12/20/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Tuesday's Mark Levin show, Bill Cunningham of WLW in Cincinnati, Ohio fills in for Mark. President Bill Clinton is blaming Hillary Clinton’s loss on Russia and James Comey. This sounds like fake news, yet the mainstream media is the real producer of such news. The real fake news was hands up don’t shoot and the story surrounding police officer Darren Wilson’s shooting of Michael Brown. The FBI and DOJ wanted to prove that Wilson murdered Brown because it fit their diatribe. The real fake news is Hillary and President Obama blaming Benghazi on a YouTube video. Did the media ever go back and correct this? No. In addition, when Hillary ran for office in 2008 and 2016 she was heir apparent. Hillary had two of the most winnable elections in the world and yet could not win. The Electors voted on Monday and Hillary lost again. America did not want a third Obama term. Later, Laura Bush gave interviews going out the door in 2008. How would the media have treated her if she went after President-elect Obama? Obviously, the media would have played it very differently than how they treat Michelle Obama for taking shots at President-Elect Donald Trump.