9/2/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Information released on Friday suggests there Hillary Clinton has serious health issues, and this is not conspiracy peddling. Hillary reportedly told the FBI that a concussion in 2012 followed by a blood clot prevented her from recalling all her State Department briefings. That sounds like a pretty serious concussion and perhaps a prevailing medical concern. Either she had a problem, or she is a liar, or both! Hillary should voluntarily release her health records. Americans have a right to know if she is physically capable of doing the job before they go to the ballot box. Later, Paul Finebaum, an ESPN commentator, disagreed with Colin Kaepernick, saying that blacks are not oppressed. As a result, he was attacked by the left and now he has recanted his positon and apologized. Differences of opinion are not accepted anymore even if you believe it’s wrong. Finally, the economy is not growing and we are losing native born jobs. It’s a disaster. If Donald Trump becomes President and sticks to his 10-point immigration plan, it will make a difference.