7/21/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Sen. Ted Cruz told Donald Trump days in advance that he would not endorse him, and Trump's team had already read the speech hours before Cruz took the stage. Now Trump and his surrogates are whining that Cruz broke his pledge! Is that the same pledge that Trump already voided months ago? This is phony drama and if Trump loses, this may well be the moment that sealed his fate. Trump’s surrogates are continuing to divide the party again over this issue. Trump needs conservatives, but for some reason he doesn't seem to want them. The burden to unify is on him. In addition, the Republican establishment has hijacked this Trump campaign and because of that Reince Priebus is more powerful than ever, the Bob Dole crowd is back in town, and Paul Manafort is resurrected. Later, NATO exists to protect us and Europe and exists in the hope that we wouldn’t have to send our troops overseas to deal with threats. Donald Trump’s manner of dealing with NATO is an extreme form of isolationism.