8/25/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Have you ever supported a Klansman or ex-Klansman for anything? Hillary Clinton supported Sen Robert Byrd, an ex-Klansman. How about a segregationist? Hillary loved Bill Clinton’s mentor Sen William J Fulbright, who was a long time segregationist. We’re not aware that Donald Trump has had a Byrd or Fulbright in his background; this is called selective moral outrage. Also, Trump has now adopted Jeb Bush’s policy on amnesty. His position is the same position he trashed in the Republican primary process and now he sounds like those he trashed. Given Trump’s position now on immigration, given his position on the minimum wage now, given his Bernie Sanders position on trade, it now turns out one of the most liberal men running in the Republican primary for President of the United States was Donald Trump! Finally, the Alt-right rejects Constitutional conservatives. Some of their surrogates trash the constitution and call us purists. Most of the people in the Alt-right movement have nothing to do with racial hatred but some do. Though one thing is certain, the Alt-right is not conservative. They overlap with the Communist left which is why they outreach to Bernie Sanders supporters. We conservatives do not support anarchy but dragging government back into its constitutional box.