Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 1/31/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

President Donald Trump has chosen Neil Gorsuch, a jurist on the Denver based 10th Circuit Court of Appeals to fill Antonin Scalia’s former Supreme Court seat. Finally, we have solid appointment and conservative judge. Democrats will fight his nomination and Republicans must do everything they can to make sure he gets confirmed. Sen Mike Lee calls in from the White House to discuss Gorsuch’s experience. After that, Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ is against 7 countries which together do not make up 25% of the Muslim world. The very people who attack the Constitution are attacking Trump’s order as unconstitutional. They spend more time claiming people overseas have constitutional rights rather than defending Americans constitutional rights. We are at a very dangerous turning point because of Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. These politicians stand for nothing but a centralized government. Also, why is it assumed that the Democrat Party represents all Muslim Americans when they don’t? Most Muslim Americans are prolife, against same sex marriage and are against the violence of radical jihadists. In addition, the same left is in California betraying our country by nullifying federal law in sanctuary cities and advocating for secession. If the left is going to continue to nullify law so should conservative mayors and governors, when it comes to conservative issues like gun control. Later, the Democrat Party was the party of nullification when it came to slavery. Now it’s the party of nullification when it comes to sanctuary cities and the party of secession. James Madison rejected nullification or secession. He said you can’t have a country with secession and that no state has the power to undo their citizenship in the U.S.

 1/30/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

The hate America first party, the Democrat Party has exposed itself yet again with their reaction to President Donald Trump’s recent executive order on immigration. Trump has placed a temporary ban on immigration from 7 countries for national security purposes. If you listened to the left you would think that Trump is rounding up all Muslim Americans and putting them in internment camps. However, this is false. Trump is trying to prevent carnage in the U.S. against American citizens on his watch. He’s being brutalized and attacked for it by the same leftists who defy immigration law and claim Trump has no authority to enforce the same law. If you object to such a modest executive order then you hate your country and are willing to tolerate terrorist attacks against America. In addition, Chuck Schumer is surrounding himself with American Muslims at a press conference. However Muslim Americans are not the one being deported. This has to do with would-be immigrants not immigrants who are already here in America. After that, no person who is a citizen outside of America has constitutional rights. Nobody else on the planet has a right to immigrate to America. The purpose of immigration is to improve America. Later, the Republican retreat has started. Lamar Alexander, Bob Corker, Susan Collins, John McCain and others have spoken out against Trump’s executive order. The competence and gutlessness of the Republican Party continues to march backwards.

 1/27/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

Dan Bongino, Contributing Editor at Conservative Review fills in for Mark. The left is melting down and is in full blown panic mode. Liberals have had a multi-front ideological war against conservatives. They won on Obamacare, religious liberty, regulatory overload and other issues. The Obama years are a hard lesson for conservatives that the left is not interested in negotiating. Now, so much is happening with President Trump, the left doesn’t know what to do because for the first time in a while the right is winning the war of ideas. Now it’s time to push a conservative agenda. Later, Jonathan Gruber comes out and says that we are all misinformed on Obamacare. This is coming from a guy who gave a speech on how he and the Obama Administration deliberately misinformed the American people. In addition, any public policy should at least help one person without having a bad net effect for everyone else. Gruber is saying Obamacare wasn't designed to help everybody. However, he and the left have never been able to explain how Obamacare has had a positive net effect.

 1/26/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The Trump administration has floated the idea of a 20% tax on goods coming from Mexico. The problem? If the government imposes a 20% tax on the southern imports, it's not Mexicans or their government that would be paying the tax — you are. Mexico doesn’t get taxed on anything! These are taxes on the American people. This tax isn’t for the workers. You want to do something for the workers? Unleash the economy. How do you do that? Cut taxes. Roll back cumbersome, paralyzing regulations. Rein in government spending. Don’t pass a tax on the American people and claim you’re making Mexico pay for the wall. This 20% tax on Mexican goods has everything to do with Herbert Hoover and big government, not Andrew Jackson. The American people are going to pay a huge price if we have taxes for every country that we have a trade deficit with. What will happen when these countries retaliate with their own tariffs or taxes? Our blue collar workers such as those in the coal industry will lose their jobs. That’s not America first. Also, China is mapping global trading strategies as we pursue protectionist policies. It’s not that China is rushing to the front, but that the U.S is withdrawing from the international stage when it comes to trade. We are going to weaken ourselves from within and make America second. Finally, leftist mayors are nullifying federal law when it comes to sanctuary cities. Why don’t we just nullify federal gun laws then?

 1/25/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

America’s darling Mary Tyler Moore has passed away at age 80. Her shows, regardless of politics, was very American and reflective of our cultures. Network TV isn’t like this anymore. Also, President Donald Trump is going to build the wall along the border with Mexico. They were supposed to build the wall over 30 years ago. Who cares if Mexico’s paying for the border wall or not, just build it! The federal government spends over $125 billion a year, so take a small portion of that and take care of that border. The Mexican government was never going to directly pay for the wall, but now the left is worried about the American taxpayer being on the hook for the it. They’re not worried about the taxpayer and all the costs associated with illegal immigration, such as education, healthcare, social services, and law enforcement. What Trump hasn’t addressed is DACA and the dreamers. It’s understandable that first we need to deal with criminals but this needs to be addressed. We need to start from the position that people who are here illegally are here illegally. Finally, the Trump Administration is saying that infrastructure won’t cost citizens a dime and this will all be paid by the private sector. How is this possible? If infrastructure and big government policies created jobs, socialized countries would be the richest on the face of the Earth, but they aren’t. These Public works projects are monuments to political stupidity. We shouldn’t be spending a trillion dollars to prop up employees of one set of businesses at the expense of others.

 1/24/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

President Trump’s executive orders so far have been remarkable. Trump has signed orders freezing regulations, stopping the subsidizing of abortions overseas, supporting building of oil pipelines and energy and stopping Obama's phony trade deal. These executive orders are not populist but conservative policies. This is outstanding because we know Hillary Clinton wouldn’t have done any one of these things. It’s good to cheer these orders on, but let’s get on to the big things like Obamacare. Right now Sen. Susan Collins and Bill Cassidy are trying to get the Patient Freedom Act through the Senate. They are touting this as a valid replacement for Obamacare, but it would really enshrine Obamacare permanently. The law would keep most of Obamacare spending in place and the exchange system intact. So far we have Republican outliers like Cassidy and Collins driving the agenda because nobody else is driving it. This is what liberals and liberal Republicans do. After that, Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies calls in to discuss DACA and whether Trump will suspend it or not. Finally, Jenny Beth Martin, Co-Founder of the Tea Party Patriots calls in to talk about the Democrats trying to find their own version of the tea party.

 1/23/17-Mark Levin Audio rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Forget the stupidity revolving around the size of the crowds on inauguration day because the Left is on the move. During the Inauguration and in the days following George Soros-funded protesters descended on Washington D.C. Liberal organizations ran the protests against President Trump and nearly all of them were funded by or had a relationship with Soros. This is the Marxist, Stalinist Left. Destroying property, attempting to delegitimize our Republican system. This is what we’re up against. In addition, actress Ashley Judd spoke at the march and said she feels Hitler is in these streets of America. Notice, she has never been in the streets of Iran, China, Cuba and 3/4ths of the world. She read from a poem written by a 19 year old. This shows you Judd is so illiterate that she can't even write her own words. After that, Obama gave the Palestinians $220 million on Friday morning, hours before he left office. His action were blocked by Congress but he did it anyway. The Executive Branch does not have the authority to spend that money. Later, President Trump shouldn’t be berating certain businesses while letting other businesses slide through. Cozying up to one faction of society is not for the people but for that faction. The president becomes too powerful when intervening in private citizens lives. Finally, Bret Baier calls in to talk about his new book, Three Days in January: Dwight Eisenhower’s Final Mission.

 1/20/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

We have every reason to be happy that Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, and not Hillary Clinton. President Trump’s inaugural address was an excellent version of his campaign speech, but was by no means a conservative speech. Trump has embraced the populist nationalism of Theodore Roosevelt. While he may sprinkle some of his ideas with conservatism, he is more of a progressive Republican at heart. He’s not a far-left ideologue like President Obama or Hillary Clinton. But he’s not a conservative like Ronald Reagan either. Later, all of our policies should be based on a pro a American agenda. The left doesn’t view it that way. They put the UN's interest before ours and illegal aliens before our citizens. Trump wants to put America first and some in the media like Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow think this makes Trump like Hitler, but they are wrong. The left makes the most vile statements. Did anyone in the mainstream media call Obama names when he was inaugurated?

 1/19/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Issues and politics aside, what is the great difference between President-Elect Donald Trump and President Obama? We know that in Trump’s heart he loves his country and that he is a patriot unlike Obama. The things Obama has said and done to this country, here or abroad, is not illustrative of a man who loves his country. We can be very comfortable that Trump supports the U.S. military, law enforcement and won’t sell the country out. Also, the transition of power has begun whether the left likes it or not. Despite the celebrations, the leftists are plotting in the shadows and biding their time to politically attack. In addition, it’s concerning that some of Trump’s nominees are buckling during the confirmation hearings. The Democrats have succeeded in intimidating us and their backs need to be broken politically. Later, the Tea Party will go down in history as a righteous rebellion against over-centralized government. It was not led by any party and lead to a massive victory by conservatives and Republicans in 2010. Finally, Sen Al Franken was attacking Tom Price, nominated for the Department of Health and Human Services, for having a mutual fund investing in a tobacco company. However, Franken himself has an investment in Phillip Morris which is a major tobacco company. Maybe Franken should resign because obviously he doesn’t care about people who get sick from tobacco

 1/18/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The Republicans and people like Sen Mitch McConnell never learn. They think they are going to buy peace with the Democrats. Radical leftists like Bernie Sanders are demanding that President-Elect Donald Trump’s nominees agree with their left wing agenda, especially when it comes to climate change and healthcare. Sanders is an old time Marxist who believes that healthcare is a right. It can’t be a right because rights are not something recipients get as a matter of government dictate and because you have other human beings involved. What’re you gonna do, enslave them? Force them to service that right? Just ask veterans if their rights and government controlled, Soviet-style healthcare is being serviced properly. After that, President Obama is calling the Netanyahu government in Israel right wing. Benjamin Netanyahu is no right winger but is a solid conservative who believes in defending his country unlike Obama. Obama is saying that Israel can’t be both Jewish and Democratic and wants Israel to cede part of its territory to the Palestinians. What country gives territory back? This is absolute insanity. Finally, the populist nationalists say we ought to work with leftist Democrats. However what we really need to do is defeat them. Whether it is slavery, Jim Crow, Communism or Social Security, the Democrat Party is an extremely destructive party. The Democrat party for the most part has been a very evil party. 150 years ago the Democrat Party was the most powerful force for slavery. 80 years ago the most powerful force for the KKK and nearly 50 years ago there were Democrats who opposed the emancipation of black people. In 1964, the Republicans in the minority carried the Voting Rights Act across the finish line.

 1/17/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6890

Chelsea Manning is a traitor. And it’s a disgrace that President Obama commuted his sentence Tuesday. Manning leaked classified documents detailing American military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan – among other sensitive information – that put American lives in danger, betraying his fellow soldiers and his country. Will liberals finally step up to the plate and either defend what Obama did or for once in their pathetic lives to condemn him? Is there a single tweet by Trump that comes close to the betrayal of Obama by releasing Manning? What Obama has done is unparalleled in U.S. history. Later, Obama is pardoning Oscar Lopez Rivera, a former domestic terrorist who was involved with the FALN, a Puerto Rican terrorist organization who set off 130 bombs in the U.S. Now we have a terrorist being released who has no contrition. Joe Connor calls in to discuss the FALN and how they murdered his father.

 1/16/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

What’s being done to President-Elect Trump right now is unprecedented. Over the weekend, civil rights hero Rep. John Lewis swiped at Trump saying he didn’t believe Trump’s presidency was legitimate. People are now attacking Trump for attacking Lewis, but it was Lewis who attacked Trump first, Trump only responded. Since Trump won the election in November, the statists have been in full revolt. The left wanted Hillary Clinton as president and to continue the Obama agenda and live off the fat of the land. The media, entertainment, academia, and the federal bureaucracy are doing everything they can to delegitimize Trump’s presidency. After that, Trump wants to give everyone healthcare. Whenever anyone says everybody ought to have healthcare, it tells us we have lost our sense of personal responsibility. We teach it to our family, but the government teaches us otherwise. The socialized healthcare in the U.S. is becoming more centralized and less responsive. This is what happens when government gets in between you and your doctor. Just look at what is going on right now in the UK. They are turning away people in need of Cancer surgery.

 1/13/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

There needs to be a 12th proposed Amendment included in the Article V Convention of States. As result of President Obama’s despotism, the 20th Amendment should be changed to tighten the time between when the new president is elected and the time he takes office. The Founders didn’t know about Obama, a man with a dictator’s mentality. A new president should be sworn in 30 days after the election. There also needs to be another amendment which regulates the extent to which an outgoing president can add additional regulations before leaving office. Obama has already done more damage on his way out the door than anyone before him. After that, while no one was looking, Homeland Security head Jeh Johnson initiated a federal takeover of state and local elections under the banner of a crisis. Obama and his administration hate federalism. They hate state sovereignty. They hate individual liberty. They hate mobility. They want uniformity, conformity, state-centralized Leftism. Later, the Chicago Police Department is under attack by AG Loretta Lynch. Apparently every police department in America is racist and violent. This phony Attorney General, is slamming the nation’s police on the way out of the door. Finally, we are enshrining in law the left’s agenda. The difference between leftwing policy and law is being blurred. They claim that what they do is compassionate and humane and what conservatives do is the opposite. The problem is government intervention not more government. The left’s medicine is not only poisonous, but they are focusing on all the wrong things.

 1/12/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The Left is not about the welfare of people! The Left is about tyranny. Thursday, President Obama told the people of Cuba desperate to escape that there’s no way you’re getting out because he ended the “wet foot, dry foot” policy for Cuban refugees. The longstanding immigration policy had allowed for any Cuban who escaped the oppressive overseas regime and made it to American soil to become a legal U.S. resident. What happens when Cubans are returned to Cuba? Some are killed or sent to prison, but they and their families end up with some horrific punishment. Though the Left will praise this president as one of the greatest to ever grace the Oval Office, others will remember indefensible acts such as this one as characteristic of a failed and ugly presidency. What other people will suffer as a result of Obama’s legacy building? Later, we actually have people who support the fascists and think they are patriotic when they embrace Vladimir Putin. Conservatives that love Putin are phony conservatives. Also, Wilbur Ross, President elect Trump's pick for Commerce Secretary, is a crony capitalist, and this view should not be controversial. Ross is just another centralized government crony who will harm our economy and economic environment. Who is going to run the 5 year industrial communist plan that Ross favors? Finally, AG Loretta Lynch is opening up an investigation on FBI Director James Comey’s writing of a letter on Hillary’s emails to Congress. Lynch is unleashing Michael Horowitz on Comey to show that if you cross the left and the Democrat party, you will pay.

 1/11/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

It’s time that we stand our ground in defending the legitimacy of President Elect Donald Trump's election. The praetorian guard media, the Democrats, and Hollywood are seeking a coup of sorts against Trump. What the left seeks to do is drive issues of controversy. They’re laying the foundation, not only to discredit Trump, but to impeach him down the road. We conservatives need to rally around Trump, not for every issue, not for every nominee, but for the legitimacy of the election, for our country, for our Constitution. What we saw on Tuesday by a Buzzfeed report was an attempt to overturn the election and to destroy Trump’s presidency. Later, Sen Cory Booker broke over 200 years of precedent when he testified against his colleague Sen Jeff Sessions. Booker has done nothing of note to warrant him passing judgement on Sessions. Sessions went after the KKK in Alabama and did a lot more for civil rights than Booker ever has done. Booker’s accusations are appalling and baseless. According to him, if you are conservative, you are not qualified to serve as Attorney General.


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