Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 7/26/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Communist flags flew at the Democratic National Convention and there is no conservative outrage. Communism killed 100 million people and it’s not the lead headline on TV. Will conservatives stand up to the far left and defend capitalism against communism? Defend freedom against statism? After that, even Franklin Roosevelt, as left as he was, fought the radical elements in the Democrat Party, as did Harry Truman and JFK. Now those radical elements within the Democrat Party are in control of it. Later, Hillary Clinton has officially been nominated as the Democratic presidential nominee. Couldn’t we do any better for the first woman nominated? Hillary is no Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir. This much is clear. The irony is that if it were a Republican woman to be a presidential nominee the left would brutally attack her,

 7/25/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The Republicans are now sympathizing with Marxist Bernie Sanders on this DNC e-mail leak, while trashing Conservative Ted Cruz. What Sanders is peddling is Communism and people are buying into it. People seem to have forgotten his evil and dangerous policies that would destroy America. Donald Trump doesn’t have to support Sander’s positions to win over blue collar Democrats. Also, history will show that Reince Priebus, Paul Manafort and Bob Dole former staffers are aligned and conservatives are once again left out in the dark. After that, Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine is no moderate. He is liberal and has Islamist ties, has received donations from Islamist groups and even appointed a Hamas supporter, Esam Omeish to Virginia’s immigration commission when he was governor.

 7/22/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

A gunman opened fire and killed several people in Munich, Germany. A man thought to be the only gunman is thought to have shot himself after the attack at a McDonald’s and a shopping mall. After that, Donald Trump’s continued attacks on Ted Cruz’s family are going to elect Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are on the move and more organized than the Republicans and Trump is spending time attacking a primary opponent he already defeated? The primary is over. It’s time to beat the Democrats. Also, it’s finally official, Hillary Clinton chooses Sen Tim Kaine as her VP pick, another white male. Later, through WikiLeaks, there is now proof that Politico is connected with the Democrat Party and shares Democrat beliefs and bias. Their senior reporter, Ken Vogel has been colluding with the DNC. Finally, Dinesh D’Souza calls in to talk about his new film, which is in theaters now, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.

 7/21/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Sen. Ted Cruz told Donald Trump days in advance that he would not endorse him, and Trump's team had already read the speech hours before Cruz took the stage. Now Trump and his surrogates are whining that Cruz broke his pledge! Is that the same pledge that Trump already voided months ago? This is phony drama and if Trump loses, this may well be the moment that sealed his fate. Trump’s surrogates are continuing to divide the party again over this issue. Trump needs conservatives, but for some reason he doesn't seem to want them. The burden to unify is on him. In addition, the Republican establishment has hijacked this Trump campaign and because of that Reince Priebus is more powerful than ever, the Bob Dole crowd is back in town, and Paul Manafort is resurrected. Later, NATO exists to protect us and Europe and exists in the hope that we wouldn’t have to send our troops overseas to deal with threats. Donald Trump’s manner of dealing with NATO is an extreme form of isolationism.

 7/20/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Gov. Chris Christie, the pseudo-conservative media and others are demanding that Sen Ted Cruz endorse the man who insulted his wife and father for president. Would anyone honor a pledge to a man who had impugned his wife’s honor and viciously attacked her looks. Doesn’t family come before pledges? Reagan biographer Craig Shirley called in and explained that Ronald Reagan had such strong feelings about Gerald Ford’s behavior that he didn’t endorse Ford during the 1976 Republican convention. As conservatives we don’t need people bullying us around and telling us who to support. Also, if Trump wants to win this Presidency, he needs to reach out to conservatives and stop trying to get Bernie Sanders supporters. After that, 40 years ago Paul Manafort was a deputy campaign manager for Gerald Ford. The same man who helped Gerald Ford stop Ronald Reagan has helped Trump stop Ted Cruz.

 7/19/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The roll call vote at the Republican Convention commenced on Tuesday with Donald Trump receiving enough votes to claim the Republican Party presidential nomination. We have a candidate who ran as an establishment outsider and fairly recent Republican. He is not a conservative but claims to no longer be a liberal and is left of the party on marriage and abortion. Trump really needs to work to unify the Republican Party, because there is great division within. The Republican surrogates are telling us everything is united and fine, but that’s not true. We conservatives need to influence Trump on his policy! Also, the attacks on Melania Trump are disgusting. Did they attack Michele Obama the same way? The difference between Melania and Michelle is that one loves the country and the other doesn’t. After that, Dan Bongino, running for Congress in Florida’s 19th District, calls in to talk about early voting and how he’ll become a member of the freedom caucus if elected.

 7/18/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Reince Priebus and the Republican National Committee establishment figures silenced conservatives at the RNC convention to seize unprecedented power. The RNC shut down demands from delegates to call for a roll call vote on the adoption of the rules that empower the RNC establishment against conservatives and grassroots activists. We now have an alliance against grassroots, tea party conservatives and these delegates were not simply anti-Trump, as the main-stream media has been reporting. The establishment scored a major victory against conservatives and this victory comes at the expense of party unity. Not enough has been done to unite the Republican Party and conservative base. Sen Mike Lee calls in to talk about how the RNC shut down of conservatives desire to have a vote on the rules. Those who shut down the debate were calling for unity, but they ended up causing more division. The people running the convention need to apologize to the delegates. After that, in two weeks’ time, 8 police officers were assassinated in cold blood. These police officers were murdered by black separatists who are at war with America. President Obama condemns the violence but will not condemn the perpetrators. Obama’s inflammatory and irresponsible rhetoric, combined with that of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, has contributed to the hate of America, law enforcement, and cops in particular.

 7/15/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6593

On Friday’s Mark Levin show, we pay tribute to a true radio legend, WCBM’s own Tom Marr. We replay his final appearance filling in for Mark on June 8, 2016. The Islamists have struck again with another terror attack in Tel Aviv, Israel. Four innocent people were killed, one shooter was arrested and the other was wounded. This shows that terrorists can’t be negotiated with and need to be dealt with. In addition, we keep hearing that ISIS is losing, but the facts suggest otherwise. The Islamic State is currently the main threat against the U.S. according to the FBI which currently has at least 1,000 ISIS related cases open. After that, the Iran Nuclear Deal is the worst agreement ever. The only reason it got through was because of Sens. Bob Corker and Ben Cardin. The whole thing is unpatriotic and Donald Trump should keep in mind Corker’s role in getting the Iran Deal approved. Finally, Betsy McCaughey calls in to talk about the Zika Virus and its effects.

 7/14/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Another terrorist attack has hit, this time in the city of Nice, France. A truck plowed into a crowd on Bastille Day, the driver jumped out, started to open fire with a gun and was killed by police. So far the death toll is 75 with many people wounded. The governments in Europe are utterly irresponsible in letting Syrian refugees in. This is why we are fed up with President Obama, both he and the Democrats keep saying we have to take in Syrian refugees. The problem is, if we bring in more and more refugees, more Americans will die because we have no way of knowing who they are. No politician in the 1930s would have brought in refugees like this. This is not about reflection or soul searching, but destroying the enemy and giving the police and first responders the backup they need to deal with the terror threat. Also, Gov. Mike Pence was the best choice out of Trump’s VP candidates.

 7/13/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

On Wednesday's Mark Levin show, Ruth Bader Ginsburg should resign from the Supreme Court or be impeached for her repeated political comments against Donald Trump. This is an attempt by Ginsburg to campaign openly for Hillary Clinton. What she has done is in clear violation of Canon 5. She is representative of the unlawful judicial oligarchy that is present in America today. After that, the draft the Republican Party put forward for its platform is solidly conservative. It is conservative on social/cultural issues, free market capitalism and trade. In addition the RNC platform rejects the Supreme Court decisions on same sex marriage and abortion. It’s as if Ted Cruz himself and his delegates wrote the platform. Now the question is, will Donald Trump support it? After that, the Democratic Party should apologize for its own sorry history. In the past the Democrat Party fought for slavery, opposed civil rights amendments, and supported segregation. We don’t need lectures from Hillary Clinton about Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party because her party was on the wrong side of the race issue. Later, Donald Trump doesn’t mind not having Republican control of Senate and is willing to be a free agent. If Trump has a Democrat controlled Senate while he is in power, how is he going to nominate a conservative Supreme Court Justice? Trump needs to show that he cares about down ballot opportunities and be willing to help Republicans take the Senate. Finally, Dave Brat calls in to discuss his new book, American Underdog: Proof That Principles Matter.

 7/12/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, President Obama’s speech at the Dallas memorial for the killed police officers was all about him and his agenda. He is a nihilist, extremist who’s engaging in race baiting. It is an absolute disgrace and incredibly painful that Obama would disrespect the dead police officers, their families and the Dallas police department. In addition, if Obama took a different route, he would be a leader in Black Lives Matter and marching alongside radicals like Jeremiah Wright and Bill Aires. After that, Donald Trump surrogates have made three arguments for Trump - elect Trump to stop Hillary, prevent her from becoming a third term of Obama, and secure the future of the Supreme Court. However Trump doesn’t give any affirmative reasons to pick him based on policy. His position on abortion is muddled, his position on same sex marriage is silence, and it is not clear where he stands on issues such as foreign policy and the military. If Hillary Clinton wins this election it’s because Republicans nominated the wrong person. It won’t be because the system is rigged or a thousand other excuses. Later, last time we had people that were as extreme as Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton was before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Hillary and Sanders are like Lenin and Trotsky standing side by side.

 7/11/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

On Monday's Mark Levin show, the Black Lives Matter movement is a violent Saul Alinsky-inspired movement. While many of the individuals associated with BLM may genuinely be just angered and frustrated people, the ideological foundation of the movement is about class warfare, not race. President Obama considered Alinsky a mentor and adheres to his principles. This can be seen in the way Obama projects radicalism and the violent attitude of BLM onto legitimate efforts that sought to improve the work of the Founders. He compares the BLM movement to the women’s suffrage movement and the civil rights movements. BLM is a violent movement filled with malcontents who attack liberty, security and stability. Obama glamorizes their hate filled signs and violence, which is anti-cop, anti-American, and anti-Semitic. He won’t denounce them and is responsible for the heightened racial tensions in our country. Later, General Michael Flynn and Michael Ledeen call in to discuss their new book “The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies.”

 7/8/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6712

The shooting of police officers in Dallas, Texas on Thursday night shows that there is a war on the cops. Out of the 12 officers shot in Dallas, 5 were killed. The police in our country are under attack. This is an attack on law and order and you can’t have a country without law and order. After that, Sheriff David Clarke calls in to discuss the shooting of police in Dallas. Later, Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute calls in to talk about her new book, “The War on Cops” and how policing is data driven. In addition, Obama refuses to respect officers and acknowledge when they save black lives. Police are the solution not the problem. Also, President Obama has no concept of the greatness of America or appreciation of our nation. America under his presidency is more divided than ever before and especially when it comes to race relations. Obama is the anti-Abraham Lincoln and the race baiter in the Oval office. Finally, John Lott calls in to discuss the 2nd Amendment and his book, “The War on Guns”.

 7/7/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6772

FBI Director, James Comey was the biggest politician in the room at the Congressional hearing on Thursday. Does Comey understand the law or pretend that he doesn’t get it? Comey should realize that determining intent doesn’t require a confession, but includes looking at the circumstances and the facts. Also, former DOJ official, J Christian Adams calls in to discuss the FBI verdict on the Hillary email scandal. According to Adams, Americans should worry more about how the Department of Justice is handling the Hillary email case than James Comey. In the end, the decision not to bring up charges on Hillary was a Loretta Lynch and Department of Justice decision. After that, there were ugly police shootings recently in Louisiana and Minnesota. We need to get the facts on these shootings before drawing a conclusion. If those officers did commit wrongdoing then they need to be prosecuted but we need more facts. In addition, why does dealing with these police shootings always have to about politics, gun control, and President Obama? Also, the Donald Trump campaign numbers indicate that 700 delegates do not support Trump. The Trump campaign is now concerned about a delegate uprising. Finally, it’s with a heavy heart to announce the passing of a true patriot, WCBM’s own Tom Marr. He will be greatly missed. Rest in peace.

 7/6/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The Republican Party has become the party of Herbert Hoover, protectionism and big central government. President Herbert Hoover signed the Smoot Hawley tariff and ignited an international trade war. Hoover’s efforts to minimize the damage imposed by Smoot-Hawley resulted in a monumental disaster. Americans need to ask themselves if they believe in capitalism or not. Massive tariffs don’t encourage free markets or lead to economic growth. Economics is based on supply and demand and based on choice, not protectionism. When did protectionism ever create jobs? Free markets create more economic wealth than any other system. After that, imagine what would be possible if we had a new 8 years of Reagan economic policies. Instead we have President Obama, the anti-Reagan, in office and the Republican Whigs who are crony capitalists. Finally, Trump’s VP choices are now coming down to Newt Gingrich and Governor Mike Pence, of Indiana. It will likely come down to Mike Pence as he has the conservative credentials, so he would be a solid choice.


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