Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 12/21/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

On Wednesday's Mark Levin show, Ben Shapiro of KRLA in Los Angeles fills in for Mark. Democrats already seem determined to lose the 2020 race. In order to get elected, the Democrats look for scape goats like white people and fake news stories. One such fake news story comes from a Muslim woman in Detroit, MI who lied about a white man who threatened to light her hijab on fire. Also, a Mississippi African American man burned a black church and spray painted “vote Trump” on the church. This is a hoax aimed at portraying Trump supporters as racist. It’s hard to find Trump supporters engaged in racist activities but easy to find leftists attacking Trump supporters. Once you think you are a victim, you look for other situations to justify your victimhood. Later, according to Mike Huckabee the best way to get people off of government support is to give them a government job. This is absolute nonsense. FDR would have grown the economy if this worked. Finally, the best policy for Republicans is to uphold conservative ideals. This idea of moving to the center was why people were done with the Establishment.

 12/20/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

On Tuesday's Mark Levin show, Bill Cunningham of WLW in Cincinnati, Ohio fills in for Mark. President Bill Clinton is blaming Hillary Clinton’s loss on Russia and James Comey. This sounds like fake news, yet the mainstream media is the real producer of such news. The real fake news was hands up don’t shoot and the story surrounding police officer Darren Wilson’s shooting of Michael Brown. The FBI and DOJ wanted to prove that Wilson murdered Brown because it fit their diatribe. The real fake news is Hillary and President Obama blaming Benghazi on a YouTube video. Did the media ever go back and correct this? No. In addition, when Hillary ran for office in 2008 and 2016 she was heir apparent. Hillary had two of the most winnable elections in the world and yet could not win. The Electors voted on Monday and Hillary lost again. America did not want a third Obama term. Later, Laura Bush gave interviews going out the door in 2008. How would the media have treated her if she went after President-elect Obama? Obviously, the media would have played it very differently than how they treat Michelle Obama for taking shots at President-Elect Donald Trump.

 12/19/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6593

On Monday's Mark Levin show, Bill Cunningham of WLW in Cincinnati, Ohio fills in for Mark. There was terrorist strike in Berlin and the Russian Ambassador to Turkey was assassinated. Let’s face it this is Islamic terrorism. Most likely this wouldn’t have happened but for the failures of President Obama. When it comes to Libya, Syria, and foreign relations in general, the world was better off 8 years ago before Obama took the helm. Russia wasn’t invading Syria, Iraq was basically functioning, Iran wasn’t on a path to nukes and North Korea didn’t have missiles aimed at the U.S. Compared to George W Bush, Obama’s presidency has been an unmitigated disaster. Also if Democrats continue to blame the Russians, fake news, James Comey and the Electoral College for their loss, they will continue to promote their decline. Are we to believe that the coal miners in West Virginia were tricked by Putin into voting for President-Elect Donald Trump? The Democrats lost the House, Senate, Presidency and governorships because of their policies. The Blue Wall wasn’t cracked but was shattered by blue collar, white voters that were fed up with the policies of Obama and Hillary Clinton. If Democrats change their policies and go back to normal, they would actually be competition. Finally, Alex Triantafilou, an Ohio Elector calls in to talk about the pressure electors faced to switch votes from Donald Trump.

 12/16/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

China is on the move, having seized a U.S. underwater drone in the South China Sea. And there are members of the Republican party, the Code Pink Republicans that would appease the Chinese in the face of this aggression. The appeasement, isolationism, passivity in the face of evil results in more provocations as China continues to test the outside limits of what it is that they want to do. On the one hand, there are voices pushing to avoid conflict with the Chinese. On the other hand, there are Establishment and pro-Putin Republicans pushing for the nomination of Rex Tillerson as secretary of State, a man who is soft on Putin. The Republican party seems to be going soft on our enemies. Rex may be a businessman but he is the wrong businessman. He is grave threat to the nation of Israel, believes in the Paris Climate Accord, and is weak on abortion and gay marriage. In addition, President-Elect Donald Trump and Democrats are advocating protectionism which puts corporatists and crony capitalism first. Later, President Obama says it is bad to attack America's institutions yet attacks them anyway. He says that the notion of liberty, when it comes to the Electoral College is a carryover from the past. The Electoral College exists so that we can challenge radicals and keep them from destroying our country.

 12/15/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Senator Ted Kennedy once tried to interfere with Ronald Reagan’s reelection in 1984. He had selfish motives and was terribly misguided for seeing Reagan as a greater threat than the Soviet Union. Kennedy made overtures to top soviet officials and suggested that he would organize favorable American press coverage for the Russians. The Democrats are disgusting. President–Elect Donald Trump and his team should revisit KGB correspondence and realize that they shouldn’t be friends with the Russians. In addition, there is a smear job in the New York Times by certain people in the transition office joined in by Reince Priebus, Robert Gates, and Condoleezza Rice on John Bolton. The State Department is going to be run by Bush acolytes. They are coming to the defense of Rex Tillerson. After that, John McCain and Marco Rubio's positions on Russia and Vladimir Putin are in line with Reagan's position. Putin is an aggressive fascist and is not our friend.

 12/14/16-Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

What if President Obama interfered with the election in Israel when he was trying to defeat Benjamin Netanyahu? Well he did. Obama sent taxpayer dollars to an Israeli group that campaigned against Netanyahu’s party in the Israeli parliamentary elections. The Democrats are outraged that the Russians may have influenced the 2016 presidential election. Yet, we know for a fact that Obama interfered in a foreign government’s electoral process. And not one Democrat expressed a fraction of the same concern they now have over Russia over Obama. The hypocrisy is astounding. After that, what is the purpose of the Democrat Party? They oppose military, the Constitution, law enforcement, capitalism, and sovereignty. There is a nullification movement in cities and states that are nullifying federal immigration law. There is a movement of leftists in California that want to secede from the Union. The Democrat Party is reverting back to form by trashing the Constitution and demanding nullification. In addition, Rex Tillerson led the way to get funding for Planned Parenthood ,opposed the Boy Scouts effort to prevent gay scout masters, and is liberal on may other issues. Who cares if he has a business approach? This guy is a globalist, establishment and a liberal in many ways, and conservatives can in no way support him. Finally, Bill Jacobson Founder and Publisher of Legal Insurrection and Clinical Professor of law at Cornell Law School, calls in to talk to discuss anti-Semitism in schools and those who encourage it.

 12/13/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

The Bush's and their surrogates should be congratulated for getting the Secretary of State that that they wanted, Rex Tillerson. Tillerson is pro-Putin and has had more interactive time with Putin than even Henry Kissinger. Also, Tillerson is a pro-Global Warming legislation advocate and has embraced leftist social policies including Planned Parenthood funding and pushing the Boy Scouts to include gay scoutmasters. This is among one of President elect Donald Trump's most disastrous picks. Some are telling us this is absolutely genius and shaking up the ruling class, but this is exactly the ruling class. Pseudo conservatives and Reince Priebus are openly cheering this and need to stop acting like liberals. Tillerson is everything the Trump voter opposed. He is establishment of the first order, a globalist, and yet is being celebrated. There is nothing brilliant going on here. Later, Obamacare is claimed to have insured 20 million previously uninsured Americans, but that is not true. Finally, Stephen A. Smith of ESPN2 calls in to discuss sports and politics.

 12/12/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

There seems to be this idea that if you don’t embrace Vladimir Putin, you are on Hillary Clinton’s team. Democrats are making it very hard for those of us who know Putin to be the enemy, because they see this as an opportunity to delegitimize President-elect Donald Trump’s win. People didn’t vote for Trump because they were persuaded with some leak by the Russians. When Trump becomes President he should appoint a blue ribbon committee of experts to help track this cyber espionage down. Of course, it doesn’t help that Trump’s expected secretary of state pick, Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson, is a good friend of Putin’s. It appears no one is coming out of this fiasco looking good. In addition, many of Trump’s high appointments don’t believe in free markets anymore. If you believe in making America great again you can’t believe in climate change. After that, what is this white power movement the left keeps talking about? If there is a white power movement wouldn’t we know about it? There is no serious substantial movement, and there is no systemic oppression of minorities in America. White supremacy only comes up because of President Obama and the racialism of the left.

 12/9/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet is a really mixed bag. It’s not a pro capitalist or conservative cabinet on the domestic side, but is a pro-tariff and pro-government cabinet. Trump picks Sen Mitch McConnell’s wife and 3 people with ties to Goldman Sachs for cabinet positions. We wanted him to drain the swamp not the other way around. In addition, Rudy Giuliani has withdrawn his name from any consideration for cabinet positions, including Secretary of State. Trump is loyal to a point but to play Rudy along this long into the system is wrong. After that, President Obama is lying about the number of manufacturing jobs adding during his presidency. The number of manufacturing jobs actual fell by 300,000. Later, the left has all but destroyed state sovereignty. They have conspired openly to empower themselves and the Constitution is a fig leaf for them. If you eliminate the states then you have a deathblow to your opposition and Article V cannot be used. The left dresses this up as the will of the people, but the goal is the same: the centralization of government.

 12/8/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

John Glenn, an astronaut, former U.S. senator, legendary aviator, and American hero died at the age of 95. A true legend best known for becoming the first American to orbit the earth. Former Senator and astronaut Harrison, Jack, Schmidt calls in to discuss the life of John Glenn. After that, President Obama tries to come off as thoughtful and a common sense type of guy who respects the system. However, he is a leftist hardliner. Hi government regulations are costing us $2 trillion a year and yet the Obama and his administration are pushing through 25 midnight regulations that will cost America $44 billion. In addition, President-elect Donald Trump is asking Obama for advice on his appointments. Obama is doing everything he can to sabotage the Trump administration and is the worst person Trump could ask for advice. Also, the Democrats want to paint the South as racist to attack Republicans and conservatives. This is a false narrative promoted by the left and Obama. Why would anyone come to U.S. if we had systemic oppression against minorities? Finally, what did men like Joseph Warren fight for during the American revolution? Did they fight for an all-powerful central government? No. Did they fight so their business affairs could be ruled by government? No. They gave their lives for their for their property because property is linked to liberty. If you can’t own your farm without being ruled by the government then you’re just a subject, the same thing applies to today.

 12/7/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

75 years ago the United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor. Japan did severe damage but they knew America would not tolerate it and they feared they just awakened a sleeping giant – and they did. Those heroes fought for an America which cared about freedom, not top-down big government intervention. Also, big government subsidies are not true to Americans and freedom. The vast majority of Americans don’t get and don’t want subsidies. We don’t need a Mussolini type figure walking around determining which businesses will fail and which businesses will succeed, we don’t need that in America. We need freedom, and there’s too little of it. President-elect Donald Trump has a job to do, and his job is to get the government off our backs, we don’t need handouts from Trump. This isn’t a third world banana republic. Just get out of our way and let Americans do what they do best. Later, Soft Bank is going to invest $50 billion in America and create 50,000 new jobs supposedly. Trump thinks this is a good thing, but this will just increase the trade deficit America has. The overwhelming amount of trade deficit is people sending foreign assets into this country. Trump’s job is to put a leash on the government, not unleash the private sector. Finally, Trump should not be trashing Boeing. Boeing is an America company that employs American workers. Currently, they are in brutal competition with Airbus. Trump is going to be a very mixed bag over the next 4 years. Some of his instincts are excellent but others are poor.

 12/6/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The Democrats are threatening virtually every person President-elect Donald Trump is nominating to his cabinet, including General James Mattis. They are doing this, because of a 1947 statute that prohibits a former member of the armed forces from serving in a cabinet post within 7 years of retirement. What Trump and his team need to do is challenge this and bring it to the Supreme Court if necessary. The 1947 statute is not in the Constitution. Later, the Electoral College has nothing to do with slavery as Rep John Conyers says. The left wing tenured professors that claim this don’t know what they are talking about. Population should not dictate everything that happens in the U.S. The Framers of the Constitution rejected mobocracy, yet people still want it. Also, support for the Electoral College is the highest it has ever been in America over 49 years of polling according to Gallup. After that, when it comes to foreign policy the president-elect is free to speak to whomever he wants to. Trump spoke with the president of Taiwan and China is running to the U.N. to protest. While they are not going to start a war over it, Trump better start building the military as quickly as possible. We are not the provocateurs or imperialists, but as America we must not appease.

 12/5/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

There is nothing irresponsible with President elect Donald Trump’s phone call with the President of Taiwan, it was outstanding. China is flexing its muscle, stealing mineral rights, claiming international waters and airspace and Trump can’t take a phone call from Taiwan’s president? China is not going to war over this, but now they understand that Trump is not President Obama when it comes to foreign policy. After that, there are some people who have revealed themselves as dishonest when it comes to capitalism. They are playing the populist game by pandering and promoting Trump’s trillion dollar infrastructure plan. Infrastructure stimulus is based on the Broken Windows Fallacy. When you take a trillion dollars out of the economy you have destroyed a trillion dollars in the private sector. This money could have created far more jobs than the state could. After that, Vice President elect Mike Pence has given up on capitalism and is now choosing authoritarianism when it comes to the economy. Protectionism is not capitalism but it is cronyism and authoritarianism. Finally, John Bolton is the absolute best candidate for the position of Secretary of State. Jon Huntsman, Bob Corker, Mitt Romney and other candidates would get eaten up by America’s enemies, such as China.

 12/2/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

The purpose of the Constitution is to enable freedom of the individual and set up a government that nurtures our unalienable rights. It’s not meant to provide us with our material wants and needs. In order for the government to do that, someone else’s rights would have to be denied. In addition, progressives were the one who instituted tariffs in this country. The likes of FDR and Huey Long would agree with tariff and protectionist policies being proposed today. Tariffs don’t build an economy or encourage a freedom mentality. What President-elect Trump ought to do is unleash the economy so that more and more people get jobs and wealth is created. This is why Reaganites are needed in the Trump administration. Unfortunately, many conservatives don’t seem to understand this today. The Republican Party is regressing and we have lost sight of liberty. Many are getting caught up by the same class warfare of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. We should not contribute to the degradation that the left and President Obama have imposed on this country. America needs to embrace Reagan, Thatcher and freedom. Later, of course the left wingers in the Senate are not going to pass a statute to confirm General James Mattis for Secretary of Defense. Republicans better steam roll the minority on this one.

 12/1/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

It appears that President-elect Donald Trump has a pen and a phone too. The president doesn’t have the power to control the economy and businesses, yet Trump wants to punish businesses who want to move overseas. This is a statist move that is in the mold of FDR, Herbert Hoover and Woodrow Wilson. If a president can browbeat a company like Carrier, than he can browbeat anyone. This attack on the private sector is not something that we as conservatives should support. On one hand the Trump administration wants to unleash the economy but on the other hand they want to use the iron fist to control it. Later, General James Mattis would be an excellent choice for Defense Secretary. The big question is the State Department. Do we want a mush as Secretary of State like Mitt Romney or Gen David Petraeus who doesn’t have a good understanding of foreign policy? Then we have Rudy Giuliani and John Bolton. Bolton will control the bureaucracy and has a solid understanding of foreign policy. He is the stand out choice for Secretary of State.


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