1/24/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: President Trump’s executive orders so far have been remarkable. Trump has signed orders freezing regulations, stopping the subsidizing of abortions overseas, supporting building of oil pipelines and energy and stopping Obama's phony trade deal. These executive orders are not populist but conservative policies. This is outstanding because we know Hillary Clinton wouldn’t have done any one of these things. It’s good to cheer these orders on, but let’s get on to the big things like Obamacare. Right now Sen. Susan Collins and Bill Cassidy are trying to get the Patient Freedom Act through the Senate. They are touting this as a valid replacement for Obamacare, but it would really enshrine Obamacare permanently. The law would keep most of Obamacare spending in place and the exchange system intact. So far we have Republican outliers like Cassidy and Collins driving the agenda because nobody else is driving it. This is what liberals and liberal Republicans do. After that, Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies calls in to discuss DACA and whether Trump will suspend it or not. Finally, Jenny Beth Martin, Co-Founder of the Tea Party Patriots calls in to talk about the Democrats trying to find their own version of the tea party.