9/5/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Donald Trump might be softening his position on immigration, but Hillary Clinton has completely reversed course. She used to oppose illegal immigration and insisted on enforcing the law. Now she won’t even say the words “illegal immigrant”. Also, we know Hillary doesn’t have the temperament to be president. She ran hard left and got the nomination running hard left. Now she is trying to position herself to Republicans who on the fence in a speech at the American Legion. Does she honestly believe that conservatives will forget about all her Marxist liberal policies just because she mentions Lincoln, Reagan, and temperament in a speech? Later, we have just armed up the most aggressive, detestable terrorist-state on the face of the earth, Iran! They’re on their way to building nuclear weapons! The Obama administration cut a secret deal with Iran to permit the terrorist-sponsoring regime to violate restrictions put in place by last year’s nuclear deal. These are impeachable offenses for the whole top-level of the Obama administration, the president on down. This is the fate that President Obama has sealed for the American people. Finally, the Constitution and the civil society are not about populism but about Americanism. We must not let populists redefine America in a way that is destructive to the Constitution. The Constitution, Liberty, and Capitalism are important and need to be defended from both the left and the pseudo-right. We at the Mark Levin show wish you a happy Labor Day!