Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 5/24/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

President Obama is overseas, in Communist Vietnam, apologizing for America again. How dare this man go into Vietnam, with its political prisoners and trash America, he is sick! Obama hates America; is it too much for Republicans to stand up and call him out on it? This is what Donald Trump and Republicans should confront, not religigate President Clinton’s past. You can bring up his past all you want but it’s not going to be effective. In addition, it’s not up to conservatives to get in line behind a candidate just because he is the nominee. It’s the responsibility of the candidate to persuade us to follow him. Finally, Congressman Jim Jordan from Ohio calls in to discuss his case for impeaching the IRS Commissioner, John Koskinen, for ignoring subpoenas and lying to Congress under oath about the IRS involvement in the targeting of conservative groups.

 5/23/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

An innocent man, Officer Edward Nero, was declared innocent in a phony case in the death of Freedie Gray in Baltimore. Why isn’t there wall to wall coverage for his acquittal like there was a year ago when Freddie Gray died in police custody. Where does Nero go now to get his reputation back? After that, Hillary Clinton has made a lot of money giving speeches. She touts redistributing wealth and other Marxist policies in public yet does differently in private. In addition, Donald Trump is going to have a hard time calling Hillary out for her money making on speeches if he doesn’t release his tax returns. He ought to release his tax returns and Hillary ought to release her speech transcripts. Later, the reason we can’t put an end to poor race relations is because of people like Dr. Lawrence Brown. Brown claims that the system of policing is based on slave patrols. Those like Brown who claim that the justice system is at fault when it comes to mass incarceration and being racist need to present evidence, but they won’t and can’t.

 5/20/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5897

Dan Bongino, Contributing Editor at Conservative Review, fills in for Mark. Conservatives are tired of being sold out by the GOP. When it comes to the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulation, there was a clear cut effort by Senate conservatives to stop it. However, some Republicans decided to sell out and join with the Democrats in tabling an amendment that would have stopped the AFFH and voted in favor of Susan Collin’s amendment. The Collins amendment is ineffective and does nothing more but protect those who are responsible for supporting and promoting AFFH. In addition, the AFFH is nothing more than a power play by Democrats to dilute Republican influence in the higher income areas, the suburbs, and the country.

 5/19/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The Republicans in the Senate under Sen Mitch McConnell have once again betrayed conservatives in their vote on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) amendments and their war on the suburbs. Instead of voting for the Sen Mike Lee amendment, many Republicans crossed over to vote with the Democrats in favor of the phony Sen Susan Collins Amendment which enabled the Democrats. The Collins Amendment is ineffective at stopping President Obama and his agenda. Mike Lee would have stopped the AFFH from taking effect. Senator Lee was trying to stop HUD from abusing a federal statute but his colleagues voted him down. This is absolutely shocking that Republicans would join in Obama’s war on the suburbs. This shows that having a Republican Congress, full of liberals, is worse than having a smaller conference full of conservatives. We are now expected to comply with HUD’s lawlessness while our leaders don’t have to comply with anything. Later, Bernie Sanders is a true Marxist; Hugo Chavez with a suit and a tie. Now, if elected President, Sanders is committed to pardoning Oscar Lopez a domestic terrorist in Puerto Rico. Finally, Dr. Kelli Ward, candidate for U.S. Senate in Arizona calls in to discuss her run against Sen John McCain, who voted against Mike Lee’s AFFH amendment.

 5/18/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Donald Trump released a list of names of judges he is supposedly considering for the Supreme Court. This is a very good list, but how do we know that Trump won’t flip flop on this if elected? And will he fight for his nominees or is he just attempting to placate conservatives? Carrie Severino, Chief Council & Policy Director for Judicial Crisis Network, calls in to discuss each nominee’s qualifications. After that, a security guard was charged with assault after having a confrontation with a transgender person trying to use the women’s rest room. The confrontation escalated to pushing and shoving and he was arrested. Now the media is playing along with this idiocy. A month ago he would have been lauded, but today he is considered by liberals to be a segregationist. In addition, Trump surrogates are upset with conservatives who want to meet with Mark Zuckerberg, yet run to Trump’s defense for wanting to meet with Kim Jong Un, leader of North Korea. They seem to forget that some people you don’t just meet with, but have to defeat. Also, we are not going to pressure China into stopping North Korea with a phone call, like Trump says. We need to muscle up our military and show them that we mean business.

 5/17/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

President Obama has done a great job fundamentally transforming the country. Big government and its regulations are constantly pummeling free enterprise. The leftists have effectively seized control of the government and under Obama have taken control of our schools, suburbs, economy, and bathrooms. Conservatives have to be firmer than ever before in fighting the left and others like the populists and Republican Whigs under Sen. Mitch McConnell. The only way to stop the runaway government and its proponents is to embrace the Constitution and Article V. Later, Sen. Mike Lee calls in to talk about HUD moving people in lower income communities into more wealthy communities. Under the Affirmative Further Fair Housing (AFFH) rule, they are forcing communities to provide affordable housing or threaten to withhold federal funding. Finally, it’s amazing that Bernie Sanders, a Marxist, has won about 20 states. Doesn’t that give you pause? If he had his way, America will become Venezuela, and then we will have equal misery.

 5/16/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

President Obama and his administration are withholding details regarding the holding of U.S. sailors by Iran early this year. The details regarding the sailors’ abduction are likely to cause uproar among Americans and will shock the nation. Instead of trying to appease Iran, America needs to be willing to use force to defend its interests. After that, the effort to trash Ronald Reagan and project Trump on top of him is hard to understand and just plain wrong. No matter how many facts you lay out, Trump’s professional surrogates in the media can’t help themselves. The fact is Trump supporters in the media cannot point to one successful president who used massive tariffs and protectionism. In addition, Justice Clarence Thomas gave an invigorating speech at Hillsdale College. It is a refreshing speech to hear over the many liberal commencement speakers. Like Thomas, conservatives need to be unapologetic patriots, constitutionalists and unapologetic about their beliefs and religion. Finally, President Obama pretends to know it all when in fact he knows nothing. His commencement speech at Rutgers was political through and through. Americans don’t need lectures from this man; he doesn’t hold the moral high ground.

 5/13/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

President Barack Obama and his tyrant administration seek to nationalize our healthcare, suburbs, and now our bathrooms. Now they are threatening to withdraw public schools’ funding if they resist the administrations transgender directive to allow kids who self-identify as the opposite gender to use opposite gender bathrooms. The administration is using Title 9 to justify its actions. However, Title 9 has nothing to do with what a person self-identifies as, but what the person’s gender actually is. In addition, the left is basing a person's gender on what the person thinks they are rather than what they actually are. After that, Sen. Mitch McConnell has used an energy and water appropriations bill to massively increase spending above what Obama requested. He is trying to show us that they can make government work, but all government is doing now is spending more and borrowing more. Later, The Wall Street Journal hates Sen. Ted Cruz and the Tea Party. These propagandists are now defending John Boehner and demanding that conservatives apologize. They are mouthpieces for Republican elites, corporatists and crony capitalists.

 5/12/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Capitalism is the only economic model that is compatible with liberty and the only model that can create a middle class and sustain it. Now, nobody would love it more to kill capitalism than environmental organizations and degrowthers who pretend to be for the environment. As conservatives, we cannot support high taxes, big government regulations and massive tariffs. Big government and progressive degrowth policies are not going to create wealth. Capitalism is how America became the economic powerhouse that it is and it’s the only way to combat these degrowth policies promoted by the liberal Democrats in power and their mouthpieces. Later, national security adviser Susan Rice is now balkanizing by attacking white males. She is saying there are too many whites in high positions at national security agencies. Liberals like her are responsible for turning this nation on its head when it comes to racial unity. Later, Sens. John McCain, Kelly Ayotte and a majority of the Senate now supports drafting women. Battle lines that have been held against progressive policies like this that held for years are now being plowed over.

 5/11/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Newt Gingrich is the leading candidate to be Donald Trump’s running mate. Gingrich was an early defender of Trump and confidant and advisor behind the scenes for him. After that, minimum wages are exactly the wrong way to go if you want to create jobs for American citizens. The minimum wage reduces employment of unskilled workers and will blow out tens of thousands of jobs for teenagers, vital to their development as productive members of society. In addition, the only people hurt by raising the minimum wage is the people who make minimum wage. It’s nothing more than class warfare and propaganda. Wages are determined by supply and demand not the government. Conservatives need to push a liberty agenda to challenge Donald Trump on this issue so that he is not pushed to the left.

 5/10/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The Iran Nuclear deal is the most devastating treaty in modern times. The survivability of the West is at stake with this deal, but the Obama administration doesn’t care. They continue to deceive the American people and their lying is amounting to a scandal worse than Watergate. Sen. Bob Corker was one of the Republicans who surrendered Congress’s treaty making power in the execution of the Iran Deal. Now, Corker is being considered as a vice presidential running mate for Donald Trump, but Trump should keep his distance from this guy. Also, that President Obama is going to visit Hiroshima. Will he stop at Pearl Harbor on his way? Obama has no appreciation for the U.S whatsoever and is just using his position to eviscerate our country and apologize.

 5/9/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Governor Pat McCrory of North Carolina deserves the full support of this country in suing the Department of Justice for its government overreach. McCrory is being threatened by AG Loretta Lynch to give up on the common sense statute that only men should go to the men’s room and only women to the women’s room. Governor McCrory calls in and says that the Human Rights Campaign is pushing the transgender agenda that opposes the common sense bathroom legislation that North Carolina is trying to promote. Americans should remember when liberals used to say they believed in privacy rights and that government should stay out of the bedroom when it came to abortion and contraception issues; yet now they want to get in the business of dictating what should be done in the bathroom. After that, HUD and Julian Castro are trying to nationalize suburbs and force them to provide lower income housing. Not only is the federal government trying to control bathrooms, and automobiles, but they want to change our local communities as well.

 5/6/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Donald Trump’s cult of personality is not enough to persuade conservatives to vote for him. Trump promotes Richard Nixon’s domestic policies and George McGovern’s foreign policy. What’s conservative about that? Trump isn’t owed the full support of the Republican Party because he only got 42% of the Republican vote. If he wants the other 58%, he needs to earn it. And he can earn it by telling conservatives how he will fight for them. He is one of the weakest nominees in the history of the Republican Party. Browbeating conservatives into supporting him is not going to work. Conservatives don’t want to hear Donald Trump catering to liberals, they want to hear him talk about private property rights, support the Constitution, and support Reagan economic policies. After that, the battle of Iwo Jima should be a reminder to Americans why their rights and this country are so important. The men who died there did not die for us to throw away our liberties or cave in to what is popular.

 5/5/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Donald Trump needs to show conservatives that he is going to advance at least some of our fundamental principles. Trump is reaching out to Bernie Sanders supporters and trade unions so why not conservatives? In addition, Trump has become inconsistent on the issue of minimum wage saying that he will consider it and also backing off part of his original tax plan. Trump should not support the minimum wage and should stand by his original tax plan which was good. This is the time for Trump to make his case and not buckle to the liberal media. Also, when Trump does good things he should be praised. However, we never ignored the mistakes of George W. Bush, Mitch McConnell or Ronald Reagan. As conservatives we are not attacking Trump, but want to see him move in a pro-freedom and pro-capitalism direction. After that, Paul Ryan is not supporting Donald Trump just yet. He wants to see Donald Trump display that he has conservative principles and can unite the Republican Party. Paul Ryan is right on this and shouldn’t be attacked. Finally, Pete Hegseth calls in to discuss his new book, In the Arena: Good Citizens, a Great Republic, and How One Speech Can Reinvigorate America.

 5/4/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

If Donald Trump wants conservatives to vote for him, he needs to earn conservative votes. Trump needs to reassure conservatives that he will advance our principles as president. It’s up to Trump to reach out to us and explain what he is going to do to strengthen our republic. And if he doesn’t win over conservatives, he’s not going to win in November. Also, media pundits are now saying Ted Cruz’s political career is over if he doesn’t endorse Trump. It’s ironic that Cruz is now expected to make amends when it was Trump who insulted Cruz’s wife and falsely accused his father of plotting with Lee Harvey Oswald. After that, Navy Seal Charles Keating IV was killed in Iraq while rescuing people from ISIS. Keating enlisted in the armed forces after 9/11 and was the grandson of financier and WWII pilot Charles Keating Jr. Later, Donald Trump is now open to increasing the minimum wage. Earlier in November, he was against any changes and said it was too high. The minimum wage is a direct attack on young people and minorities, so why is Trump for it now?


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