7/22/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: A gunman opened fire and killed several people in Munich, Germany. A man thought to be the only gunman is thought to have shot himself after the attack at a McDonald’s and a shopping mall. After that, Donald Trump’s continued attacks on Ted Cruz’s family are going to elect Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are on the move and more organized than the Republicans and Trump is spending time attacking a primary opponent he already defeated? The primary is over. It’s time to beat the Democrats. Also, it’s finally official, Hillary Clinton chooses Sen Tim Kaine as her VP pick, another white male. Later, through WikiLeaks, there is now proof that Politico is connected with the Democrat Party and shares Democrat beliefs and bias. Their senior reporter, Ken Vogel has been colluding with the DNC. Finally, Dinesh D’Souza calls in to talk about his new film, which is in theaters now, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.