1/18/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The Republicans and people like Sen Mitch McConnell never learn. They think they are going to buy peace with the Democrats. Radical leftists like Bernie Sanders are demanding that President-Elect Donald Trump’s nominees agree with their left wing agenda, especially when it comes to climate change and healthcare. Sanders is an old time Marxist who believes that healthcare is a right. It can’t be a right because rights are not something recipients get as a matter of government dictate and because you have other human beings involved. What’re you gonna do, enslave them? Force them to service that right? Just ask veterans if their rights and government controlled, Soviet-style healthcare is being serviced properly. After that, President Obama is calling the Netanyahu government in Israel right wing. Benjamin Netanyahu is no right winger but is a solid conservative who believes in defending his country unlike Obama. Obama is saying that Israel can’t be both Jewish and Democratic and wants Israel to cede part of its territory to the Palestinians. What country gives territory back? This is absolute insanity. Finally, the populist nationalists say we ought to work with leftist Democrats. However what we really need to do is defeat them. Whether it is slavery, Jim Crow, Communism or Social Security, the Democrat Party is an extremely destructive party. The Democrat party for the most part has been a very evil party. 150 years ago the Democrat Party was the most powerful force for slavery. 80 years ago the most powerful force for the KKK and nearly 50 years ago there were Democrats who opposed the emancipation of black people. In 1964, the Republicans in the minority carried the Voting Rights Act across the finish line.