5/12/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Capitalism is the only economic model that is compatible with liberty and the only model that can create a middle class and sustain it. Now, nobody would love it more to kill capitalism than environmental organizations and degrowthers who pretend to be for the environment. As conservatives, we cannot support high taxes, big government regulations and massive tariffs. Big government and progressive degrowth policies are not going to create wealth. Capitalism is how America became the economic powerhouse that it is and it’s the only way to combat these degrowth policies promoted by the liberal Democrats in power and their mouthpieces. Later, national security adviser Susan Rice is now balkanizing by attacking white males. She is saying there are too many whites in high positions at national security agencies. Liberals like her are responsible for turning this nation on its head when it comes to racial unity. Later, Sens. John McCain, Kelly Ayotte and a majority of the Senate now supports drafting women. Battle lines that have been held against progressive policies like this that held for years are now being plowed over.