1/23/17-Mark Levin Audio rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Forget the stupidity revolving around the size of the crowds on inauguration day because the Left is on the move. During the Inauguration and in the days following George Soros-funded protesters descended on Washington D.C. Liberal organizations ran the protests against President Trump and nearly all of them were funded by or had a relationship with Soros. This is the Marxist, Stalinist Left. Destroying property, attempting to delegitimize our Republican system. This is what we’re up against. In addition, actress Ashley Judd spoke at the march and said she feels Hitler is in these streets of America. Notice, she has never been in the streets of Iran, China, Cuba and 3/4ths of the world. She read from a poem written by a 19 year old. This shows you Judd is so illiterate that she can't even write her own words. After that, Obama gave the Palestinians $220 million on Friday morning, hours before he left office. His action were blocked by Congress but he did it anyway. The Executive Branch does not have the authority to spend that money. Later, President Trump shouldn’t be berating certain businesses while letting other businesses slide through. Cozying up to one faction of society is not for the people but for that faction. The president becomes too powerful when intervening in private citizens lives. Finally, Bret Baier calls in to talk about his new book, Three Days in January: Dwight Eisenhower’s Final Mission.