12/27/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Tuesday's Mark Levin show, Katie Pavlich, Fox News Contributor and Editor of Townhall fills in for Mark. President Obama is denying reports that he and his Administration had anything to do with the UN resolution demanding Israel give up the West Bank and other territory. Obama took this issue up directly with UN Security Council despite claiming he and his administration didn’t. Obama and his administration had a lot to do with it and will get caught in their lies. In addition, the U.S. abstained from vetoing the UN resolution and has failed to protect Israel as it has traditionally done. Israel’s borders are necessary to keeping their national security. After that, the Obama coalition in 2012 was not willing to come out for Hillary in 2016. People were tired of Obama's legacy and wanted a change. Democrats have lost 1, 030 seats since 2009 and have been devastated in elections on the state and national levels. They have a long way to go to rebuild their party. Later, Obama has appointed Debo Adegbile to a six year post on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Adegbile defended Mumia Abdul-Jamal who murdered police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. Adegbile’s appointment will further solidify President Obama’s anti police record and position.