1/17/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Chelsea Manning is a traitor. And it’s a disgrace that President Obama commuted his sentence Tuesday. Manning leaked classified documents detailing American military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan – among other sensitive information – that put American lives in danger, betraying his fellow soldiers and his country. Will liberals finally step up to the plate and either defend what Obama did or for once in their pathetic lives to condemn him? Is there a single tweet by Trump that comes close to the betrayal of Obama by releasing Manning? What Obama has done is unparalleled in U.S. history. Later, Obama is pardoning Oscar Lopez Rivera, a former domestic terrorist who was involved with the FALN, a Puerto Rican terrorist organization who set off 130 bombs in the U.S. Now we have a terrorist being released who has no contrition. Joe Connor calls in to discuss the FALN and how they murdered his father.