7/29/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The computer network used by Hillary Clinton’s campaign was hacked and Russia is believed to be behind it. We have an enemy state like Russia threatening our Interests and Republicans are either defending Donald Trump’s statement on Russia, or saying it is a joke. This is not a joke. We can’t have a foreign government trying to upend our election and hack our databases. It is utterly irresponsible to do anything but condemn it. After that, the Democrat Convention really looked like the Communist Party USA convention with themes including: anti-American, hatred of police officers, minimal references to our enemies and military, and anti-Semitism. Also, what we watched at the Democrat convention was Ameritopia. There is utopianism on the Democrat side and some on the Republican. Political utopianism is tyranny, promises unachievable promises, and requires individuals to surrender their liberty. Democrats embrace this utopianism as do those on the pseudo-right. Later, two police officers were shot in San Diego late Thursday, one of the officers, Jonathan DeGuzman was killed. Americans need to show support for their local law enforcement!