7/28/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: When it comes to the Democrat Party and convention, propagandists and demagogues seem infinite. Who’s been angry at these conventions? Nobody rioted or burned American flags at the Republican convention. They didn’t run around with the Palestinian or Communist North Korean flags. This Democrat convention has been a crap-fest! Also, the Democrats like Joe Biden claim they represent the middle class, but they can’t even define what the middle class is. Liberals don’t care about the middle class, the poor or the rich. They care about power seized through government and using that power to remake society in their own image. Later, the Republicans should challenge Democrats on their poor history of supporting civil rights. Democrats supported slavery in 1800’s and in 1860 their platform endorsed the Dred Scott Decision. The Republican party has never been a slavery party.