Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 9/27/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

The debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton started out ok and quickly deteriorated. Neither Trump nor Hillary was helped by this debate. Nothing memorable was said and this was a missed opportunity for Trump and his campaign. He never brought up the Clinton Foundation, Hillary’s violation of the Espionage Act, and how she embraces redistribution of wealth through taxation. Trump should learn to use Ronald Reagan’s labels like “tax and spend liberal”. He needs to explain how liberals always hurt the little guy they claim to be for. Trump is not really a conservative and was not prepared to address Hillary's leftist positions. After that, Hillary was taking a quarter of million dollars, in payment, per speech from companies she spoke at. This money could have gone to workers in the companies who paid her. Finally, Craig Shirley, Reagan Biographer, calls in to compare the Trump/Hillary debate to the Ronald Reagan debates.

 9/26/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Tonight is debate night between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. You don't remember a candidate who just stands there reading statistics and numbers. People want someone who has a grasp of issues but want to vote for somebody they like. After that, we should be beating Hillary significantly. She is disliked by the majority of people in her own party, and is using every trick in her book including: race baiting, freebies, class warfare, and others. This race shouldn’t even be close, but it is. Later, conservatives are not crazy about Trump but will breathe a sigh of relief if he beats Hillary. The decision to vote for Trump is not an endorsement of his principles but a decision to stop her. Finally, President Obama wants us to judge by group pigmentation, but we should be judged as individuals not by our race. Unalienable rights do not apply to groups but to each human being. Many of the Founding Fathers knew slavery was wrong and wanted to put in place a marker that would end it.

 9/23/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Senator Ted Cruz has endorsed Donald Trump for President. Trump is not the perfect candidate but we know what Hillary Clinton will do as President. She will continue to destroy America if she wins. While there are other alternatives to voting for Trump, in reality Americans have to go with Trump to stop Hillary; there’s no other way. Later, this nation was founded on the notion of equal justice. That doesn’t mean that we buy into social engineering or radical egalitarianism. We have seen an absolute travesty of justice with Hillary Clinton. Most of the Hillary emails will not be released by the FBI until after the presidential election. This is a mass government cover up. Later, police officers in Charlotte told Keith Scott to drop his gun a bunch of times. In addition, the gun at the crime scene was found to be fully loaded and with Scott’s fingerprints. This man has a long criminal record, including with dangerous weapons. Now that we have most of the facts, we can speak truthfully. Finally, Joe Miller running for Senate on the Libertarian ticket against Lisa Murkowski in Alaska calls in.

 9/22/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

There have been 2 nights of rioting in Charlotte, NC and attacks on police officers. This is absolute anarchy and we cannot accept it. A black man was killed by a black officer in town where the police chief is a black man; there is no racial issue here. Chief Kerr Putney said the man who was shot had a gun and that he got out of his car with that gun. The officers felt threatened and the guy was shot. It makes no sense to get out of your car with a gun and walk towards police. Also, Democrats have shown themselves to be quick to judge cops yet incredibly slow to judge terrorists. We have President Obama and a Justice Department that bend over backwards to give due process rights to Al-Qaeda terrorists involved in the slaughter of Americans on 9/11 and yet when it comes to law enforcement, the politics plays the other way. That’s a bizarre mentality. After that, Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the U.N. on Thursday and condemned the organization as a farce. The difference between Netanyahu and Obama is the difference between a great leader and a bad one. He and Obama have two completely different ideas about society and the future. Later, Iran is building ICBM’S and stoking terrorism. They want to see the governments in Jordan, Egypt, and, Saudi Arabia collapse and are working with the Russians in Syria. We need to take a stand and make it clear that Iran cannot have nuclear weapons. Finally, Republican VP candidate, Mike Pence calls in to talk about why conservatives should elect Donald Trump.

 9/21/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

We’re not one election away from losing this country, we’ve lost the Constitution already, in many respects. Our Framer’s gave us a fire alarm in the Constitution to save our country and its called Convention of States and Article V. Convention of states is not about populism, because ¾ of the states have to ratify what comes out of the meeting. The agenda of the Convention is to stop burdensome regulations and other elements of an out of control federal government. Some amendments that could be proposed are, the establishing of term limits for Congress, term limits for Supreme Court Justices, limits on taxing, limits on spending and limits on federal bureaucracy. After that, when you listen to President Obama or Republicans, there is no future for our children and grandchildren. These people are out of control and have breached the Constitution’s firewall. We the people need to take back control so that the government will have to respond to us, instead of the other way around. We are at a point where even the recourse to a Convention of States could be lost, unless we continually push and commit to executing Article V. Finally, Scott Garrett running for Congress in New Jersey’s District 5 calls in to discuss his campaign.

 9/20/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Some say that Donald Trump is good because he acts like a liberal. They and other public figures have surrendered their principles and they expect us to follow them. We have people insisting that we abandon our principles and vote for Trump. For them it seems a little less education and scholarship would be a good thing. However, we shouldn’t abandon conservatism in defense of Trump. After that, President Obama gave another speech at the U.N. in which he trashed the United States, blamed America for the world’s problems, attacked capitalism, blasted Israel, and pushed a globalist agenda. He does not view America as a positive in the world. He does not view the American people as a force for good in this world. Obama is an embarrassment. Later, the refugees fleeing now are not the same as the Jews who fled during the Holocaust, as Obama has stated. There were no terrorists among the Jews who wanted to kill us to spread a caliphate. ISIS said they would secrete terrorists among refugees and they have. Bringing in refugees with a population that intends violence, means bringing a violent change to America.

 9/19/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

Dan Bongino, contributing editor of Conservative Review fills in for Mark. Another round of terrorist attacks happened over the weekend in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota. What is the liberal’s fascination with not saying the word, "terrorism". The left won’t say it, because to them it’s a distraction from their anti-capitalist arguments. And t doesn’t work for them because national security has traditionally been more of a Republican issue. Instead of acknowledging the problem, they ignore terrorism and hope that the issue will dissipate. In addition, Hillary Clinton comes out and says that Donald Trump has no plan to fight terrorism yet she won’t even say the word terrorism. Later, liberals believe the U.S. is the cause of all problems in the world. However, Americans have done well in the U.S. which has done more good than bad in the world. Leftists also blame the U.S. for empire building. If this is true, where is the empire? Japan and Germany were beaten in World War II but were never made to be part of America. After that, liberals dislike the Catholic Church and Christians because they are competitors to the left’s idealism. Any institution or group that stands for liberty and freedom will be opposed by leftists. The left also hates patriotism and seeks to diminish it. Finally, all of a sudden Colin Kaepernick is a social justice warrior but where has he been? Instead of volunteering in his community or local Church, he takes a knee during the National Anthem. The left wants us to respect him, because his actions diminish patriotism.

 9/16/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

The Democrats are very excited about the birther issue, which is back in the news, because they think it’s an issue where they can race-bait and attack Donald Trump. But let’s not forget it was the Democrats who invented the issue. It was Hillary Clinton backers pushing the Obama birther rumors during the 2008 Democratic primary. So even if birther rumors didn’t directly come from the campaign, they still came from Democratic Hillary supporters. Later, Joe Biden says there’s no existential threat to America’s security. This is the mindset of this administration. So, nuclear weapons in the hands of the North Koreans and soon in the hands of Iranians and an aggressive Russia and China are no threat? Finally, HUD decrees that limited English speakers are protected under the fair housing act. Now our government is looking for classes to protect even though they don’t need protecting. This is all about lawsuits, this is a new basis for suing landlords.

 9/15/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

It’s amazing how a demagogue like President Obama has a 58% approval rating. He and the left have done so much damage to this country. Obama and the left are so comprehensive in changing this society. They control and run schools, most of the media and know how to pack the courts with leftists. We can’t even require people to show ID to vote and yet for every other walk of life you need it. If you object to the left’s agenda, then you are considered a racist or homophobe. It’s up to Americans to teach their kids conservative principles as government schools can’t be relied on. In addition, we have a Republican candidate, Donald Trump, who wants to expand Medicaid, but that’s what Obamacare does. How can you repeal Obamacare if you are embracing Obamacare? Expanding Medicaid beyond its current boundaries is not only irresponsible, but a bad idea. Later, Trump just had a large polling rally and now has a significant increase in the polls after Hillary’s collapse. A few weeks ago the polls in battleground states were moving in Hillary’s direction. The situation is volatile and voters in the end may decide on the candidate based on the candidate’s negatives and personality. Finally, Brain Mast, running for Congress in Florida’s 18th district, calls in to discuss the smears by his opponent, Randy Perkins.

 9/14/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

If you question Donald Trump’s policies then obviously you want to elect Hillary Clinton. Any conservative who questions Trump is considered an elitist and doesn’t ever support the working man. If conservatives disagree with Trump, then they are called purists. The pseudo conservative media are telling us this, but Americans don’t carry a battle flag for entitlements, they carry it for liberty. After that Trump’s maternity program includes an earned income tax credit which is basically welfare and will be significantly increased to subsidize childcare for 6 weeks. This maternity program would also be dipping into unemployment funds too for funding. Look at the debt and yearly deficits which are crushing us; we don’t need any more programs and redistribution of wealth. If people actually care about their children and grandchildren they can’t support adding more debt. Now it’s both parties and both nominees that support entitlements. Later, nothing in the letter from Hillary’s doctor mentions anything about her neurological condition. Hillary has collapsed and has mentioned that she experienced head trauma in the past. She needs to update the American people on her recovery from her 2012 concussion.

 9/13/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Donald Trump is calling for 6 weeks of paid leave for maternity, which is warmed over liberalism. This proposed safety net for new mothers is liberal-speak for creating a new welfare program. Here we have more big-government proposals because Trump is, in his heart, a liberal with some conservative proposals. Notice how Republicans always have to use government handouts to reach out to voters. In addition, the people as a whole are less likely to resist programs and money spent by Washington, because they are busy with their daily lives. However, the people that benefit from the spending and entitlements are the loudest and most vocal. The larger group does not feel what’s going on until the aggregate affects them, but by then it’s too late. This is just a dust off of the old liberal playbook. After that, a reason to support Trump is President Obama. Obama is saying Trump is fanning the flames of anger, hate, resentment, and division. However, Obama is the one causing the division. Also, Hillary Clinton is every bit as radical as Obama is. We are not dealing with Truman or Kennedy Democrats but Alinskyites.

 9/12/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

There is now a flat out rejection of Conservatism in the pseudo conservative media and it is very dispiriting. Conservatism is not an ideology like nationalism-populism or Marxism, but is a way of life. The notion of Conservatism is bigger than any election cycle or any 10-year period. Conservatism is about unalienable and God-given rights. These natural rights are bigger than man and can’t be given or taken away by any government or human being. When people say Conservative principles were tried and failed, they have no idea what they are talking about. After that, Hillary didn’t faint on Sunday, she collapsed. Something is wrong with her and the public has a right to know. Hillary and her campaign need to release her health records, not the family medical history or a release of letters. Later, school choice would liberate families to send their kids to better schools. It’s not racism to want minority kids to go to better schools that create competition. Finally, there’s a report that President Obama moved up a 9/11 moment of silence at the Pentagon memorial service to accommodate himself. The moment of silence was supposed to take place at 9:37 am but was moved up because Obama didn’t want to wait.

 9/9/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

This Sunday will be 15 years since the 9/11 attacks. We pay a special tribute to Flight 77, which flew into the Pentagon, with unheard cockpit recordings from before the crash. After that, Special Ops commandos needed approval from President Obama to rescue hostages in Afghanistan last month. However, Obama was busy on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard and he needed 24 hours to approve their request. The commandos were ready to go but had to come back the next day after his approval, but by then the hostages were gone. In addition, Colin Kaepernick’s agenda is catching on. This isn’t an attack on oppressing black people, it’s an attack on America, it’s a smear on the men and women who serve in the military, and our police officers. If the league and owners don’t get this under control, we the fans will. Later, Bill Clinton trashed every white person in the South and is now trashing coal miners. The Democrats used to like coal miners, but have now traded them in for environmental activists. Finally, Donald Trump has come out in favor of school choice and will appoint Supreme Court Justices who will uphold the Constitution. Trump has been doing well lately, but needs to take a step back from his affinity for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

 9/8/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

According to Hillary Clinton, voter ID laws are an underhanded and mean spirited effort to deprive people of their votes. North Carolina is being accused of being racist because of its voter I.D. law and its tightening up on early voting. This is a flat out lie. What the Democrats are trying to do is institutionalize voter fraud, because they want to steal elections. After that, Supreme Court Justices need to be put in check; they need to have a 12 year term. 5 judges shouldn’t always have a final say on every issue. Congress should have the ability to overturn their rulings. Later, Donald Trump would create a charter block grant program to help minorities escape failing government schools. This proposal is not new spending and is in favor of school choice. The Democrats will oppose it, claiming it’s against public education, but that’s not what this is about. Our school systems are in need of great reform. This is a smart approach and needs to be done in part. Block-grant these funds and give the money back to the states for promoting school choice. Finally, Glenn Beck calls in to talk about his new book, “Liars: How Progressives Exploit Our Fears for power and Control.”

 9/7/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

A Russian fighter jet made an unsafe close range intercept of U.S. fighter jet coming within 10 feet of it recently. The U.S. has long protested the buzzing of its aircraft by the Russians. Why does Russia keep buzzing our planes and ships? Because they arn’t our good friends, like some may say. In addition, Vladimir Putin has been using cyberattacks to get into our government databases and hacking the DNC. We have had enough of Russian apologists and other Russian sympathizers defending Russia. After that, the minimum wage hurts small businesses and puts low skilled and unskilled workers out of work. All these masterminds out there and leftists don’t get it. It’s not that a terrible business man are paying outrageous wages, but that small businesses can’t afford to pay more. Later, President Obama was in Laos on Wednesday and trashed America at a townhall. He doesn’t know what he is talking about when he calls Americans lazy or says that they don’t care about what goes on in other countries. Also, Obama wants to de-industrialize America and is the destroying economy and Constitution. Hillary Clinton will do exactly the same thing.


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