electoral college it will be exceedingly difficult for any Republican to ever win the presidency again. Hillary shouldn’t be anywhere close to the Oval Office, she shouldn’t be leading in any battleground state for the presidency, and she’s leading in all of them. In addition, if a candidate loses it’s the candidates fault; no surrogate or groups of surrogates can make the difference. In the end, the Republican Establishment put us in this position where we nominated the wrong candidate. What can we do as conservatives? We can only do so much, Trump has to put in most of the effort if he wants to win. Later, Hillary Clinton had at least 30 emails regarding Benghazi deleted. These 30 were among the thousands uncovered in a recent FBI investigation into her private server. She should be prosecuted in a slam dunk case and put in prison. She has an insatiable appetite for power and has nothing to offer our nation. Finally, Marco Rubio wins in the Republican Florida primary for Senate and Brian Mast wins his primary Congressional race in Florida’s 18th District.

 8/29/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick doesn’t think he’s doing anything controversial in not standing up for the National Anthem. However, his gesture was one of disrespect to members of the military who died and served in defense of America. He’s spitting on those who fight to defend the flag. Now, he receives more attention than he would have otherwise and the phony academics, media and Hollywood think it’s great. This is a great example of what is going wrong in this country. The left is out to destroy all of our institutions and it has done a hell of a good job; it has now seeped to a NFL quarterback. These football players think they are bigger than life, but team America is bigger than any NFL team. If they won’t honor our country, we should not honor them. In addition, there were many great athletes who served in the military and were patriotic. These great men include Pat Tillman, Ted Williams, and Jack Lummus, among others. Finally, Kelli Ward, Brian Mast, Dan Bongino, and Rep. Paul Gosar call in to discuss their primaries Tuesday in Florida and Arizona.

 8/26/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6591

Inga Barks of KNZR in Bakersfield, California fills in for Mark. Accusations against Donald Trump for being childish are ridiculous since Hillary Clinton started it. Trump is merely responding to her. In addition, it’s a good thing to persuade Trump to do the right thing on the issues and adopt conservative conditions. After that, some people have been waiting their whole lives for a female president. Being a female or male, in and of itself, doesn’t qualify you for anything. It certainly doesn’t qualify you to be president. Americans deserve someone who is qualified. Later, transgender people are no different than anyone else. The Department of Justice has put out training for police officers regarding how to handle transgender people. They want the police to ask them if they would prefer to be called Mr. or Ms. This is now just one more thing for the police to worry about and is unnecessary political correctness.

 8/25/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Have you ever supported a Klansman or ex-Klansman for anything? Hillary Clinton supported Sen Robert Byrd, an ex-Klansman. How about a segregationist? Hillary loved Bill Clinton’s mentor Sen William J Fulbright, who was a long time segregationist. We’re not aware that Donald Trump has had a Byrd or Fulbright in his background; this is called selective moral outrage. Also, Trump has now adopted Jeb Bush’s policy on amnesty. His position is the same position he trashed in the Republican primary process and now he sounds like those he trashed. Given Trump’s position now on immigration, given his position on the minimum wage now, given his Bernie Sanders position on trade, it now turns out one of the most liberal men running in the Republican primary for President of the United States was Donald Trump! Finally, the Alt-right rejects Constitutional conservatives. Some of their surrogates trash the constitution and call us purists. Most of the people in the Alt-right movement have nothing to do with racial hatred but some do. Though one thing is certain, the Alt-right is not conservative. They overlap with the Communist left which is why they outreach to Bernie Sanders supporters. We conservatives do not support anarchy but dragging government back into its constitutional box.

 8/24/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

4 Iranian vessels harassed the USS Nitze on Wednesday. This created a dangerous situation which could have escalated and resulted in defensive measures by the USS Nitze. Why don’t we blow them out of the water? President Obama is making a mockery of our military. Obama is the most ideological, nihilist, and narcissistic man to serve in the presidency during modern times. He despises this country and nothing has been done to stop him. The Republican Party has demonstrated to be gutless and ineffective in trying to halt Obama’s agenda. After that, many folks think that Donald Trump is a savior, but many don’t understand that we are already over the cliff. We are living in a lawless nation with a lawless president and lawless Attorney General. While there is no savior, this Democratic machine is destroying America, the military, and the notion of citizenship. Later, the populist movement nominated someone who can’t even stick to his immigration plan. Immigration was Donald Trump’ s primary issue that he ran on. Conservatives must not surrender their principles to anyone, not even Trump. Finally, Jay Solomon calls into talk about his book, “The Iran Wars: Spy Games, Bank Battles, and the Secret Deals That Reshaped the Middle East”.

 8/23/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

It is now the position of some in the media that immigrants who violate the terms of their Visa be considered undocumented residents. They are not undocumented, but in violation of the terms of their visa and should be deported. Also, Donald Trump appears to be aligning himself with President Obama’s deportation practices, even praising Obama for deporting tremendous numbers of people. There has been a softening of Trump’s immigration stance in the last 24-48 hours. Given the new information that potential terrorist aliens are infiltrating the southern border, this is no time for back-tracking. After that, if you want know why the Obama Administration is not fighting terrorism just listen to Joe Biden. He gave an interview where he said that terrorism is not an existential threat. The Iranians are going to be able to arm up with ICBMs and that’s not an existential threat? This is what happens when people like Biden try to create their own universe. This is why we have to fight terrorism in every way possible.

 8/22/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The Clinton Foundation should be shut down, it’s a criminal enterprise. It doesn’t matter if they do some good works, because even dictatorships and the mob sometimes do good things. How did we get to a point where the Democrats nominate someone so corrupt? After that, Hillary Clinton is blaming Colin Powell for her email mishap, claiming that he advised her on how to handle her emails when in the State Department. She wants us to believe that what she did was no big deal. However, Colin Powell never had a private server; he had a private email but all classified information he received came through the usual channels. Later, Virginia’s Supreme Court said no to Governor Terry McAuliffe’s plan to allow felons to have voting rights. Now he is trying to get around their ruling. Finally, Rob Eno of Conservative Review calls in to discuss conservative Mary Thomas’s run for Congress and her fight with the Ricketts family, who is trying to stop conservatives and prop up the establishment.

 8/19/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6651

It turns out that President Obama is not the only narcissist. So are the media surrogates who try to position themselves. Some are also so called conservatives in the media who never supported Ronald Reagan and were not around 5 years ago to fight Obama. These so called conservatives are falling over themselves and trashing Ted Cruz and people who do not support or are critical of Donald Trump. In addition, Louisiana is suffering and Obama won’t even give them thirty seconds, until Tuesday, because he’ s not willing to be interrupted on his vacation. It’s a joke for Obama to lecture the people in Louisiana about race. He and his administration are our out of their minds. Also, Hillary Clinton didn’t go to Louisiana but Donald Trump and Mike Pence did. Later, why is the Clinton Foundation still in business? It’s nothing more than a money laundering operation. The Clinton Foundation is a fraud and fake charity through which the Clintons have shaken down almost a quarter of a billion dollars. Finally, the Constitution and the civil society are not about populism but about Americanism. We must not let populists redefine America in a way that is destructive to the Constitution. The Constitution, Liberty, and Capitalism are important and need to be defended from both the left and the pseudo-right.

 8/18/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6773

You have a lot of people concerned that Donald Trump is going to lose the election. Either the campaign is run properly or he can’t win. The numbers don’t lie. Trumps last 2 speeches were excellent, but he needs to stay on message. If Hillary Clinton becomes President, it's because Trump blew it. Hillary should be easy to beat as she violated the Espionage Act and had a disastrous career as Secretary of State. It is Trump’s fault if he loses to her. After that, President Obama denied and lied about the fact that $400 million given to Iran was in exchange for hostages. This is the greatest hostage ransom exchange in U.S. history. Both Obama and his spokesperson from the State Department, John Kirby lied about it. Later, apparently states can only pass voting legislation that helps Democrats. The system is being corrupted from top to bottom, as the 4th Circuit Court just went out of its way to forward a political agenda in the decision that nullifies North Carolina’s Voter ID law. The government is now in the hands of thugs and ideologues, who are doing everything they can to institutionalize their agenda.

 8/17/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6832

In another shakeup within the Trump campaign, Kellyanne Conaway and Stephen K Bannon join as campaign manager and campaign CEO. But it’s the candidate who will determine if he is a viable candidate, not his advisors. The mainstream media has referred to Bannon as a conservative, but he doesn’t style himself as a conservative. Rather, he uses the term nationalist populist. But what does that mean exactly? Populism was the precursor to progressivism. The populism of the People’s party was devoured by the Fabian socialists we call progressives, because they overlapped in terms of their philosophy: an autocratic view of government. That’s why you rarely hear Trump’s campaign talk about the Constitution, let alone the Declaration of Independence, After that, the Voter I.D. laws in North Carolina have been overturned. We are now witnessing the institutionalization of voter fraud and President Obama’s appointed judges are making it easier for leftist lawyers to have their way. In addition, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson is talking about the possibility of designating election booths as critical infrastructure. This could grant DHS officials access to any election system. The government could then make changes to the election systems nationwide without the consent of the states or localities.


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