Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 1/10/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Sen Jeff Sessions is hit it out of the park at his confirmation hearing on Tuesday in D.C. The Democrats haven’t laid a glove on him. Sessions has been very solid and has been able to move from one attempted smear to another. He comes across as an extremely likable guy unlike Sen Al Franken. In addition, Sen Cory Booker is testifying against Sessions in an unprecedented move where a Senate colleague testifies against a fellow Senator. Booker is a lightweight and is being hypocritical. It wasn’t long ago, last year, that Booker and Sessions gave a civil rights award together and Booker praised Sessions. Booker didn’t mind standing on the stage with Jeff Sessions or praising him then, but now he has so much contempt for Sessions. After that, Sen Patrick Leahy grills Sessions on sexual assault to try to attack President-Elect Donald Trump. Yet where was Leahy when Bill Clinton was in office? Leahy and other liberals don’t stand for women. Finally, Senator Ted Cruz calls in to defend Jeff Sessions against the Democrats baseless attacks and accusations and President Obama’s attack on Israel.

 1/9/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

With Senate confirmations of Trump’s cabinet appointments beginning Tuesday, all indicators point to one candidate inevitably receiving especially intense scrutiny—Sen. Jeff Sessions. The Left will undoubtedly bring up the Perry County, Alabama “racist prosecution” case. But, in fact, it is those who manufacture the charges against Sessions that are the racists! They are the ones who fear Sessions, not because he is a racist, but because he is a conservative. Also, Meryl Streep’s speech against President Elect Donald Trump was bad acting by a liberal partisan hack. Streep, while pointing out an alleged mistake made by Trump never said anything about President Obama’s DOJ arming Mexican drug lords, and Obama contributing to the rise of ISIS. Later, the Obama administration is contributing enough Uranium to Russia for them to make 10 nuclear weapons. How is it that Obama gets all this enormous power to act unilaterally during his final days?

 1/6/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Steve Kastenbaum calls in to give us the latest on the shooting in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Esteban Santiago, a former Puerto Rican National Guardsman, killed 5 and wounded 8 others. Santiago retrieved his firearm from his checked bag and then began opening fire on the victims. He had refused mental health treatment in the past. The lives of these victims’ families have been ruined forever. After that, James Rosen calls in to talk about the intelligence report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. What did the Obama administration do to prevent the Russian hacking? If protecting an American election is key—and it is absolutely key—then what effective steps did Obama take to deter the cyberwarfare? Obama and the Democrats have been whining for months now about the Russians helping Donald Trump win the presidency, yet they still refuse to look themselves in the mirror and acknowledge their own faults. Vladimir Putin is our enemy - he’s threatening the West, had cyber-attacks done against America and wants to make Russia Great again. If we are to put America first, why embrace Putin? There should be no love from Americans for him. Finally, Bill Gertz calls in to talk about his book, iWar:War and Peace in the Information Age.

 1/6/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Steve Kastenbaum calls in to give us the latest on the shooting in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Esteban Santiago, a former Puerto Rican National Guardsman, killed 5 and wounded 8 others. Santiago retrieved his firearm from his checked bag and then began opening fire on the victims. He had refused mental health treatment in the past. The lives of these victims’ families have been ruined forever. After that, James Rosen calls in to talk about the intelligence report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. What did the Obama administration do to prevent the Russian hacking? If protecting an American election is key—and it is absolutely key—then what effective steps did Obama take to deter the cyberwarfare? Obama and the Democrats have been whining for months now about the Russians helping Donald Trump win the presidency, yet they still refuse to look themselves in the mirror and acknowledge their own faults. Vladimir Putin is our enemy - he’s threatening the West, had cyber-attacks done against America and wants to make Russia Great again. If we are to put America first, why embrace Putin? There should be no love from Americans for him. Finally, Bill Gertz calls in to talk about his book, iWar:War and Peace in the Information Age.

 1/5/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

the absolute horrific racist attack on a developmentally disabled man in Chicago is the latest example of the collapsing of the civil society in Chicago under Democratic policies. Where's President Obama, Loretta Lynch, or the civil rights division on this? Why aren’t they speaking out? To get a comment of disgust and outrage out of Obama is like pulling teeth. Obama didn’t pick up the phone to call the young man who was tortured but he did call a professional football player who came out of the closet. Obama will go down in history as the nation’s first African American president, but he leaves us with increased racial tensions, a country economically on its back, and enemies abroad stronger than ever. After that, Catherine Herridge, Fox News’ chief intelligence correspondent calls in to discuss the hearing on the Russian hacking and cyber-attacks. The Russians, Chinese and all enemies of the U.S. have taken advantage of our weakness under the Obama administration.

 1/4/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Senator Chuck Schumer is acting like he’s president of the United States. He has stated that the Democrats will not permit a conservative nominee to the Supreme Court to be confirmed, that they will use the filibuster to prevent President-elect Trump’s nominees indefinitely. So where does that leave the Republicans? Unless and until the phony Republican weak leadership in the Senate get their act together, this will be the state of play. Unless they suspend the filibuster rule, what’s left of the Constitution will be shredded. Will Republicans put the minority party in its place, suspend the filibuster rule, and defend the Constitution by confirming a conservative to the court? Or will Schumer’s refusal to comply with the elected majority push Mitch McConnell to surrender Antonin Scalia’s seat? In addition, the Republicans have had seven years to figure out what they are going to replace Obamacare with. Republicans are going to go on and on about flaws of Obamacare yet don’t provide details of their plan. How about just a little bit of free market insurance? That ought to help. Also, 20 million people have not been added to health insurance coverage. Democrats twist the facts and they are good at it. They care about empowering government and not the people. Many people have fallen out of private healthcare plans because have been employed part time. Employers are forced to employ them part-time because they can’t afford the cost of insurance.

 1/3/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

President Obama is driven by hate and hates Israel like he hates America. Obama and his administration helped draft the anti-Israel UN resolution behind the scenes in the dark ,and then they let the UN vote through. The only friends that Israel has in America are conservatives. John Kerry went on and on about how the Israelis were to blame and that they were putting America at great risk. He’s ignoring history and cherry picking the facts. In addition, Democrats are now organizing for a Trump impeachment and investigation. They are engaging in guerilla tactics on Capitol Hill. Later, if you are going to create an environment that prevents trade, not only will you destroy jobs, you destroy the economy. You can’t tariff your way into prosperity. Also, former Ambassador John Bolton calls in to talk to Mark about Russia, Israel and defunding the UN. Finally, Daniel Horowitz calls in and tells Mark that he’s hearing that Congress will not repeal Obamacare, they will repeal the funding mechanisms only. Congress will keep the heart and soul of Obamacare which will now be Obamacare light.

 1/2/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

Dan Bongino, Contributing Editor at Conservative Review fills in for Mark. Some think that everything is still good in America since President Obama has been in office, but that's not true. There's not one successful policy which Obama has pursued that has worked out for America. Even GDP under Obama is not half of the GDP during Jimmy Carter's administration. Prior to Obama, every postwar president had overseen annual growth over 4% or more within 3 years of any recession during their terms. The statistics proving Obama's failed legacy are substantial, yet the media will continue to promote failed leftist policies. In addition, Obama and the EPA have changed the report about fracking polluting water. Their original position was that fracking has little effect on the water supply. The government changes the narrative when they want to. Later, Michael Grunwald claims that crime has fallen to historic lows during Obama’s term. The Democrats are just cherry-picking data. A DOJ report recently said that there has been a big spike in crimes in 10 of America's big cities. Liberals criticized the police and the consequence have been that the officers have backed off a bit.

 12/30/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

On Friday’s Mark Levin show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin and wish you a very Happy New Year! Senator Ted Kennedy once tried to interfere with President Ronald Reagan’s reelection in 1984. He had selfish motives and was terribly misguided for seeing Reagan as a greater threat than the Soviet Union. Kennedy made overtures to top soviet officials and suggested that he would organize favorable American press coverage for the Russians. The Democrats are disgusting. President–Elect Donald Trump and his team should revisit KGB correspondence and realize that they shouldn’t be friends with the Russians. Later, China is on the move, having seized a U.S. underwater drone in the South China Sea. And there are members of the Republican party, the Code Pink Republicans, that would appease the Chinese in the face of this aggression. The appeasement, isolationism, passivity in the face of evil results in more provocations as China continues to test the outside limits of what it is that they want to do. On the one hand, there are voices pushing to avoid conflict with the Chinese. On the other hand, there are Establishment and pro-Putin Republicans pushing for the nomination of Rex Tillerson as secretary of State, a man who is soft on Putin. The Republican party seems to be going soft on our enemies. Rex may be a businessman but he is the wrong businessman. He is grave threat to the nation of Israel, believes in the Paris Climate Accord, and is weak on abortion and gay marriage.

 12/29/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6593

On Thursday's Mark Levin show, Dan Bongino, Contributing Editor at Conservative Review fills in for Mark. The media is trying to preserve the idea that big government is a benevolent force, yet can’t come up with any proof of its success. The media wants people to think President Obama can do no wrong and that liberalism and big government are great. One failure of big government is in regards to Operation Choke Point, where the Obama Administration exerted pressure on banks not to give money to ammunition stores and others. Obama pressured banks using the monopoly power of federal regulators. In addition, the government can’t even take care of the nation’s veterans properly, yet the media continues to cover for them. If the VA healthcare system collapses, the whole liberal ethos goes with it. After that, the Constitution doesn’t protect you if the people in power don’t care about it. The Legislative powers are vested in the Congress, but time and again Obama has legislated through executive order and through government agencies. This is unconstitutional but can only stop with the right people in office. This is why it is good that President-Elect Donald Trump was elected over Hillary Clinton.

 12/28/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

On Wednesday's Mark Levin show, Dan Bongino, Contributing Editor at Conservative Review fills in for Mark. The Obama Administration is completely unhinged over Israel. This is a disgrace and embarrassment to our country that we have destroyed our relationship with Israel. President Obama will be remembered for his terrible domestic policy but may be more noted for his even worse foreign policy. If you think that Israel is the problem in the world, you are wrong. Israel is under attack from every direction and should not be held to a standard that no other country in the world is held to. Also, Israel is not an apartheid state where Arabs are persecuted. On the contrary, Arabs can vote and serve in the military there. In addition, what is the point of having the UN, an organization that hates the U.S. and attacks Israel our only democratic ally in the Middle East? Later, Mike Lee calls in to talk about Israel and federal landholdings. Federal landholdings in Utah are keeping people in Utah’s poorest county from prospering. Finally, why can’t all the world’s brightest economists sit down and agree on some basic facts? They should all be able to agree that government stimulus of the economy does not work. According to Thomas Sowell, free markets are the most powerful way to distribute knowledge.

 12/27/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6591

On Tuesday's Mark Levin show, Katie Pavlich, Fox News Contributor and Editor of Townhall fills in for Mark. President Obama is denying reports that he and his Administration had anything to do with the UN resolution demanding Israel give up the West Bank and other territory. Obama took this issue up directly with UN Security Council despite claiming he and his administration didn’t. Obama and his administration had a lot to do with it and will get caught in their lies. In addition, the U.S. abstained from vetoing the UN resolution and has failed to protect Israel as it has traditionally done. Israel’s borders are necessary to keeping their national security. After that, the Obama coalition in 2012 was not willing to come out for Hillary in 2016. People were tired of Obama's legacy and wanted a change. Democrats have lost 1, 030 seats since 2009 and have been devastated in elections on the state and national levels. They have a long way to go to rebuild their party. Later, Obama has appointed Debo Adegbile to a six year post on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Adegbile defended Mumia Abdul-Jamal who murdered police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. Adegbile’s appointment will further solidify President Obama’s anti police record and position.

 12/26/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

We bring you the best of Mark Levin. Leftist cities around the country, with the support of the Democratic Party and President Obama, are nullifying federal immigration law by stating that they will not cooperate with law enforcement agencies in enforcing immigration. They are behaving like Civil War-era pro-slavery states. By refusing to follow the law these Confederation cities and states are lawless. If confirmed Attorney General, Jeff Sessions should go into federal court and seek a court order compelling states to comply with federal law and enforce immigration law. If nullification is the new norm then it’s a new game. The left has far more to lose from nullification than anyone else. The left is all about Federal regulations and imposing their will on states and local communities. If they can nullify Federal Law than any other state can as well. After that, there’s nothing new about President Elect Trump’s plan to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure. FDR, LBJ, Woodrow Wilson, Ike Eisenhower and President Obama have all spent like crazy. The money won’t even go to repairing roads or bridges but to new projects that the government comes up with

 12/23/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rwind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

On Friday’s Mark Levin show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin and wish you a very Merry Christmas! When it comes to President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet, it’s make the Establishment and Goldman Sachs great again. With the nomination of Elaine Chao, the wife of Sen. Mitch McConnell, for Secretary of Transportation and Steven Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs employee, for Treasury Secretary, it’s quite obvious that Trump and the Republican Establishment are now partners. This is not Trump draining the swamp, this is the swamp draining Trump. Conservatives need to be more vigilant than ever. Has anyone seen any Sen Ted Cruz supporters nominated for cabinet positions? Trump hasn’t had a good appointment since Mike Flynn, Jeff Sessions, and Mike Pompeo. At the end of the day personnel is policy. Without principled and loyal cabinet secretaries the Trump administration is putting itself in a failing position. After that, there is no mandate for populism, nationalism, and big government who picks winners and losers. . It was conservatives near the end who decided the winner of this election; we were the neithers. Later, Kellyanne Conway said the Trump election was a landslide. This is not the case as Trump is 44th in a line of presidents who won the Electoral College. He won 56.9% of the Electoral College and this is not a landslide by any historical measure.

 12/22/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6591

On Thursday's Mark Levin show, Ben Shapiro of KRLA in Los Angeles fills in for Mark. The lefts’ reaction to President-Elect Donald Trump’s election is insane. A Brooklyn lawyer was escorted off a plane for accosting Ivanka Trump and her kids, complaining that she was on his flight and yelling at her. This is just the latest in the left’s mass hysteria over the election of Trump. The left has no values and is more concerned about virtue signaling than real virtue. After that, ISIS is targeting churches in the U.S. to commit terror attacks during Christmas. Even if this did happen, President Obama wouldn’t’ call it a terror attack. Now Obama is more concerned about religiously discriminating against Muslims than he is about American safety. He is scrapping a registry program that was used during his time in office, because he is afraid that Trump will reinvigorate it. Later, Trump and his team are mulling a 10% tariff on imports. They want to do this either through an executive order or through a tax reform package. Tariffs are the definition of crony capitalism. They are a regressive tax which hurts poor people the most.


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