1/4/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Senator Chuck Schumer is acting like he’s president of the United States. He has stated that the Democrats will not permit a conservative nominee to the Supreme Court to be confirmed, that they will use the filibuster to prevent President-elect Trump’s nominees indefinitely. So where does that leave the Republicans? Unless and until the phony Republican weak leadership in the Senate get their act together, this will be the state of play. Unless they suspend the filibuster rule, what’s left of the Constitution will be shredded. Will Republicans put the minority party in its place, suspend the filibuster rule, and defend the Constitution by confirming a conservative to the court? Or will Schumer’s refusal to comply with the elected majority push Mitch McConnell to surrender Antonin Scalia’s seat? In addition, the Republicans have had seven years to figure out what they are going to replace Obamacare with. Republicans are going to go on and on about flaws of Obamacare yet don’t provide details of their plan. How about just a little bit of free market insurance? That ought to help. Also, 20 million people have not been added to health insurance coverage. Democrats twist the facts and they are good at it. They care about empowering government and not the people. Many people have fallen out of private healthcare plans because have been employed part time. Employers are forced to employ them part-time because they can’t afford the cost of insurance.