1/16/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: What’s being done to President-Elect Trump right now is unprecedented. Over the weekend, civil rights hero Rep. John Lewis swiped at Trump saying he didn’t believe Trump’s presidency was legitimate. People are now attacking Trump for attacking Lewis, but it was Lewis who attacked Trump first, Trump only responded. Since Trump won the election in November, the statists have been in full revolt. The left wanted Hillary Clinton as president and to continue the Obama agenda and live off the fat of the land. The media, entertainment, academia, and the federal bureaucracy are doing everything they can to delegitimize Trump’s presidency. After that, Trump wants to give everyone healthcare. Whenever anyone says everybody ought to have healthcare, it tells us we have lost our sense of personal responsibility. We teach it to our family, but the government teaches us otherwise. The socialized healthcare in the U.S. is becoming more centralized and less responsive. This is what happens when government gets in between you and your doctor. Just look at what is going on right now in the UK. They are turning away people in need of Cancer surgery.