12/12/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: There seems to be this idea that if you don’t embrace Vladimir Putin, you are on Hillary Clinton’s team. Democrats are making it very hard for those of us who know Putin to be the enemy, because they see this as an opportunity to delegitimize President-elect Donald Trump’s win. People didn’t vote for Trump because they were persuaded with some leak by the Russians. When Trump becomes President he should appoint a blue ribbon committee of experts to help track this cyber espionage down. Of course, it doesn’t help that Trump’s expected secretary of state pick, Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson, is a good friend of Putin’s. It appears no one is coming out of this fiasco looking good. In addition, many of Trump’s high appointments don’t believe in free markets anymore. If you believe in making America great again you can’t believe in climate change. After that, what is this white power movement the left keeps talking about? If there is a white power movement wouldn’t we know about it? There is no serious substantial movement, and there is no systemic oppression of minorities in America. White supremacy only comes up because of President Obama and the racialism of the left.