8/4/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Hillary Clinton may end up winning by a landslide if something doesn’t change with Donald Trump and his campaign. There are four polls that put Trump behind Hillary in Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Florida. The Trump campaign may be passing them off and calling them rigged but these polls can’t all be rigged or done by liberal pollsters. He has an opportunity to make his case to the American people, but that is not happening and the numbers show it. A lot can happen between now and the time to vote, but this pattern of behavior by Trump is troubling. The race should be easy for Trump because Hillary is the most beatable candidate for any Republican to run against. Later, Tim Huelskamp calls in to talk about his primary defeat in Kansas. The establishment insiders poured money into his opponent’s campaign and smeared Tim with lies.; the defeat had nothing to do with the never Trump movement.