8/15/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The hate for the cops in this country is unbelievable. The total number of police officers executed this year has climbed to 36. Now we have rioting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin after a black police officer shot an 18 year old black man with an illegal gun. Meanwhile, there hasn’t been a word on this from President Obama who is golfing in Martha’s Vineyard or Hillary Clinton. Sheriff David Clarke, who has Milwaukee under his jurisdiction, has it right when he says this violence and rioting is the result of failed liberal policies. One of these policies is the failed welfare state, which feeds mouths, but does little else and adds to the marginalization of black fathers. This is what happens when the civil society unravels. The left is responsible for this destruction. After that, Donald Trump gave a solid speech Monday on foreign policy and stayed on message. He is right that those who don’t accept the Constitution as the law of the land, but accept Sharia law, should not be allowed into the country. No one has the right to come into this country. You either support the law of the land or you don’t gain entry. Finally, Peter Schweizer calls in to talk about his book Clinton Cash: a graphic novel.