12/22/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Thursday's Mark Levin show, Ben Shapiro of KRLA in Los Angeles fills in for Mark. The lefts’ reaction to President-Elect Donald Trump’s election is insane. A Brooklyn lawyer was escorted off a plane for accosting Ivanka Trump and her kids, complaining that she was on his flight and yelling at her. This is just the latest in the left’s mass hysteria over the election of Trump. The left has no values and is more concerned about virtue signaling than real virtue. After that, ISIS is targeting churches in the U.S. to commit terror attacks during Christmas. Even if this did happen, President Obama wouldn’t’ call it a terror attack. Now Obama is more concerned about religiously discriminating against Muslims than he is about American safety. He is scrapping a registry program that was used during his time in office, because he is afraid that Trump will reinvigorate it. Later, Trump and his team are mulling a 10% tariff on imports. They want to do this either through an executive order or through a tax reform package. Tariffs are the definition of crony capitalism. They are a regressive tax which hurts poor people the most.