12/1/16-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: It appears that President-elect Donald Trump has a pen and a phone too. The president doesn’t have the power to control the economy and businesses, yet Trump wants to punish businesses who want to move overseas. This is a statist move that is in the mold of FDR, Herbert Hoover and Woodrow Wilson. If a president can browbeat a company like Carrier, than he can browbeat anyone. This attack on the private sector is not something that we as conservatives should support. On one hand the Trump administration wants to unleash the economy but on the other hand they want to use the iron fist to control it. Later, General James Mattis would be an excellent choice for Defense Secretary. The big question is the State Department. Do we want a mush as Secretary of State like Mitt Romney or Gen David Petraeus who doesn’t have a good understanding of foreign policy? Then we have Rudy Giuliani and John Bolton. Bolton will control the bureaucracy and has a solid understanding of foreign policy. He is the stand out choice for Secretary of State.