1/25/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: America’s darling Mary Tyler Moore has passed away at age 80. Her shows, regardless of politics, was very American and reflective of our cultures. Network TV isn’t like this anymore. Also, President Donald Trump is going to build the wall along the border with Mexico. They were supposed to build the wall over 30 years ago. Who cares if Mexico’s paying for the border wall or not, just build it! The federal government spends over $125 billion a year, so take a small portion of that and take care of that border. The Mexican government was never going to directly pay for the wall, but now the left is worried about the American taxpayer being on the hook for the it. They’re not worried about the taxpayer and all the costs associated with illegal immigration, such as education, healthcare, social services, and law enforcement. What Trump hasn’t addressed is DACA and the dreamers. It’s understandable that first we need to deal with criminals but this needs to be addressed. We need to start from the position that people who are here illegally are here illegally. Finally, the Trump Administration is saying that infrastructure won’t cost citizens a dime and this will all be paid by the private sector. How is this possible? If infrastructure and big government policies created jobs, socialized countries would be the richest on the face of the Earth, but they aren’t. These Public works projects are monuments to political stupidity. We shouldn’t be spending a trillion dollars to prop up employees of one set of businesses at the expense of others.