1/10/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Sen Jeff Sessions is hit it out of the park at his confirmation hearing on Tuesday in D.C. The Democrats haven’t laid a glove on him. Sessions has been very solid and has been able to move from one attempted smear to another. He comes across as an extremely likable guy unlike Sen Al Franken. In addition, Sen Cory Booker is testifying against Sessions in an unprecedented move where a Senate colleague testifies against a fellow Senator. Booker is a lightweight and is being hypocritical. It wasn’t long ago, last year, that Booker and Sessions gave a civil rights award together and Booker praised Sessions. Booker didn’t mind standing on the stage with Jeff Sessions or praising him then, but now he has so much contempt for Sessions. After that, Sen Patrick Leahy grills Sessions on sexual assault to try to attack President-Elect Donald Trump. Yet where was Leahy when Bill Clinton was in office? Leahy and other liberals don’t stand for women. Finally, Senator Ted Cruz calls in to defend Jeff Sessions against the Democrats baseless attacks and accusations and President Obama’s attack on Israel.