8/16/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Donald Trump and his team are 100% right on this issue of ideology, assimilation and immigration. Apparently, he struck a nerve as the left is calling Trump’s ideas McCarthyism. Trump wants to screen out all terrorist sympathizers and those who believe Sharia law should replace American law. For Trump, only those who are willing to embrace tolerant American society should be issued visas. For almost 200 years this was the basic standard of admitting people into this country. Trump needs to be defended on this because he is right. Why can’t the left understand that America has always been a land of assimilated immigrants, not immigrants without respect for our values? In addition, Trump’s plan would keep out the most vile, anti-Semites out of this country. Coming to the defense of these radicals are organizations like the Anti-Defamation League. They condemn Trumps call to ban America and Jew haters from coming into the U.S. yet ironically attack Republicans for fostering anti-Semitism. After that, Governor Maggi Hassan, running for Senate in New Hampshire, can’t answer simple questions and attest to Hillary Clinton's honesty. Hillary is not trustworthy, she’s an unindicted felon and cover up artist. Later, Tim Kaine wants to create an economy that works for everyone. However, there is no such thing and people need to participate if they want to get a reward. Leftists, like Kaine just want to redistribute wealth by asking us to pay just a little more.