8/11/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The Department of Justice refused to investigate the Clinton Foundation on corruption charges – despite recommendations from three separate field offices. The DOJ has created a protection cocoon around the Clinton’s and their money-laundering scheme known as the Clinton Foundation. You wanna see corruption? You don’t need to look at Russia, and China – it’s right here in America! If this were a Republican administration in power there would be indictments flying so fast, but not with the Democrats. After that, Larry Sabato thinks that Hillary is going to get over 350 electoral votes in November. While this doesn’t mean that the election is over, Donald Trump and his campaign have dug a deep hole for themselves. Now his surrogates in the media are panicking and positioning themselves just in case he loses. They want the public to forget that if Trump loses, they are to blame. Finally, Kelli Ward running for the Senate in Arizona calls in to talk about her candidacy against Sen John McCain.