8/30/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Some people are saying there is a monster vote of supporters for Donald Trump that isn’t being counted by the polls. However, there’s no evidence for this underground, unseen, vote in support of Trump. The Trump campaign better hope there is a monster vote, but hope isn’t a plan. And should Hillary Clinton win and pass immigration reform, given the make-up of the electoral college it will be exceedingly difficult for any Republican to ever win the presidency again. Hillary shouldn’t be anywhere close to the Oval Office, she shouldn’t be leading in any battleground state for the presidency, and she’s leading in all of them. In addition, if a candidate loses it’s the candidates fault; no surrogate or groups of surrogates can make the difference. In the end, the Republican Establishment put us in this position where we nominated the wrong candidate. What can we do as conservatives? We can only do so much, Trump has to put in most of the effort if he wants to win. Later, Hillary Clinton had at least 30 emails regarding Benghazi deleted. These 30 were among the thousands uncovered in a recent FBI investigation into her private server. She should be prosecuted in a slam dunk case and put in prison. She has an insatiable appetite for power and has nothing to offer our nation. Finally, Marco Rubio wins in the Republican Florida primary for Senate and Brian Mast wins his primary Congressional race in Florida’s 18th District.